Do you get excited when you reach payout?

@kykidd (6812)
United States
October 3, 2009 12:09pm CST
Do you get excited when you reach payout? I'm not just talking about here on myLot, but I am referring to other internet web sites as well. I just get so excited. Last month I received about $200 in payouts from all of my internet earnings. That was a pretty good month. When that happens, I just think if I could only multiply that so many times and get it every month I would be doing great. What about you? Do you feel the same way? Or is it no big deal, just an extra buck?
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22 responses
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
11 Oct 09
Hi Kykidd, Glad to hear that you are making so much internet money . You are not just active in Mylot but other internet web site. I have my brother in law who are doing very well too in internet earning, but not me, ! So far, I only active at Mylot and Trek Pay. For Trek Pay, it is still very long way to go for me to reach payout. For Mylot, I am happy with what I am doing here, I get payout every month! Just can't wait for the payout to reach my Pay Pal.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Well, your payout should be reaching PayPal any day now vingyan06, as today is the 12th of the month. Now we don't have much time to wait. In August, I didn't reach payout here on myLot, but I was really close. So I didn't have to spend much time on here in September, which was good because I didn't have a lot of time. On the other hand, in October, I intend to make payout, so that I can say that I made it at least 2 months in a roll. And of course, that will give me more incentive to try to make payout every month here in myLot and to not let other things take up my time. Good luck to you in the future!
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Oh, I see you are in Malaysia, that is pretty much on the other side of the world. You are probably about 12 hours ahead of us, that is why it is already the 13th of October there. It is nice to have a web site which is so reliable like myLot. You know when you will be paid and how much. :)
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 09
Yeah, It is now 13th October and I am waiting for the money to go into my pay pal account. Don't worry to much about the pay out at Mylot. As the earning can always bring forward for the next month, so just like what you said, you don't need to do too much last month where you have a large amount bring forward from August. Happy mylotting and good luck to you too!
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• Philippines
4 Oct 09
yes, i get really excited when i cashout, especially because the minimum amount that i cash out is $52 in less than a week. i joined this site where i cashed out $400 in less than 3 weeks. and now i have another pending cashout of $52. :)
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Wow, pinaybigbucks, you are doing a miraculous job of earning online. I haven't been able to find myself making quite that many dollars with one site, especially in just 3 weeks. That is simply amazing. What an amazing feat? Please share the information with us. I am sure that we would all love to be making this kind of money. Of course, no referrals links please. Thanks and have a great day!
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Wow, that's amazing pinaybigbucks. If I decide to join the site, I will be sure and go through your link on your profile. Or now that I have you on my friends list, I can always PM you. Thanks again, and have a great day here on myLot!
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
the site is freebiejeebies. since we're not allowed to post links here, i hope you will check it out in my profile. :) i got another cashout today. so my total earnings are now $454. :)
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
16 Oct 09
It is always really nice to make pay out on any site. Of course some are bigger than others, but when I reach it on any site I am really happy because I know some money will be coming my way and that is always a good thing. Of course we don't make a lot of money on one site on the internet but when you add all the earnings from all the sites together it all adds up quite nicely.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
16 Oct 09
That is a great way to look at it, LadyM! I know that eventually my earnings on the internet will be extremely significant. There are some months that they are good, and some that they are just average. But it seems like the good ones are getting better as well as the average months. So I am trying to keep everything going, and get further and further ahead in the future. Thank you so much for your response in all of my discussions! It is greatly appreciated!
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
Wow! you earned a lot last month! I wish I could earn that much. lol. Anyway, yep, I usually get super excited when i reach payout, I check everyday if my payment has been processed or not. lol. It's a good feeling when you receive your payment, because it's a result of hard work and of course fun. hehehe. Anyway, how many sites do you work on? last month, i only earned only 10% of what you did. lol. though I'm not complaining cause it's still something right?
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I haven't updated the site in a while, but I have been a member of all of those sites. That is, except for the secret shoppers...that's a web site in itself. I just wanted to share those with everyone. I do have most of the day, to work on these sites. I have been unemployed since Nov. 2007. Since then, I have done a lot of traveling, and tried to increase my online earnings. Of course, I have been doing this since 1998, which was when I first had internet service. I guess I am just a freebie junkie. Either that, or I really just want to be self-employed!
