Nurse's trials

a nurse with time off - Just a nurse relaxed at home.
United States
August 30, 2009 5:06pm CST
Hi to all nurses out there. I know it get's hard sometimes, but we should keep our heads up. That's what makes us different from the rest.
5 responses
• United States
25 Nov 09
I tell myself every time I have to go in lol. Especially like nights like this, thanksgiving eve, but it will be over in 12 hours.
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
Thumbs up to all Nurses out there... Nursing is not just a profession but also an art and skill of caring people. Nurses play a great role in the life of every individual, not just in the hospital but also in the whole community. Nurses should be proud of the role they play in this world, for without them... sick people will not recover easily nor health team will not be complete. Cheers to all Nurses...
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I am not a nurse, but do have my CNA liscence and have worked side by side with several wonderful nurses. I think that most healthcare professionals get a lot less thanks than they should. Nurses and CNAs and MAs are all underpaid and overworked. I think that you should be proud of what you so and the lives you have touched.
@adam1980 (516)
31 Aug 09
i think you nurses do a fantastic job and deserve a lot more praise and thanks for the work you do
24 Nov 09
It's quite hard to care for people whom you don't know.. But it's really a pleasure that you rendered care for someone who needs you at most.. That's the best help you can offer.