keep fit

September 23, 2009 11:02pm CST
How do you keep fit in your daily life? I think that donging sports may be the first-rank,and you? Do you have some other methods?
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5 responses
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
I do not have time to sport. Everyday I go to work early morning and come back to home late night, so I do not have time to sport, so I have solution to walk fast every day to change my sport time problem
• China
24 Sep 09
Experts say a number of points for us, I'm trying to do. Do not squat rest: fitness immediately after it is squat down and rest, will affect the blood circulation, enhance the body fatigue, severe cases will produce gravitational shock. Therefore, each fitness should be adjusted after the end of breathing rhythm, walking arm rejection, and do some relaxation, to adjust its activities in order to facilitate pay off the "oxygen debt" to speed up recovery fitness, reduce fatigue. Do not greedy cold: fitness tend to make people sweat, especially in the summer, there will always be thirsty after fitness in urgent need of drinking water a feeling that young people like to buy some cold drinks Jieshu thirst. However, this time the human digestive system is still in the inhibition of dysfunction, if the map 1:00 greedy lot of cool and thirst-quenching and cold drinks, easily cause gastrointestinal cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and induce gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, fitness should not immediately after the greedy lot of cold, you can add some small amount of boiled water or brine. Do not immediately eat: fitness, especially intense fitness, the body of blood which are mainly supplied fitness needs of the organ, while the intra-abdominal organs the supply of relatively reduced. These factors make the gastrointestinal tract motility weakened significantly reduced the secretion of various digestive gland, generally at the end of 20-30 minutes after the fitness to recover. If you hurry to eat, it will increase the burden on the digestive organs, causing dysfunction, and even cause many diseases. Do not sag temperature: Fitness surface of blood vessels to dilate when the body, if the fitness immediately into air-conditioned rest room or enjoy the cool air in the draft, or plan to use cold water cooler heads will involve tightening the skin closure caused by physiological dysfunction Khan, decreased immune function , lead to colds, diarrhea, asthma and other illnesses.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
24 Sep 09
For me, it's mainly walking. I try to walk about 3-3 1/2 miles a day depending on how much time I have. I also try to hit the gym - but I'm only successful at this about once or twice a week unfortunately (due to a hectic schedule AS well as pure laziness. LOL.)
@KMPierce (165)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I try to get up early and walk at least for 30 min to an hour. It's hard to stay on a schedule with a busy life but just get a routine down and it gets easier.
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
i was, in previous months, indulged in badminton but i stopped for 3 months now. i alternate playing badminton with walking around the oval in the same sports center where the badminton courts are located. and guess what, i am back to playing again .. and that was yesterday. i am done with some priorities and hope to be able to play again regularly. i get to sweat a lot while playing while laughing and enjoying our adventures and misadventures with the shuttlecock.