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
wow.. you have been doing this for quite a while already! I just started with this online thing a couple of months ago, so I'm still in the process of trial and error.. i started with mylot, and I loved it eversince.. now all the sites that I join, I compare it here.. hahaha. cause not only do I want to earn, but I also want to have fun while doing it ( the thing that I cannot achieve in my day job. boohoo! ).. I joined new 3 new sites this week, but so far, none of them have activities for me.. I'm going to give it one month and then if nothing still happens, I would delete my account, and would look for a new one. Thanks and happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I would definitely check your profile out.. How do you manage to be active on all those sites? Do you have a day job? or do you just focus on earning online? One more question, do all those sites accepts international members? hehehee. Anyway, I'm looking for new sites to join, cause I just dropped one where the payment takes months to process.
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@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 09
Hi KyKidd, Sofar, I did not join other online earning website.and MyLot is my first website which give me an online earning. I joined MyLot 3 months ago and this month,I hit my minimum payout.I am so happy about it and looking forward to see money in to my paypal account. Congrats to you for reaching your payout last month.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Thanks so much, shia88. I know a lot of people just come here to myLot for the great conversation. And there are some people who think earning is good, but they aren't really here just for that. If you do decide to join other paying web sites, feel free to check out my web site which is listed in my profile. There are a number of different ways that you can make an extra buck or two online. Good luck to you and have a great day!
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 09
HI,Thanks you for the link of other online earning websites. I will check it out later. MyLot is the place where we can share our ideas with other people around the world. We get to know more friends from different part of the world. Hope you also can reach your minimum payout soon. Good luck and happy MyLotting!!
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
I am new at this site and I can say that I am having fun. I can not say now if I will get excited to reach the payout for it is still early to say. What I can say is that I get excited logging in at mylot. So far its a fun and learning process for me and it is very educational with some discussion.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
20 Oct 09
Hey there yell0wbell and thank you for responding in this discussion. Since you are new here, let me send out a great big WELCOME to you! I hope that you will continue to enjoy your days here on myLot as time goes by. As you see at the bottom of your screen, there are already 187,656 members. That's a pretty good size number compared to other paying sites that I belong to. The people here on myLot are great to talk with. I enjoy getting tips and ideas from everyone. It is a real positive environment!
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
I will be literally jumping with joy if I reach that amount. It will cover for all my bills and perhaps a little left. That's great kykidd. Keep up the good work. I hope I can do the same. have fun.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Thanks for the great words of support manong05, it is greatly appreciated. I am not making enough for all of my expenses quite yet. But I will in the near future, I am sure. As it keeps building all of the time. If you would like to take a look at some of the different things that I do to make money on the internet, feel free to check out my web site which is listed on my profile. Thanks again for everything, and have a great day here on myLot!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
4 Oct 09
I have to admit that I do get a little excited whenever I reach payout, though I'm certainly not jumping around for joy. LOL But then again I only make a few dollars a month so there's no reason for me to get that excited over it. LOL Happy mylotting!
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
I have always said that I am the most easily emotionally aroused person that I know. It seems like I just get excited and happy way too easy, LOL. Sad part is, when I get my feelings hurt, I get them hurt way too easy as well. I guess I'm just sensitive all the way around the board. Thank you for your response in this discussion, sacmom, and have a great day today here on myLot!
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
I am happy but not totally excited as the income is little but what I appreciate if the site really pay and not a scam. Thus, my hard days night efforts is paid after all the patience and perseverance. I join online money making sites as a see and try what it like be. It helps to earn but not basically a potential income sources I treat it like a diversion.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
12 Oct 09
It most certainly is nice when all of that hard work and perseverance does pay off. And for the people like me who have been doing a number of different things online to see what will pay, and what will pay the most, it is definitely exciting when you have a decent month. Thank you so much for your response in this discussion neelianoscet! I hope you will have a good day!
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
4 Oct 09
Wow, you earn $20 a month from all the sites you are a member of? I would be lucky to get that much in a year from the sites I joined. lol. I would be really happy and excited when I reach a payout level from a site because it means all the effort I put in would've been worth it.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Actually, it was closer to $200. And I belong to a number of sites. Just happened to reach some good payouts this past month. It was really exciting for me, and I intend to increase my earnings as often as possible. I am only working online now, besides some investment properties that I own, which basically just take care of themselves. So I don't have any other choice as jobs are very scarce in my area. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years now, that is besides some temp jobs that I managed to land. Thank you for responding in this discussion and good luck to you in all of your online adventures!
@PamelaL (252)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Yay! I just cashed out for the first time at NeoBux. So that was kind of exciting! 2 bucks to pay pal. LOL.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Yeah, Woo-Hoo, I am excited for you too PamelaL. Of course, then again, like I said earlier, it just doesn't take that much to excite me. LOL I am glad there are so many different ways that people can earn money on the internet. I hope more and more people who are struggling will find things to do that will help them and their families to put food on the table. Thanks again for your response in this discussion, and have a great day!
