Is It My Fault That I am Fat?

@Archie0 (5640)
September 26, 2009 1:51pm CST
Is it my fault that i am made fat since i am a child? I am heridiatry and i cannot loose weight to much extent even if i want to.I have been trying it, but even if i eat very less i cannot loose still.And due to eating less i have got many internal problems too.I try many other things. But its that i cannot loose faster, but my friends and everyone around me make worst fun out of me.I cannot tolerate it but i have to smile back in disguise.If you are at my place you can know what it really makes you feel, when you are insulted on how ugly you are. What you want to say on this now?
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23 responses
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
archie, i feel exactly the same.. i was born fat and had been fat ever since.. my dad has a big built and my mom was super fat.. i was often left out in school activities because i was fat, as simple as that.. when i grew up, i did every sort of exercise, tried every diet there is and even taking diet pills.. i never lost an inch, instead, i grew heavier.. i had problems with my health which explained why i am getting fat plus the hereditary factor, of course.. i still receive insults, get depressed by all of this, but what i think that makes my go on is that we aren't given everything that we want, coz if we do, we would be perfect.. and i am beautiful and those people who insults you are jealous of you because you have something that they dont.. hope i shared my opinion in a good way.. ^_^
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
You know even i think the same as per your last sentence but then its again i am wearing a mask of fear inside me
@mohitseth (568)
• India
27 Sep 09
no dude its not ur fault that u r fat ok never think like this.okk thats human body secretion thats resultd in fatness.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
thanks for it mohitseth have a happy sunday
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
hello archie0, If only I am there to comfort you, NO i don't think it's your fault at all. If you have been fat since you were a kid then it's not your fault, i suggest you consult with a doctor for steps to loose weight. as for me, I am fat too when ever i look into the mirror, some would be prank about that.we are beautiful in our own way and those people who make fun of are jerks, nothing more.i don't know why they are even considered friends in the first place. have courage, don't let them get to you.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
thanks for the word letranking..
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
27 Sep 09
I used to think that it was overweight people's eating habits and lifestyle choices that made them overweight, while this is usually still the case there is not much you can do when it's a medical problem. In terms of myself I got sick, I am not overweight but heavier than I'm used to being and the illness I have means I can't exercise or it will wipe me out and keep me bedridden for days so now I understand how hard losing weight can be when you have medical problems. The best thing to do is keep as healthy as you can. You say no matter how little you eat? Don't starve yourself or your body will hold onto the fat.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
thanks dear, yes even i have heard and have been adviced that staying hungry increases more fat content.
@kid221 (150)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
Hi Archie.. If the reason for being fat and overweight is hereditary then you can blame your forefathers. I am also fat and I have done all the possible means to reduce my weight and body mass but still nothing happens. The only thing that left for me to try is go to a doctor for liposuction which I vehemently disregard. I am happy for myself right now even if I am fat. My concern is just only the health issues of being fat and overweight. Anyway, fat individuals are lovable.. Cheer up!!
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Hello kid thanks for your reply....
@gowriv89 (295)
• India
27 Sep 09
Ya i can very well understand your position and your hurting... You know what i am in another extreme... I mean that i am very very lean and most of my friends call me skeleton in front of third persons and hurt me to the core....So i thought of taking some treatment in order to put some weight but all the neighbors and relatives simply said no to my idea.I am being told like putting weight is not at all a matter but reducing it is very difficult. I have seen many fat people going for jogging in early morning walking till it sweats like anything....But everything is just futile.... I will tell you one thing 'don't reduce your food intake level...It will stir more hunger and the enzymes produced in your stomach will start damaging the walls of stomach....So eat as usual but reduce the level little by little....Go for long walk, take honey in water, use tredmill and practice skipping everyday.......
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
thanks so much for your advice dear i will keep it and greatfull
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
27 Sep 09
I think that you could control your weight , so i think it is your fault if you are fat no excuse about beside some really rare cases where by the genes of their parents causes them to be fat yea .
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
hello Archie0, you are indeed right. for i know some people who are having a problem losing weight even if they are eating little. they even skip some meal just to lose weight but still they look the same. joined some programs to help them but same thing. maybe because their bone structures are big. if that is the case they will really not get their desired figured no matter what. maybe your bone is big too that's why. regarding with your friends telling you,the best thing that you can do, is to ignore them.
