Patience - how long could you wait?

@kevchua (1004)
September 17, 2009 10:48pm CST
How patient can a person get, I wonder. My wife and I decided to have breakfast at a stall near a market. When we arrived, my wife told me she wanted to buy fruit and flowers at the market which is a mere 5-minute walk and she told me to order food for her. I did. The food came 20 minutes later, still no sign of my wife. I began to get agitated and anxious so I called. She was just around the corner then. To me, if you're gonna be late, and you know someone's waiting, you should give a call to inform that you'll be late. I wonder if what I had done was right. What about you? What's your comment?
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29 responses
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hi there, The next time this happens to you, remember this phrase, "Patience is a virtue". I dont know what it means, but just remember it, might help make you feel better! Back to the discussion. Maybe your wife got too engrosed with those beautiful flowers and fresh fruits that she got lost track of time. Don't get agitated and anxious. You must always remember, give a woman the freedom to shop and you'll definitely end up waiting. NO woman can shop within a given time frame I can assure you that (except me!). Her next birtday, you might want to present her with an extra large wrist watch or an alarm bell! :)
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
18 Sep 09
I'm a very impatient person so this would have ticked me off too. I hate waiting for someone. If I'm going to be late I call and let people know. She should have called you to let you know when she would be there, especially is she asked you to order the food.
@Archie0 (5640)
18 Sep 09
That is a difficult one as I don't have much either. It seems to increase when I am in stressful situations which at the moment seems to be every day. One thing I an suggests is taking personal time out to relax and switch off, doing this will help you to control your thoughts and emotions. Yoga is also good for relaxation and gaining control. Try a local class and see how you get on.
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@UK_Shree (3603)
18 Sep 09
I hate to keep people waiting for me. It actually makes me feel agitated if i know that someone is hanging around waiting for me to get to them. Therefore I do always call if I know I will be late to get to someone. I don't think you did anything wrong. You were just letting her know the food had arrived. I would have done the same thing as you, as I wouldn't want the food to get cold, and I would call just to make sure that they hadn't lost track of the time.
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@zspsql (28)
• United States
18 Sep 09
oh,i think what you have done is right. we should understand how anxious the someone who is waiting would be. if we have delayed for some special reasons,we should imform the person who is waiting as early as possible. chose a find time,take g good talk with your wife,i think your wife would be pleased to received your advice.
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@Gemstar6 (71)
• New Zealand
18 Sep 09
I get very irritated by people that don't arrive when they say they will. 5 or 10 minutes yes that's fine, but it can get ridiculous. I had a girl keep me waiting 2 hours one day because she was geting a ride with me. Then when I said I really had to leave, she decided she'd get a ride with someone else. I straight out told her she was bloody rude. 2 hours of my life wasted waiting for her. Never again. I also work in an industry where time counts - I am a chef so minutes are crucial! One place I worked people would order takeaway food for a certain time and then be 20 minutes late. To start with, we didn't actually DO takeouts, but this was the boss's friend, so to further the rudeness they showed their appreciation by arriving late. how could the food taste as good? Frustrating.
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@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
18 Sep 09
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. If you aren't going to be on time you should always let the person waiting on you know. Then they have the option of leaving or continuing to wait. TO me leaving someone waiting or be chronically late is on of the rudest insults one person can give another. It's inexcusable. You were right to call her. She was wrong not to let you know what was going on. Leaving a person waiting indicates that they are unimportant and not worthy or your time.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I wouldn't have gone anywhere, I know it's no fun sitting somewhere by yourself and watching for someone else to show up. Couldn't she have waited until you were finished and went together or went before you went to breakfast? I have a lot of patience but sometimes I think I have too much, I've waited for people for long amounts of time. I finally quit, I don't wait around for anyone now unless I know they're going to be late, in your case, something could have happened to her and there you were sitting and waiting, how do you know in a situation like that where they are? If you both had phones, yes, she could have called. I would give them a certain amount of time and if I was at breakfast and the food came, I would have started eating and when I was finished, just left her at the table alone.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 09
Hi..I must be fed up if it happen to me.I am not patience was happen to me when I make appointment with my unty at a mall.I've wait for two hours and she is not come yet and her phone could not active.I really angry and I don't want more to make appointment with her.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I do not think you did anything wrong by calling her. I understand you were agaitated but there is know reason to be mad. Just tell her the food was at the table and if she was going to be any longer than you would get her food to go and meet her whereever she was. It is her food that will be cold not yours.
