Can you live without coffee??

@ella_l (64)
September 29, 2009 11:29am CST
i'm a certified coffee addict, i have started drinking when i was young and now my day is not complete without having one. Lately, i have been experiencing hyperacidity and my doctor has advised me to refrain from drinking coffee. I managed to follow her advice for five days but on the sixth day, i gave in to my cravings. i fixed myself a light blend of coffee and it was bliss for me. then the acidity took over :( how about you guys, do you think you can live without coffee? what will you do if you experience my case?
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37 responses
30 Sep 09
I love coffee, especially in a morning, and i would probably be like you, and still drink, as i do lack will power, i am afraid.
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@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hello forestgold! i'm having some progress and i hope i can keep it up! good for you coz you can still drink your coffee. MAybe you can take it in moderation so you will not experience hyperacidity like me ^_^ Thank you for joining these discussion and sharing your point of view and experience. :) Happy Mylotting!!!
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• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Ahehehe. I experienced the same thing, around a month ago, I have experienced acidity, I tried to stop drinking coffee, I think I did that for two weeks, but now I'm back again. lol. Though the acidity has subsided already, and I drink only a light blend.. I used to drink kopiko, and I think that was too strong for my tummy... Try not to drink for 2 weeks, and after that you can drink all the coffee you want, but just the mild one. hehehe. Or you can always have iced coffee, I think that won't have the same effect as hot coffee.
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
welai! congrats on your first uber successful discussion!!! just don't forget to reply on all of their responses.. specially mine. hahahaha. can't wait till you see how much you earn for this one.. congrats!!!! **oohhhh. try looking at the task tab. they have writing tasks there, good for us, cause they pay 4usd for each accepted writings.. I got 4usd last june for it.. =)
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hey ing! i was suddenly brought back to our college days when we are "suki" or parons of the coffee spewing vendo machine. lol. can you remember the taste of that coffee? i missed it. lol. kopiko has a really strong taste, not to mention its strong aroma..just talking about coffee makes me want it. sigh.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
thank you ing! and thanks for introducing mylot to me ^_^ this is actually my second discussion, my first discussion was uber flop coz nobody is responding! lol. It's about The Hunger Games, a young adult book that is the new craze for many. hmm, i'm enjoying myself immensely ^_^ thanks again!
• United States
29 Sep 09
I have learned recently that I can live without coffee. However, it's a struggle to do so. LOL I love to have my coffee in the morning, afternoon, evenings. Whenever the spirit moves me. However, my condition dictates what I can eat and drink. And one of the things that my Dr. states that I shouldn't have is coffee. Soda are a big no no too. Now the soda's I can live without. I don't really care about those. I was only a clear soda drinker anyway. Sprint & 7-up. But coffee, I really enjoyed. Especially now when the weather is cooling. I can sit on my back porch and watch my dog do his morning thing while I have my coffee. It was a relaxing time before work. Now I can't have my coffee and it sucks! But I'm still alive!! LOL
• United States
29 Sep 09
I posted this twice cause I put it in the wrong spot. LOL See this is why I NEED coffee. LOL Oops I can't copy & paste yet. Too much of a newbie. By my response is down there somewhere! I NEED COFFEE!!!!!!!!
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hahaha! you're reply is up there! wow, what will happen to us without coffee? lol.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
OMG, stacysmom!!! we are so much alike! I even drink coffee before going to sleep, it gives me a calming effect. i don't know if its all in the mind, though. ^_^ i think i need to stick to my non-coffee life for now coz i do want to stay alive. lol. tell you what, maybe we monitor each other's progress of not drinking coffee, everyday. lol what do you think?
@taztheone (1721)
• India
29 Sep 09
I think I can live without coffee but I would prefer to have coffee. Since from childhood I drink coffee, I think it's a really good drink to have. Happy Lotting
@Archie0 (5640)
30 Sep 09
Well, I cannot live without it, you have me pegged right. As for how to serve me: In bed, baby, in bed. I'm talking about the coffee, of course. with cream and just a touch of sugar (again, talking about the coffee)
@taztheone (1721)
• India
30 Sep 09
Girl, You are making my mouth water with your explanation. It would have been great if someone could do that for me.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
Thanks taztheone! Happy Lotting to you too!