@snam23 (3157)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I don't think it is your fault because it is just hereditary. I would suggest not to eat less as that will not help you lose weight. Just try eating healthier. Less fast food, more salads, maybe less deserts, and a little exercise. All of these can help anyone lose weight. If your "friends" make fun of you because you're overweight, maybe they are not truly your friends. Friends will accept you for who you are and only joke about things but they should know when to stop. I would tell them to knock it off and tell them that it hurts your feelings. If they don't know already, it is the only way they will know.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Hey snam thank for reply, yes i am trying i do excersice.And strange thing is i never eat sweets or deserts at all.In whole day i will start my day with hot water and fengrueek powder which is bitter and good, i will eat boiled or very less oiled stuff may be baked even without butter or cheese.And if i make my meat its in just a tablespoon of oil with very less spices, i have got a great skin due to all this, but my weight is a problem but thanks anyways dwear :)
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• Philippines
27 Sep 09
there is nothing wrong with have a great body.who cares if people think you are fat?as long as you are a nice,kind person,that's all that matters.don't let anybody get into you.surround yourself with people who truly appreciate you.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Hey coco thanks a lot for your support, it encourages
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@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
27 Sep 09
If I be you and they insult me, I would say, "I really want beautiful as you but God give face and condition like this. If you want complain, complain to God, not to me"
@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
thanks for the reply advokatku, you know i dont really talk to them anymore because they bi-tch about me and i think i am more happier alone.
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@BStuff (495)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I am fat and it is my fault. I eat emotionally and yes every person in my family just about is fat too. Its in my genes too but I still can help it. I use to eat horribly and never work out but the last year I've lost 40 + lbs by eating healthier (not less just healthier) and working out more. I can't blame anyone but myself for the state I got myself into and I'm working very hard to get myself out of it. I even took a nutrition class to help me learn more about the human body and how to take care of it. Don't give up on yourself. Good luck!
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Hello bstuff yes your are right somewhere we are wrong but many places even luck triews its hands you see.Thanks for reply
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@offlimits (596)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
It's not your fault actually. If it is hereditary, then you can't really do anything with it any other way. Well, as what I can see you're not really fat, maybe there's just something wrong with how you perceive yourself. Don't mind what others say because you would not become less of a person with it anyway. So what if they make fun of you? Make them realize that it doesn't really matter because you're beautiful inside and out anyway :) Take care!
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• Pakistan
27 Sep 09
It's not your fault cuz it's hereditary . You don't need to feel about it at all.. You should like the way you are. . .and if somebody ever tries to say that even indirectly that you're fat or should tell 'em that you like the way you are and you don't care what people think about you !
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Hello, thanks for you reply..
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
26 Sep 09
yes, if a person is fat, I would definitely blame the person and say that it is his fault to be fat as if he should have controlled himself over food and had done some exercise then it was not a thing to worry about. The worry factor should be present in oneself as it forces us to be in a good health and look good too.Bulky people are not so much attractive than slim ones.
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@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
Sorry but if you can only read the full discussion you can get me, reading nothing and replying is becoming strange in mylot
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@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
27 Sep 09
Archie0, Although, obesity is heredity, you need to realize that obesity is a lifestyle mismanagement problem and if I may add here - self caused. Unhealthy lifestyle like eating at odd hours, unbalance diet, junk food, heavy snacking, drinking excessively, soft drinks, lack of exercise and many other unhealthy habits. So, it would really be your responsibility at the end of the day for your overweight problems. Loosing weight is usually a slower process than gaining weights and whatever dieting methods you are adopting, never embark on it without first consulting your doctor. Especially when you are medicating with your diet. Take care.
@Archie0 (5640)
27 Sep 09
yes sky success you are right in this, and i will definetly try more hard for getting already somethings which you mentioned i have stopped doing them or i dont do at all :) happy sunday.
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• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
If it is genetics, you are not to blame. If it is diet, you are to blame. So it is best to slow down on fattening foods. Try eating more fruits, vegetables and proteins.Forget about what your friends say. Just cut down also on carbohydrates.
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• Singapore
27 Sep 09
There not only you who are fat , there are lots of them in the world. Think on the positive side , there is a comedian in my country who is also fat , but she also present it in a funny way so think on the bright side ok?
• India
28 Oct 09
i also feel for your and feeling sad to hear your discussion, if its not only discussion for mylot. if its real to your life. you are kinda fat and over weight so. i don't think that's your fault. to me dieting not means stop eating. for healthy life you must need to eat and take minimum calories, what your body require. so don't stop eating. some time fat comes from family back ground, may be your mom or dad are fat. insulting against fat, i really hate this way. its very bad culture of our world. our mind and mentalty is not rich enough. so we don't respect your feels. i'm sorry from them, who insult you. but again i suggest, what if you start gym. i think its will help you to reduce over weight and can make you fit , attractive on physically
• India
21 Oct 09
hello friend, it is very simple to loose weight, just you run for half an hour and you can loose your weight. you get response in only 1 month after perform it.