Rock Baby Rock!! Mylot Your The Best!!

proof of payment - Rock Baby Rock!! Mylot Your The Best!!
September 14, 2009 10:20am CST
Just minutes ago, two members are really worried of not receiving their payments here in the site.Now you don' have to worry. You may now check your paypal account. i am very glad that I have also receive mine. I consider this month as one of the biggest payment that I've ever got. I really love this site. I know all of you love this site. How do you find your payment? Wow!!Yahoo!!Hard Work Really Pays!!
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23 responses
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
14 Sep 09
I just thank God that I am able to make pay out each month. This is a great accomplishment for me. My pay out is in my Pay Pal account now waiting for me to transfer it to my bank account. I am hoping, and working on my pay out for the next month.
2 people like this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Congtulations for reaching your pay out monthly. With me, due to hectic schedule, i cannot reach pay out monthly.But I make it sure that I will receive pay out the next month and it will be doubled.
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
and speaking of bank account. i still do not have my eon card. but i will be having it next week. and i really totally excited my friend. whew! i cannot wait any longer... lol! jhelai
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hmmmm. speaking of bank account, i think this is the moment where i should transfer my earnings to my eon before something goes wrong with my account
• Indonesia
15 Sep 09
mylot is very legit site. Don't worry about payment. I have proof payment from mylot. We can discuss in here and earn some money. No site like this. Happy mylotter
2 people like this
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
there really is no other site like mylot my friend masteronline. and i am so happy to have found mylot and become part of this community. whats important is that it keeps on growing and hopefully many would still join and see the importance of mylotting. jhelai
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hey master-online what's up. you've been doing good, the last time you responded to my topic you haven't reach that number of post. it's a good thing you're active here. yeah, you're right there's no other site like mylot.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 Sep 09
That is way cool, rberon. To more success yeah. With bits of incentives like this, mylot is bound to make so many members happy. When everyone is happy, I'm happy too. Success stories, I call this. And I still stick with the saying, 'every pennies pay' -
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 Sep 09
Erm, my bad. It's supposed to be 'every penny pays'
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 Sep 09
Quite a few times; but I did hibernate for quite some time, but if I'm right, more than 8-10 times definitely..sometimes I double up for 2 months, to make it easier..
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hello zed, you've been here like a while i think, how many times you got paid? it's really cool alright gettin paid after a month of waiting. every is happy including the newbies
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@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I'm also happy to receive my first ever payment from mylot amounting to $13+..not a huge amount but one thing is sure...mylot really pays.worth the effort after all.
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
13 dollars is already a big amount. You can never find any site that can give you that amount. You should be proud of it. It only means to say that your hard work is being paid of. That amount will be doubled. Just double your effort. Post more quality discussions and I'm sure you will get the amount you are aspiring for.Congrtulations on your payment!
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
friend rberon, can you help me how to upload my proof? now i am getting out of hand... i cannot even remembe on how to do it... darn... i was so excite dthat i am totally black out!!! jhelai
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
maybe i will just PM youmy friend. i want what you did to your proof.. some of it is erased and circled and now i really cannot find my mind into it... darn!!!! lol! jhelai
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@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
yup! yup!!!! just minutes ago!!! and now... wow!!! now i have been paid as well my friend rberon!!! hail yeh to both of us and to the rest of the mylot community who are getting there payouts!!! congrats to us!!!! i was even shock! because i am having such hard time responding to your other post and when i already finished it... whoah!!! i am already paid by my dear mylot!!! jhelai YES HARDWORK REALLY PAYS!!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Congratulations!! to you my friend!You deserve it. I know and I see your hard works in the site. And I think you get more amount with me. But that's okay, the most important thing is that we both got paid. Keep up the good work my friend.Earn more money and post and post. happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
We should celebrate for this success, though is not that big.Still, you can get this kind of amount while walking in the street, that is impossible to happen. No other sites as well offers this good service. Wow!, you already have 5 dollars in your account. there is a big possibility to reach again another pay out for you. I'm happy for your success.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
oh! dear... i am just a few cents away from you my friend. mylot didnt get all of my earnigns. they did not get the 5$ that i still have in my mylot account... and i am so happy about it as well... my next payout would be a blast again... i just cant wait... lol! i am so happy for both of us friend and i also know how hard you have been in mylotting!!! you deserve more as well.. jhelai
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Sep 09
cant wait till my first paycheck from mylots :) you all encourage me to stay with this cause obviously it really works
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Sep 09
Just keep posting and having fun and you will reach yours too and experience what many Lotters feel every month for ages now!
