2012 december 21st world ends

@ravich (242)
September 15, 2009 1:59pm CST
hi there is a hot topic about when the world ends, do you believe it comes true? there are some scientists who say that the world ends on 21st of December 2012.this calculation based o the calender for which the good and bad are decided was prepared till this ate and many calenders related to astrology have been kept an fullstops on that day even the graphical representations on comparison have shone a image effects for what have happened till now.there are many people in the world who are in this belief in regards to the records present.let us wait for the great day ....expecting your comments about the date
1 response
• United States
15 Sep 09
They also said that at 12:01 a.m. January 1st 2000 all computers would go down, we would lose all communication, and that would be the beginning of the end of the world. Well almost 10 years later, we are all still here. Computers were fine, no communication lost. Its a stupid prediction to scare everyone. No one knows when or if the world is going to end. So just going living your life the way you wish to.