Strange people! Why did he order a lot but eat none?

September 4, 2009 8:36am CST
I was totally astonished! Yesterday my sister and I went to our favorite restaurant. While we were ordering, a young man came in and sat next desk to us. He seemed to be a manager and wear good suits. He ordered eight expensive dishes at very fast speed. Then he asked for two cups of wine. My sister whispered to me: "Wow! What a rich one! He must be dating with a beautiful girl." Later both his and ours dishes came. My sister and I enjoyed ours and were very expected to see his girlfriend. However, he just drank. When the cup was finished, he just left! Have you ever met such kind of people? What could be his motive?
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17 responses
• United States
5 Sep 09
It could be that he had a big appetite and thought he was going to be very hungry, but when he say all the food he got full and just left. That was one idea, or maybe he is just wasteful some people are like that; they order a whole lot of food and simply waste a lot of food or maybe he was expecting someone and they didn't show and he got disappointed who knows some people are very strange.
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@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
i agree with the others here on what they said that maybe this guy was stood up. i hate it when i see people ordering too much and not eating everything on their plate, i always think about those other people that are dying of hunger so why waste food? but in this case i think it is different, he may not have done it on purpose. and maybe he got too much money that he did not bother to asked the waiter to ask for it to be taken out. although he couldve have done it and gave it away to some beggars outside.
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@youless (112240)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Sep 09
Oh, I think it is a big waste. It is a bad habit to order a lot of dishes but eat none or have many leftovers. I haven't seen a person like that. But sometimes it is common that people order a lot more than what they can eat. And therefore many food are wasted and I really dislike it. They have to understand that there are still many people who are starving in the world. They should cherish what they have now and just don't waste the food. I love China
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• Brazil
4 Sep 09
Maybe she didn´t come or maybe something happen that got him so upset he wasn´t able to eat. I was created to eat everything that is put on the plate cause my mother starved when she was a child. So she taught us to give value to food. But some people simply don´t think the same.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Hmm I was thinking maybe he was waiting for someone. It would have to be someone he knew to have ordered for him or her that way without having asking. Maybe this person stood him up. Just doesn't make sense any other way. Well he could have done it just to show that he can waste money. Kind of odd though
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• United States
4 Sep 09
Yes that is a bit strange, my first thought was 'maybe his date stood him up!' too! Or maybe he was called away or paged for work or something? But if it was that it was still a little weird if he was on his own to order eight dishes and not take any food with him. To me thats a whole other world, I am on unemployment right now and scratching around under the sofa for change, so if the guy wants to take me out, buy me 8 dishes and then disappear, great, I will take them home for my
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I wonder if something came up, and he had to interrupt his dinner to go and do something else. Was he talking on a cell phone? If so he may have gotten an urgent message and had to leave. Then again, sometimes business men like that are always thinking. Maybe something came to him in his mind, and he thought he would go check on it. I know a guy who will appear to be having a conversation with you, and then all of the sudden in the middle of a sentence he'll just stand up and say he has to go do something...just out of the blue. It's weird how differently some people think than others. Some of us would find this rude behavior, but they don't even think a thing about it.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Maybe he was just having a couple of drinks and was taking the food home to his family?? That would be my guess.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
4 Sep 09
He may have been a person who does write ups for different restaurants in magazines and newspapers. Maybe he was just rating the restaurant on the presentation of the food and the service.
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@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
Wow, I cannot believe that guy! I wonder what happened to all the food he ordered then! I cannot stand people like him. I would think this guy is showing off or something. If he had to leave quickly, like maybe there was an emergency, I would totally understand, but if he did all that for show, then I will be furious! Or maybe he was stood up, and he is too furious and so he just left? LOL! Personally though, I cannot even stand people who leave the restaurant without finishing their food. I mean, you don't have to stuff yourself if you can't finish it, but at least take it home in a doggy bag! You can still reheat the leftovers, or if you don't want to, you can give it to a beggar or something.
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@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
I think that guy was on quarrel with his girlfriend. Perhaps he is a kind of guy who will say money is not a problem on his life because he has a good career and alot of money in his bank account. But however, human is human. He has feelings and want to love and to be love. So i think, according to your story that he just drank, possibly he has problem with his girlfriend and they made an appointment to meet on that restaurant. Perhaps that restaurant is their favourite restaurant as well. That's why he can ordering at very fast speed because he was familiar with the menu on that restaurant. Good luck for you and have a nice day. Happy mylotting.
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@grace118224 (1038)
• China
4 Sep 09
Well i never met such a case before . I think his girlfriend couldn't come with some emergency . Or the girl he loves just refused his request. Or the one he loved had left him on the same day last year . Anyway 8 dishes are too much i think . I think he is a little bit out of control.
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5 Sep 09
I would say, he might have paid someone to commit a crime like a murder or something. Because he doesn't wants himself to be involved in any way, he would have made sure to make himself look odd so that people remember him in the restaurant and can be a good alibi. Its just a thought I got from many movies. :)
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
5 Sep 09
A number of possibilities. He got stood up, he had to go somewhere immediately, change of plans so on. Or, he could just be a mystery shopper testing out the service response. I used to work in a restaurant as a teen (part time/summer job) and we had that.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
4 Sep 09
That certainly is strange behaviour, and as for a motive, well I'd only be guessing. I have never wittnessed anything like that in my life.
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
4 Sep 09
Hahahaha Most probably his date didn't show up :-)) However, while his untouched-but-paid diches were so near to you, why didn't you "taste'em" .. :-) :-)))
@misisbau (317)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
Maybe his date stood him up?