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@lemonjude (105)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
I can say I'm a patient person provided you let me know how long I need to wait. In the meantime of waiting I can do other things, depends where I am. If I'm in shopping mall waiting, whats more it is the best time for me. I can go shop till forget the time of waiting and always ppl end up waiting me to shop. Actually a waiting without knowning th length of time, really testing on our patient and simply makes us worried. Just like how a wife at home waiting the husband back home in safe at a promised time. What worst is that, when past waiting time and you can't reach him with calls coz his phone is no batt.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
kev.. I think most people who gone to the market has the same symptoms... my mum do that too! She will tell us to go find a place, and she go finish up her buying, but end up we waited longer ever.. so, we not got smart.. whenever she ask us to go and find a place, we will split into 2 teams.. one to go look for a place and order, the other one keep following my mum.. reason is, beside those that she want to buy, she will still 'shop' for others.. actually, I am the same too.. but I will do that only when I know time allowed.. especially on those stalls that will take a longer time to serve.. I don't like to have my food served cold too, so.. the only option is either I shop fast or I eat later.. and once I am there, normally I eat alone, with the others go for their turn to 'shop' in the market.. and yes, we go market with a full family force.. and it's fun!
@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
and I think you did the right thing to call for your wife, since her food has arrived.. and I hope you don't get a sour face in front of you.. and we call to also just check whether they are safe or not right..
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@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
I had been in the same situation like you before, not one time but many times. I just called her telling her that the food is getting cold. I proceeded to enjoy my meal. I believe that we mustn't be anxious or angry when having our meals for easy digestion.Remember a happy person during meal times leads to healthy person. If there is a 'next time' just calm down and enjoy your meal first. Don't wait for her. But let her food get cold and her food can wait for her.
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@satan88 (584)
• United States Minor Outlying Islands
19 Sep 09
i'm not a very patient person so i will agree with you that your wife should have called you if she knew she would take that long. Especially if your at a restaurant with cold food
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• China
18 Sep 09
Hello kevchua!Anyone don't like to wait.If you are late,you have to say sorry.We had better not make others wait for us.Waiting is too boring.Calling to say to come late is very important to the wating,or they will very agitated.I have experienced such thing several times and it even make me angry.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 09
kevchua hi I knew you had to be a guy as a woman wouldnt complain about waiting a few minutes while hubby was off'buying something but the guy always will. try to be a bit patient as'she might have had to wait to get waited on.and since she was close'why get so worried. wait awhile, chill out dont sweat the small stuff.
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@rainmark (4302)
18 Sep 09
Yeah i know what you feel. Im the type of person who has a little patience. Well you know sometimes, women when they go shopping, they just roam around the market and have a look for something else before buying the things on the list.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
I also hate waiting. I always think that so much time is wasted because some people are inconsiderable. They do not think of those people waiting for them. I once had my share of that. The person did not come at the expected time. I gave an allowance of another 30 minutes but still no signs of the person. I left the place at all.
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@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
WELL I CAN SAY I AM VERY PATIENCE BECAUSE MY JOB NEED me BE PATIENCE.i am very kind and nice.i respect my job and my co-workers and especially patients.
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• Philippines
19 Sep 09
i think what u did was right. it wouldn't mean that u were getting impatient with just a few minutes delay, but it was more of a concern for the delay. lots of things enter our mind ... say, what could have happened on her way, is something wrong, is she alright. etc. i am like that, too. i always tell my children to send me a text message that they are coming late if they can't be at the appointed place and time. yes, i am irritated but i am more worried about their whereabouts. with "dangerous" times like these when robbers and holduppers abound on the streets, we just have to be careful when we are out there.
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@killersss (638)
• India
18 Sep 09
hi, i am not patient at all :) seriously, i don't know what's the problem with me but i am not patient at all. if i have to wait for something, i can't wait for it too long. i will start getting frustrated and angry.
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