Do you decorate your work place desk?

@daliaj (5674)
September 24, 2009 11:54pm CST
I have seen that usually women decorate their work place desk. They arrange the thngs orderly, decorate the desk with pictures of god, greeting cards, pen stand with pens, cell phone holder; the cell phone properly on the holder, important printouts of schedules and meetings properly fixed using pins, etc. But, if you see the desk of a guy, most probably it will be messy. What do you say? Do you decorate your work place desk?
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16 responses
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
of course yes, mine i put several pictures of mine in the table..because i'm happy seeing them everytime i sit..
@daliaj (5674)
• India
25 Sep 09
It is nice to hear that the decorated work place makes you feel happy. I also feel uncomfortable if my work plae is not arranged properly. I always make sure that it is clean. I don't keep print outs on my desk. I will arrange the water bottle, specs cover, cell phone, books, etc. in a proper order. I will get irriated to see a messy desk. Thanks for the response.
• Boston, Massachusetts
25 Sep 09
a messy and disorganized desk is a NO-NO in the office! let's maintain this trait, it speaks a lot about our personalities and values!
• United States
3 Feb 10
No, because if you quit or get fired you have to haul that out. I use to decorate but with all the layoffs there's no reason to. I don't meant to sound mean but it's true.
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
Hi, daliaj Nope, I do not decorate my desk at work. I do not want anything on it except the papers or things I have to work on at the moment. Whenever it's time to go home, I put the papers back on the their proper place. With my line of work, I do not like any personal nor sentimental things that can be seen by some people I have to deal with. Have a nice day!
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
26 Sep 09
Yes.Of course decorate my desk can make myself more comfortable.I like all stuff clean and orderly i think most of grils decorate their desks whatever their own bedroom or office desk like calendar a little plant can resist the computer radiation I think so..
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
Well I know a guy who is keen in decorating his station and he is straight. He is quite eccentric. His work station is too personalized . He decorated it with candies, gums and teddies. He has fancy pens, carpeted table top and hates it when someone use his station. He works for a BPO industry and he is the father of my kids. Honestly I still scold him for that incident. It is inappropriate for his stature. He was a Workforce Analyst Manager. It does not fit his position.
• China
27 Sep 09
Hello, Daliaj, I just try to make my things in order and clean. I do not have much time to decorate my work place, except I grow a plant on my desk. In peak season, I need to work overtime quite often, not to mention to have time for decoration. While in off season, I would rather to spend more time on mylott. Have a nice day!
@srganesh (6340)
• India
25 Sep 09
Decorative is not the right word to coin here.Just,keeping your work table neat and without mess is what I like to have.Only then,everything is available without hardship and we need not search in an urgency.Well,I like to have things on my table in order.That gives a clean look and helps us to work easily with comfort.Cheers!
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
I never decorate my desk, I like it plain, clean and dainty as I could move more quickly without worrying some things to fall out of my desk. I could put a separate small table or cabinet stand on the corner where I could put a flower vase, seeing fresh flowers everyday makes me feel good and inspire to motivate to work harder than seeing none at all.
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I have to share my desk with other people when I am not there, so I keep the decor to a minimum. I just have a little picture of my son and that's it. None of us is super organized so we things are usually all over the place.
• Boston, Massachusetts
25 Sep 09
yes, i consistently decorate my workplace and at times have a motif for the month. i have a picture of my family on top of the table and a mini calendar and big planner. i keep it clean always! have a great weekend!
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
With some flowers and personal effects obviously.And the space is mine. I will try to personalize it. There will be the usual office materials and so I will have to place them way from my private things.
@dolmitta (221)
• India
25 Sep 09
Yes i love to do that! Dalia you must have noticed that. I even use to have dolls and small toys in my work station :) I feel its refreshing and nice to work. It again depends on the safety aspects. I don't know how safe it is to leave certain things (show pieces) on the desk over the weekend. My friends say that they have lost few stuffs.
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
yes, i do. i always feel good when my work area is clean and beautiful. i spend for my own things in the office just to have matching color of almost anything. i change my motif twice a year and on christmas time, my desk is the most beautiful one in the office. decorating my desk with unique designs of cups, paper holders, pen stands, ballpens has always been my thing.
@lengzki (125)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I only have my office supplies. I prefer my personal stuff to be in my house.
@ivygrey (550)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
Oh definitely. I always make sure that I feel comfortable with my workplace. I put my mug, pen holders and even pictures, but I really don't overdecorate it, Because if I overdo it I might feel too comfortable that I might forgot I'm in the office LOL!
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Women sometimes make their desks look very unprofessional, with silly things such as stuffed animals,to many pictures of personal life.I have also seen both ends of men in the doctors ,I worked for one was a total slob and the other not a sheet of paper was out of line.