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
29 Sep 09
i regularly drink coffee. at least three cups a day. i need coffee first thing in the morning without which i cannot do.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
hi sunny68! now i'm craving for a cup of coffee! ^_^ ugh, it takes too much control. huhuhu
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
29 Sep 09
well you can call it an addiction. once you get used to it, it is difficult to break away. i don't think coffee would harm drastically.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
i just found out that my bone density is in the borderline of normal going to osteopenia. considering that i'm only 25 years old. This is alarming for me. So i really need to stay away from caffeine. sob.
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
30 Sep 09
I am not a coffee addict nor crave for it so technically i can live without it. I drink coffee occasionally and like it, but not to the extent of craving for it as if cannot live if failed to drink even a single cup of it . I can't imagine myself experiencing hyperacidity and sorry to hear your experience on that. Can't even think of anything to do if that happens to me. Perhaps I'll stop drinking coffee for good.
• Thailand
1 Oct 09
Yeah do it once step at a time because a sudden stop of drinking coffee is bad i think. You may be more addicted if that happens because you failed to control on how you can really avoid or lessen your drinking of coffee. You might crave for it more. You sounded a real coffee addict LOL, but kidding aside..Telling it to the people of the world is for me a one step ahead. Continue stepping forward and i'm sure, in no time--You will be a new you
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
yaaay me! lol. although i just found out how hard it is today. not drinking coffee gives me more dumb moments. huhuhu. i hope i can snap out of this.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
Hey underdogy :) i'm staying away from coffee. i'm so happy i started this discussion. i think talking about coffee helps me through this ordeal. (wow, i'm sounding like a true addict. lol). i'm taking it one day at a time. i don't really want to risk my health. Thank you for responding and for giving your piece of thought. These things really help me :) Happy MyLotting!
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hello ella_l, i'm not a coffee lover. i just drink once in a while, that is when i'm on night shift so i'll stay awake till the end of my shift. you'll get use to it. at first you will find it hard just like quitting in smoking. better follow your doctor's advice so will not suffer from hyperacidity. if i'm in your case, i'll quit drinking coffee.
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hey robert! thank you for joining this discussion and sharing your insights. i'm happy to report that i'm not drinking coffee anymore on weekdays and during weekend i only drink a mild blend, and only one cup!! wohoo for me!!! ^_^ i think it is effective because i am not as acidic as last week i hope, i will get better :) happy mylotting!!
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@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
30 Sep 09
i have to have my morning coffee, when i get up. while cruising round mylot, then i have another when i get home from work a few hrs later and basically i'm all set for the day. might have one when i get to mums depending on my mood, but usually can't go more than 3/4 cups in one day now. i mainly just have to have that first cup then i'm right. i've been drinking coffee since i was a young teenager and tea when i was only 4.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
7 Oct 09
well said
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hello weasel! how are you? i consider coffee as one of my comfort food. it's my companion while i'm reading a book, while writing a report, while watching tv, especially during rainy season, the warmth of the mug seeping through my cold hands is one of the best feelings in the world. lol. ^_^
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
30 Sep 09
i enjoy my coffee and look forward to it each morning but i could live without it. it is not something i HAVE to have it is something i want to have so if i could no longer have it for some reason i would be ok with it.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hello mikeysmom! thank you for joining this discussion! very well said :) straight to the point and very clear. ^_^ happy mylotting!!
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Yes I can live without coffee but I don't really drink coffee now anyways. I do drink a lot of energy drinks though. I'm not really a big fan of the taste of coffee and I prefer to drink something that I like rather then something that I don't.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hey jambi! thanks for commenting on my discussion. and i totally agree with you when you say that you prefer to drink something you like than force yourself with what you dont. ^_^ i think, i'm gonna content myself with coconut juice. i love them too.
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
I'm gonna panic!! No! I work every single day for a company that operates on a different time zone than my country... I depend on it so much........
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hey ella..i work from home but the company i work for is foreign and we communicate via internet and calls... I have to start at 8PM... but my schedule could be flexible though as long as I get things done...
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hey patofgold! :) where do you work? i have friends who also work night shifts and they do need coffee to stay awake. most of the companies have vending machines and coffee maker where you can choose from cappucino, espresso, mocha or latte and other varieties. It helps them to be more alert and to avoid snoozing in a middle of a phone conversation but sometimes coffee is not enough.
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@feodda (579)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
I'm a Coffee addict. Can't live the day without coffee in front my computer. But when I experienced have pain in my abdomen and went to the doctor. I have problem with my gastro. I slowly minimize my coffee intake. This is for my own good too.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
i feel accomplished because days have gone without me drinking coffee :) eventhough my day still feels incomplete i know sooner or later it will get easier for me. how is your gastro doing? i hope you're feeling better.
