Please help if u can!

United States
September 25, 2009 4:53pm CST
My son is 21 months old. Noticed a small bite on his leg last week and it was swollen some. Now he has some kind of a rash around it, almost like hives. I have tried to find something like it but havent been able to. If anyone has any ideas on what it might be please help!
5 responses
• United States
25 Sep 09
When I was younger, I had something similar... A week after the bite I developed a fever! It might be a spider bite, that's what I had.... I hope that it isn't! Take him or call his doc... Before it gets any worse! Awww. Poor baby! I hope that he gets better! Does it itch?
• United States
25 Sep 09
It doesnt seem to be itchy. Haven't seen him scraatching at it since I first noticed it.
• United States
25 Sep 09
Does it hurt or anything? Well try to consult your doctor if it doesn't go away in a few days! Put neosporian just in case he can get an infection!
• United States
28 Sep 09
what ever happened? are you going to tell us!!??
@bitoffun (203)
• United States
27 Sep 09
He could be having an allergic reaction to whatever bit him. Like everyone else has said, I would get him to a doctor. If it was a spider they can be dangerous if not treated right away.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I would take the child to a doctor right away and get it checked out because their is no telling what it is. and if it was me i would rather be safe than sorry.
@shuetyeng (146)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hello Mellissa, My daughter reacted badly to mosquitoes bites too. Few weeks ago, I noticed she had a mosquitoes bite on her legs which swelled up, bruised, and was hard in the centre of the swelling. I will normally apply Zambuk ointment to her, to stop the itch. I heard from my friends that Benadryl will make the swelling go down fast and Calamine worked best to stop itchiness too. Nevertheless, taking him to the doctor is never a bad idea in cases like this though. Hope he will be fine soon.