Spiders in my car!

United States
September 26, 2009 9:15pm CST
Every year I will have spiders who invade my car! I sometimes will see them and then smush them! This year I have not but they are annoying! Some mornings when I get in my car I see web threads on my dash board! I can handle that! What I don't like is once in awhile I'll get in my car and find I am tangled in some web threads! Spiders like to build their webs in the weirdest places! I have had this problem with my last 3 cars! I'm sure parking under a lilac doesn't helps!
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4 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
23 Oct 09
Hi bluespacker, I think you demonstrate a very cruel side by smushing these spiders who in the scheme of things are doing you an enormous favour as keeping biting ants at bay. You would find it much worse if ants were to colonise your bra, as happened to me once whilst holding fresh grapes, than minding about a bit of webbing. They also eat mosquitoes, you should be hanging onto them.
• United States
24 Oct 09
Alot of people hate spiders like me! I think they are creepy,ugly and more troble then they are worth!
@jugsjugs (12967)
28 Sep 09
It seems like the spiders are every where this year and it seems that my car is as bad for spiders as yours.The spiders even are on my boot lock after driving ten miles the same one was there so i got it off with a crisp bag as well as another one on my mirror.I park in my drive way so i do not know where they have come from.
• United States
1 Oct 09
thanks for the response! They like my apartment,too! I realy hate spiders!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I hate that too. They make webs inside and outside of the car. I can handle the webs but I cannot stand spiders in the car, especially while I am driving and cannot get to them.
• United States
1 Oct 09
Last week I saw three spiders in few monutes! It was like it was out of nowhere! Luckily I just got in my car and was able to smush then!
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I had this problem with wasps. They used to nest near the gas tank and when I got gas they would all fly out. One time I ran from them at the gas station and when I went to pay for gas the clerk was smiling and laughing at me. They did this every year until I sold the car. The current owner tells me he had similar problem. I think the car is possessed, lol.
• United States
1 Oct 09
I had problem with wasps in my apartment a few weeks ago! They found a hole in one of the window screens! Now they are gone! Thank goodness!