hw can i make good money without scamming anyone?????????????????????

@stepon (21)
September 27, 2009 5:48am CST
i discovered its so hard to make big and quick money,so many people have to make others cry so they can laugh or smile to cash...pls i dont want to go through all this..i have been working since 15years yet nothing to show...so please help me ...how can i make good and clean money without scamming anyone??????
3 responses
• Israel
27 Sep 09
Hello, I'm glad you found the integrity within yourself. This is a very important aspect in business. When you build a downline, you have to be honest and supportive. You can't get people to do a job, pay money or sign up and then leave them - this is very close to scamming. Marketing is very easy for me, so what I do is invest the first two days to one week promoting, and then help my downline and teach them how to do what I did. When they get the hang of it, I help them teach that to their downline. This way, I build trust, as well as a stable business. The main thing is - I teach people how to do this without bothering friends, selling or the many things that might ruin relationships. Remember these things, since scamming is not the only hazard people face when marketing and trying to make money. Friendship and trust are much more important than money.
@stepon (21)
27 Sep 09
i am happy to read from,i know friendship is solid than money,can we start friendship?
• Israel
27 Sep 09
Of course - this is the main reason we are here for, right?
• India
30 Sep 09
CAn you help me do this .I will be grateful
• United States
9 Oct 09
lol @ the way you phrased your question big quick money is never a good idea
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
It's very simple, although it does take work. Find something you know about that others would like to know and provide it for them. It might sound over simplified but it's that basis for making as much money as you would like. I have a few hobbies I make money with because I know enough about my hobbies to be able to teach people things they want to know. Example: I love to fish, especially fly fishing so I write a few fishing blogs, some are about fishing basics and others are about fly fishing. I talk about my experiences and produce a few pictures. People love to see pictures and you know they say a picture is worth a thousand words. So they stay on my pages longer. Then I talk about what I used to fish that day and break it down into the rod, the reel, the line and the baits, lures or flies I used while fishing. I point each item I used to a site where I am an affiliate and can earn if they buy. I make most of my money on my fishing sites from the baits and lures I use. People spend a lot of money on that part of their fishing. I do the same thing about gardening. I have a couple of gardening sites and a couple of garden recipes blogs. I also have a bunch of other blogs on various topic but it comes down to providing people with what they want. Hope this helps.