Permanent makeup tattoo?

@ashoma (10)
United States
September 6, 2009 1:48pm CST
Have you got it down? how much did you pay? do you like it? would you get it?
1 response
@ethereal1 (215)
• Australia
8 Sep 09
I don't have any done (yet) I would really like to though. My boyfriend says I'm not allowed though. I have blonde eyebrows and I pencil them in every morning, which is a pain, because they are ultra hard to draw on even and semi natural looking. I think I look weird without them drawn on though and my forehead looks really big without visible brows. I would love to get them tattooed on so I didn't have to draw them on every day. I would also like a think line of eyeliner tattooed on, but I'm not sure that I would be comfortable with a needle that close to me eye!