What do you think of Celestial Seasonings adding White Tea to their Green Tea?

United States
September 10, 2009 6:11pm CST
The other day I noticed that all the Celestial Seasonings green tea is now a blend of green and white tea. I do not mind white tea, but I tried the Raspberry Gardens one and it was not as good as the old version. I had a box of the old version and realized they did not just add white tea, but they took out several ingredients. I think it is the taking out of the ingredients and not the adding of the white that made it not as good. It just does not taste as raspberry, but I think some might like the varieties with the white added better because it balances out the strong green tea flavor I know some dislike. However, I love green tea and do not want white tea added if that means they are going to take out the stuff that made the raspberry flavor so good in the first place.
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