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
good2go2001 hello there... dont worry this community really pays... oh! i am still having problems on how to put my proof of payment here... darn it! lol! jhelai
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hello MysD... i am off now... need to sleep. work again tomorrow... jhelai
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
14 Sep 09
I haven't made payout on here for a few months as I have been busy with several other sites. I think that I will work this month towards making enough to get the money here.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
i know you can work it out my dear carol. and i know you are really good at this as well. just hang on with all your sites and give your time for mylotting. like me i use more time here than my other sites... lol! jhelai
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
must have been busy with other sites carol. how many times you've been paid here anyways, well, sooner or later am gonna get bored too. but for now am enjoying this site for real.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Sep 09
hi rberon yes indeed mylot pays every month as long as you make at least ten dollars and surely most can do that,i made 32 dollars and i was missing two days or it would have been more .When I had my own apartment and nobody to bug me I have made forty dollars easy but my roomie is a damned nag so have to shut off earlier.
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• Philippines
16 Sep 09
oooppppssss... no need to worry LK i am a biggr barger than you are... lol! oh! Hatley dear. that is way toooo... whoah! nice job friend and i hope you could do more about it. and i could do what you are doing as well too. and that damned roomie wont be bothering you anymore. whats your technique dear? lol! jhelai
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Woow! hatley, you have utterly broke my record there. unless you have referrals or do task, i might as well do my own thing of what ever technique that you're doing. for now, barging in works for me and this topic is interesting, i hope rberon doesn't barging in
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I agree with you RBeron. It has been constantly paying it's members even if there are lots of stone throwers here trying to pick some fruit in Mylot . Anyway congrats on your high pay, wow, you really are impressive. Can't beat that yet hehehehe! Anyway, what I am here for is for sharing thoughts and opinions and to help other fellow Mylotters. This site is really the best. It was the first site that gave me money on my paypal account. And it will always be, i hope, they stay the same, strong and true to their members.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Before responding to this response, i have check your profile because I thought we are just leaving in one country. I admire you for the great sentence construction that you can do. Are you a pure indians?there are some indians who is really getting hard in speaking in english because you have your own language.i hope you will not be offended.The way you write, it is excellent!keep up the good work!happy mylotting!
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
It has been constantly paying it's members even if there are lots of stone throwers here trying to pick some fruit in Mylot you are so right with this one my dear straw... anyways, i am so happy to see you again here in mylot! its always been a nice thing to see some other friends of my list ... mylot has many stone throwers but they never did cease to exist. they are still and are ever strong as always. a nice community worth being here for. jhelai
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Hello strawberry, you're right there was a lot of stone throwers here most specially a couple of months ago. my friend told me before i even made the come back. . and worse, we found out that one of them is another mylotter and probably he's gone after his last insult on other people..well, i hope they never come back
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@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Wow, I'm happy for you guys... Hope someday i can received my very first payment.. I am not so active on mylot..i just spend at least 1-2 in here. That's why its been a long time but still i cannot make it to the $10 dollar quota..But I am not prostrated, i know i will have my time when i will be receiving my very own payment.. As they say,, "Slowly but surely"...
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@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Ah... I didn't know that!... Ok, I try to be online at least 1-2 hours a week.. Thanks for the tip!..
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, i can see you've been here for a long time but never that active, that's really okay. but make sure you're active every once a month because mylot takes a way earnings if you're not active within ninety days. you will get it soon
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
They do not really have to worry at all for mylot really pays. I got mine last month.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
You are definitely right!mylot really rocks!the best!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
this is my second payment as well my friend... so mylot is truly a very legit site. and when if they say they will pay then they would truly will... jhelai
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I got mine last month too. since it's my first come back. this second time is kinda surprising though.
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hello rberon!Woohooo Well, as expected they will really pay us if we do good. i didn't create a discussion immediately because i was checking on other topics to respond to. and some were kinda disturbing. well, hard work fun really does pay isn't it. Now, only minor problem for me now is getting those damn active referrals.. which i believe it's still impossible for me to have. but am happy with this one, i don't think i have the right to complain now.. Here's my attachment here. hope you do check out my topiceven though it's almost the same.. AS for my this is mylot's greatest anniversary me.. Have a great my-lot day rberon.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
this surely is a very great anniversary gift for you my dear LK!!! wwwaaaahhhooo!!! a very nice earning you got there and i know you even tried having a much bigger earning before, right?! oh! i am just so happy for you friend. and i know you can again do it this coming next payout!!! i just hope i could do it as well... jhelai
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
we always do hope that next month we could gain more againa nd again. have that said payout! oh! mylot really rocks!!! jhelai
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
well, i hope for the next happy here.
