Is school is the only way to start our education..........?

@earndeep (168)
September 16, 2009 11:53am CST
I first explain my question... here. Is it necessary to go school every day unwillingly and to listen the boring classes, to study the disliking subjects and etc....?....? I think it is not worth to make the students compelled to do a certain thing and it won't be useful for them in future. From the childhood itself there must be some freedom for them to do what they like and develop their knowledge according to their interest. There are some kind of schools called Montessori, which will allow the children to do what they like. Some may like to play, some to read story books, some to do experiments on their own etc... This kind of educational system may be worth for them. I'm not suggesting Montessori kind of education.... something like that... Did any one teach Edison, about electrons?... Who said Columbus to discover America...?.. Who said Nelson Mandela to fight for the black.....? Making pressure on the students will be useful for nothing...... What do u think about this?
17 responses
@buping (952)
• China
17 Sep 09
hi, i do not completely agree with you, maybe not all the stuff learned from school are not useful for children. but the school is not a place to learn knowledge from the book,they make friends, they learn how to communicate with others, ect. so i think child should go to school.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 09
no learning is ever wasted and all facts you learn will somehow'be help;ful to you, even if just to show you know a bit about most things and are not a dunce on things not having to do withcomputers, okay.
@earndeep (168)
• India
17 Sep 09
I'm not apposing schools... I'm saying about the system of education... What are you going to do with the binomial nomenclature, family name of banana plant etc., if you are willing to be a software programmer.... And my theme is mainly, not to learn things which is not going to be useful for your ambition... Thank you for responding my discussion.... happy mylotting....
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@hotsummer (13835)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
though i admit that school is boring but home schooling is tougher cause we can't have time to learn at home cause there are so many distractions in hoe schooling. but i do think that school hours should not be long or we can choose what time we can go to school. i think they should shorten the time of schooling. and give more assignments so that they will have more time at home to study them by themselves. and also they should not be so strict in school cause the strict rules in school discourage the students to study more.
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@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
16 Sep 09
Some times I do feel that the pattern of education is useless in our country but the starting education is must to be taken from school as it is the starting steps of a child towards education world. but I am against the middle and higher education where only learning means every thing and to get good results is the final step. Instead of this it should have been practical work more than theory and the students in their student life itself be compelled to do some extraordinary inventions and discoveries.
@earndeep (168)
• India
20 Sep 09
hi.... Coolcat... I partially accept your thought. But i don't want any compulsion in doing practical things also. By compelling he can only be thought, but he cannot learn, only the teacher will be satisfied not the student. If the student really have an interest, he will automatically go for some help and obtain it... what do you think about this...? Thank you for sharing your ideas....
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I believe that everyone should have a strong educational foundation that they can use to build on once they get older and discover what their interest is. Some courses may seem to be a waste of time but turn out not to be in the future. For instance, I have always liked to write and was not very good at math so why take it? The answer to that question is because later on in life I became interested in computer programming and that involves math skills. Had I not been forced to take all of those boring math classes, I never would have been able to pass the computer classes I needed to pass in college. Having said that, I also agree that every student has his or her own learning style and schools should strive to identify which sytle best suits every student and allow them to learn in that way. Learning should be a positive thing...not a negative one.
@earndeep (168)
• India
17 Sep 09
Hi.... spalladino, first thank you for responding my discussion.... I accept that maths plays an important roll in life and it is essential for leading a good life, But how would integration, trigonometry etc will be useful for those who like to become a journalist and lots of example like this. If one likes physics he automatically likes maths relative to his subject. And if some one wants to be a sportsman what do he need except communication skill kind of education... Isn't it?
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi earndeep, Well me too thought about this, But when we start to grow up, We use to say "If I've known this thing before I might have done like this" Yes schooling seems to be compelling...! But if you have to choose some thing you should have a basic knowledge on all the options you have...! I think schools do the same thing....! After schooling you choose your specialization...! I feel that everything is normal...! But I've one thing to join hands with you, I hate the system of rote study in India....! I don't know about the system in other countries...!
@redanol (37)
• Italy
17 Sep 09
What you say is partly true. But I believe that young children are unable to decide for himself, then the obligation to attend school until he was able to fend for themselves is necessary.Teachers must have the responsibility to assess the maturity of the boy and then let him have the opportunity to choose what to study or even to leave school.
@earndeep (168)
• India
18 Sep 09
Exactly you are right... Yes...! We need to learn the basic things of all subject and not to go more in detail in all subjects except his interesting ones. thank u for responding my discussion redanol........
• Italy
18 Sep 09
I'm glad you share my opinion. Thank you for choosing mine as best answer. In my opinion this is a good way to educate boys. Give the general bases and then let them choose what to study,depending on what are taken and what are their interests. Everyone must be free to build his future.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Sep 09
earndeep a lot ofthe boring classes you talk about might not seem like they will be of anyuse yet you will need them all believe me when you are grown up and have to look for will need math, english, social studies, science classes the whole kit and kaboodle as you may well find you have several different interests and need to pick one of them.for one thing boring is usually in the mind of the student and if you can find ways to use this subject and make fun ot it it will cease to be boring. I am sure Nelson Mandela was educated by going to school, and Edison also I think you need to be glad you are being educated and take full advantage of it. you will learn nothing if you just played and fooled around all day. get your education now.make your subjects interesting. go to the library and look up various things, try to be a willing to learn student not a bored one. you cannot play all your life.