@kazaff (8)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
Im addicted to coffee...but I think I can live without it..but..It is so addictive.. I drink cofee..every morning..and anything that has coffee caught my eye.. I like dark coffee..I dont know but it tastes good.... I started drinking coffee when I was 7 years old..and since is my ultimate breakfast.. I dont have any vices...unless coffee..but if I experience your case..maybe..I can limit it..but not totally desolved it in my system...
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
we both started out young, maybe that's the reson it's so hard to stop now because we have been so used to drinking it. Sometimes, i prefer dark coffee with just the hint of sugar. I enjoy pairing it with Dunkin Donuts or cakes and pastries. Oftentimes i lace my coffee with milk and it's delicious too. The mere aroma of coffee calms me and brings me happiness. lol
• United States
29 Sep 09
I only drink one cup of coffee per day, but if I don't have it I feel all sluggish. So I guess I could live without it, but choose not to.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
hello misliss08! i think i should have limit myself to one cup per day so i would not have this problem now... good for you 'coz you still got to have your fix of coffee ^_^
• United States
29 Sep 09
That'll be cool. Or maybe I could just fall off the wagon and be happy again. I'd have lots of acid reflux, but I'd be happy! LOL Coffee makes me happier than chocolate. But the best is chocolate flavored coffee. LOL
• Ireland
29 Sep 09
Oh you poor thing to have to give up coffee - I certainly couldn't do it!! I have 2 or 3 cups a day, VERY strong! If I don't have my usual amount of coffee I get a migraine.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
sob! i wonder if there's a replacement for coffee?
@argytrans (225)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Yes, I can. I did not like coffee because I am sensitive to coffee, sometimes drinking lots of coffee gives me a headache
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hey argytrans, maybe coffee does not complement you.people who have migraines are also discouraged from drinking cofee. any way, thank you for dropping by in my discussion and giving your opinion. Happy mylotting! ^_^
• Indonesia
29 Sep 09
I like coffee, but certainly I am not one coffee addict. Sometimes I don't know why, after I drink a cup of coffee, my heart pounding a bit that I quit to have it for a month, because I am not comfy with that feeling. I only have it when I am in a mood to taste that bitter but unique flavor. Frankly, I am no really understand the exact ingredient of coffee, but the taste is really encouraging yet entertaining. You will find it boost your mood by the moment you sip it. Nowadays, coffee is packed impressively with milk, coffee mate, capuccino, mochaccino, mocha ( coffee mix with chocolate). Coffee is entertaining, but not a must in my life.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hey survajar, coffee does have that kind of effect on some people especially if it is a strong blend. i have some friends who experienced heart palpitations after drinking coffee. sometimes i experience it too. everything with coffee, may it be milk, chocolates, cakes, or ice creams, seems good to me ^_^
• China
29 Sep 09
Hi, I almost don't drink coffee in my daily life, the main reason is that once I drink a cup of coffee, I would be so exited that can't sleep at night. In addition, drinking too much coffee is also harmful for one's health. I think it is better that you find other things to replace coffee, such as tea, sugger, cookkees or choclate. Aanother way is that you can reduce the ammount of coffee intake day by day, not stop drinking it suddenly. Best wishes.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
thank you for your advice wanghui! 'm gonna find myself some coffee flavored candies. i hope they are okay. Happy My Lotting!!
@Newpal (154)
• India
29 Sep 09
Yes, I can live without coffee.I do drink coffee regularly but I am not addicted to it.Also I limit the amount of coffee I drink.Right now I have no health problem because of coffee. I think coffee is essential for you now.If I would have been in that condition I surely would have tried to avoid coffee.If not possible then I would have reduced the amount consumed to a great extant.
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
hey new pal! i'm back to day 1 since i've drink a light blend of coffee yesterday. i hope it gets easier as days pass. i'm really trying hard to refrain from drinking because i don't want my condition to worsen. thank you for your insights. ^_^
• United States
30 Sep 09
I can not live without coffee is impossible, is like stopping breathing for me. I love coffee, that is why I love Love my favorite coffee shop ;-) (Starbucks) :-)
@ella_l (64)
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
i don't have a favorite coffee shop. I love them all! lol. Starbucks, Seattle's Best, Coffee Beans, they bring me happiness. lol. There is also a local coffee shop here in the Philippines that i love, the Cafe Bob's. It is in Bacolod and I simply love their brew. at a much cheaper price, mind you. too bad i just stayed in Bacolod for 2 months.