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@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got mine too!!! it's just over $15 but i'm sure my next payout will be bigger since my earnings as of today is over $10 already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I knew it! you already reach your minimum already. i bet you're just hanging on for the amount to get higher. so, what are your plans now that you got it. to me, am saving it for a bigger savings.. it's nice that we tend to celebrate after working our hands off.
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
that's even better. good luck for next moth though.
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi letran!!! I am vvery confident i can double whatever I have on my mylot earnings tab right now (close to $12 as of today).... before the end of the month... I will make better $$ than this month's payout.. I have learned the "art" and tricks!!!!!!!!!! LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!Yeah it does feel good to hold on to our hard-earned cash...... Next payout's gonna be better!
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@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I am very happy to hear that. I am very far from the truth. The truth is I am earning 2 cents a day. I am partly discourage, but I do not mind. I am happy with that. At least this site really pays. Well, all I have to do is to double my effort to reach the minimum pay out. If you don't mind me asking. How much do mylot pay per day. Does it have limits or they pay maximum to the effort you have shown? I really do not understand their system on how to come p with the earning per day.
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• Philippines
16 Sep 09
responding, commenting is also part os posting my dear LK. lol! well thatis what i have known. anyways, hello there MARCTIU! and i know how hard this is for you but you can be good in mylotting if you just jive along. feel free to barge in to every discussions of friends and fellow mylotters. and i know you will be doing good at this. just keep up the good work dear! jhelai
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, marc, that happened to me too. it's like one dollar = one hundred post right. you should try barging in or commenting on other people's response and comments. it may not count as a post but you earn from it. and it's really good.
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Thank you very much for your suggestion. Well from now on I have to comment too.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Yeah I've never been worried about mylot not paying me because there are so many members on here and every one really seems to know what they're doing when it comes to mylot and online earning. That's why I've always known that this website was a good one. Everytime I've reached payout I haven't gotten paid and they prove themselves to be very reliable.
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hmmmm. that's weird? you haven't gotten paid why is that? maybe for this month i suppose. well, this site has proven me yet again that it really pays. i have know friends who got paid, but now they don't give a damn if they haven't reach the pay out yet because they are enjoying themselves here. have a great day..
@Archie0 (5643)
15 Sep 09
That is a great thing to know even i was a bit worried yesterday i did not get it, but i got my second pay this time and it was somewhat similar to last time i am working hard this time to reach my payout till next month i just pray that i reach it before 30th of this month congrats and best of luck :)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hello archie0 well that's good to know that you got your pay. i was worried once too when ever 30th is nearing that i might not make if i change my minimum pay out. am glad i didn't and i was able to reach it at that. best of luck to you too.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I didn't reach payout again. I've been trying to put a lot of effort into mylotting, but because of my full-time job I wasn't able to make it to payout. But I'm already more than halfway there, so I think a few days should do it. But seeing as the next payout is not until the end of September, I might be able to cash out earnings bigger than the minimum payout.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hello angeljoy, that's okay. i think you can always mylot at your free time and your job i think it's more important because you get higher income their. well, if you reach the pay out next month i bet it's going to bigger than before. good luck next month
@reymon07 (48)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I will try if i have $10 i will request to make my best to take this ammount i c mylot is the best for all promise..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, you can do your best by being active everyday. well, they don't just make promises, they just do it and pay us for our efforts.. don't worry if you stick around you might earn some.
@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Wow, thats a decent amount! That surely motivates me to continue here in myLot. I'm only on my first week and I can say it's doing great. I hope i can also reach the minimum payout in sooner time. Can't wait to see the fruit of my labor also.
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, it's a long way to but you know you can reach it if you're active here more often online. you can reach it soon, and probably you might end up jumping for joy.have a great day
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
wow, it's great to hear that many are getting their payments this month. congratulations to you guys. now, i'm even more determined to work harder. i'm still quite far from reaching my first pay out, but i'm getting there. have a great day guys! :)
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, you are on that path alex, path of reaching certain things and earning things a lot. well, just have fun here, work harder is like you're taking it too seriously, you will eventually get your pay out some daywith you noticing it