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
17 Sep 09
i think the pre school era is the period one can start education, the pre-school period is the toddler age and even little toys can serve as a form of formal education for kids , such toys such as activity tables and counting toys can actually make kids learn faster
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 Sep 09
hi earndeep, education for me starts from home. school is secondary to home. my first teacher/s are my parents and school is just a secondary setting to academically learn things in preparation for my future. experiences along the way are considered the best teacher in life. it will give you the opportunity to decide for yourself, best ways/decisions to handle things and will make you a better person. it is you who will make education worthwhile... you may be enrolled in a public, private and exclusive school, it will always be YOU who will make the difference how you maximize your efforts, talents, skills, opprtunity to become the best that you can be.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
well i believe education is the center of good foundation in the society.being educated or to have a degree have may potential to get a job and personally develop in helps their students to find which suitable courses they like and its develop their confidence in achieving their goals in life.
@ced_cap (207)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
Education is wealth. It's something that nobody can take away from you. But I also believe that the basic training starts in the house wherein a child first learn his/her principles and values. But i don't agree with that montessori thing letting the child to do only what they like to do because it's not encouring. How can a child grow and improve if they stuck themselves doing only what they like to do.
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
Yes it important to go school hence this will be asset when you go the outside world and apply for a job and make money right? That's why it is important to have a good Education Foundation this is the only thing that cannot be stolen from you, right? If you have the financial capabilities it's better to pursue a higher education such as PhD and Masteral since this is a great achievement for yourself, and you will not be having hard time finding a job when you have this.
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
yeah sounds great but there are circumstances that we have to learn certain subjects even if we would choose not to, like for example enhancing our communication skills, what would happen to some students that doesn't want to learn their basic listening and communication skills knowing that it would make us more effective in our practical life as well as in our chosen career later when we finish our our studies, i think it would make us more efficient if we are equipped with the right kind of knowledge to secure us and make us confident in our life later on..
• China
17 Sep 09
School is not the only way for our education.We can start many more things from all of the world.For example ,the society,company,family and so on.School education is a part of the education in our life .Every one will study many things from our lives and working.
• India
16 Sep 09
i too like the montessorie form of teaching but i feel somewhere that schools provide you with the basic things you are definitely going to need in your life ahead.edison may not have studied about electrons but he definitely learned sharing things in society , dealing with peers ,coping with circumstances , abiding by rules which schools do teach though not in the form of laid down curriculum. i think the current system to be fine for foundation building and advocate flexibility at a bit grown up level when the child understands the world a little better. as child i used to hate the arts and crafts classes but as a therapist i find it to be a strong medium of expression and interpretation of intrapsychic materials.i wish i had focussed on my arts classes a bit more. moreover there are only 1 in a million kids with those extraordinary inclination for a particular thing or topic, things can be customised for of the average children would more likely to benefit with the school system
@marguicha (216916)
• Chile
16 Sep 09
When I was young I had thoughts that were very much like yours. I found that school was a jail and I couldn´t wait for the day it would end. Now that I´m old, I look back I discover that that concentration camp gave me many useful things that at that moment I did not value. One of the important things is that school gives us a sense of belonging. You learn there to deal with other people. Some are nice and some you´d love to torture. I have a friend from the time we were 11 years old. Our friendship has lasted distance and time. I´m now 64 and she lives in the US and I live in Chile. WE visit each other for hours through skipe. But even though many of the things they teach you at school will not be useful directly, they will give you a scope of what life, society, people are. I hated to study History when I was at school but it came handy when I went to Europe. Columbus did not come out of an UFO. He had heard and read what other people had written, he accepted some things and rejected others. That gave him the background to start with his idea. But even then, he wasn´t so bright as to discover that he had come to a new world. It was Americo Vespucci who did it (maybe he wouldn´t have done it without Columbus though.) I could write for a long while about this subject as it is one of my main interests.. But I will probably bore you. If you want to contitue talking to me, please do so. I´d love to hear what you think about this. Happy postin!!!
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I think school is not the only way to get educated. But school is the best system that could install in the minds of our children the basic foundation for knowledge.At home we can learn the values education and all the daily aspect of living life. At school we could have the interaction that is needed for us to practice what we have learned at home. Though schooling is boring. It teaches disciple for the students. Everything that is being learn in the school seems to be irrelevant in life. But it shouldn't be our mentality that what we are learning today must be practiced instantly. Our accumulated learnings helps us in dealing with our life on a daily basis. How could we accumulate such massive knowledge if theres no systematic way of doin it? And that system is the school that we all find boring.