• China
4 Oct 09
Wow, $200 in a month for online earning! I wish I could make it as well. Do you have referrals that helping with your earning? About how many percent they contribute? I earn less than 10 dollars in a month. I wish I can have 200 dollars like you, and in that case, I will work at home and take care of my son by myself.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Hi there karen, and thank you very much for your response in this discussion. I have a couple referrals here and there, and they do help add up. But it really isn't a significant enough proportion to even come up with a percentage. As a matter of fact, of the web sites that I received payout from last month, only 1 of them has active referrals. Now, don't get me wrong, because I do appreciate the referrals that I have. As you know, every penny counts. I think my earnings are so high because I am a member of so many sites, and I spend so much time. Plus, I do put links out on the internet here and there for my articles so that they will get moved up higher in search engines. Every minute and every penny counts!
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
That's quite a large amount. I hope I could earn too. As of now, I haven't receive any payouts. :( I really want to try all my best here and targets at least 20 responses a day but business from school hinders me from doing it. I hope this time, I could earn. Christmas is just around the corner. I think I need to double up my work to reach my payout.
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@taraelocin (1138)
4 Oct 09
I find it quite exciting. I love writing so being able to earn from my writing gives me a real buzz. I also participate in surveys and it is great to get paid. Of course I earn very little compared to my real job. But it still gives you a good feeling to get a little extra for doing something you actually enjoy!
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
I think being able to do what you want for a living gives you a feeling of not only independence, but also inner peace. I enjoy traveling, and I like the fact that I can write articles about my travels and make money from them. That's one of the best things about this technology that they call the internet. Of course, I wouldn't want to leave out the fact that you can talk to anyone just about anywhere in the world. Thank you for your very positive response in this discussion and have a lovely day!
• China
4 Oct 09
WOW~congratulations to you.From I started making money till now,I just earned $300+ in total~~about 2 years:( When I received my fist payout .it is $0.02,And I felt very glad . Now I am a webmaster,and can earn more money than before,but not as happy as before.Making money online made me tired.
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3 Oct 09
Of course, I will ber very excited when I know that I'm reaching payout. Wow, $200 from all of your internet earnings is quite good and I really want to do the same thing! =) Just keep going, and you will keep getting what you are now getting... =)
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
3 Oct 09
That reminds me of the old expression "Keep doing what you're doing, and you'll keep getting what you're getting." LOL But since I want to increase my earnings every month, I guess that means that I have to work harder and smarter....or maybe just smarter. I hope that you too will soon reach payout here on myLot and on any other web sites that you enjoy visiting here on the internet. Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a great day!
@Archie0 (5640)
4 Oct 09
Hey kykid, ofcourse i am the one who is most happier when i get my payout, infact for those coming 15days i am always excited and plan things on what i am going to do and how i am going to use my payments.And my friends become mad hearing my stories and plans.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Thank you for sharing your experience with your payouts Archie0. Many people ask me how I make money on the internet, but very few seem ambitious enough to give it a whirl. I am glad to hear that you are doing well, and making your friend envious! Thanks again for your response in this discussion, and have a great day today here on myLot!
@taztheone (1721)
• India
3 Oct 09
There is no doubt that I will be so happy to reach payout. After all who is not happy to get some money because we really did some work along with fun to reach the payout. So I love reaching payouts. Happy Lotting
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Thank you taztheone, for your response in this discussion. I am glad that I am not the only one who actually is happy to reach payout However, I think there are some people who think, really, it's about time. LOL They don't have the feeling that others have. They are thinking that it takes way too long, and that it isn't worth the time that they spend. I don't feel that way at all. I am so happy, especially when it all adds up. I like it when I reach payout from a number of programs all in one month!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
3 Oct 09
off course if i get payment i excited, screamed that i dint waste my time here. i hope i can get a second payment as soon as possible (my first payment from ciao 4 months ago).
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I hope you will reach payout shortly on many web sites. How close are you to reaching payout on myLot? I cannot remember what the number was beside my screen name when I reached it. It seems that I tried ciao but never could make money there. Is that a survey site? I am not sure what I was doing wrong, but I think I finally just gave up on it and went with sites that were more predictable. If you would like to learn about more sites to earn money, feel free to check out my web site which is listed in my profile. Thank you for responding in this discussion, and have a great day here on myLot!
@PamelaL (252)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Oh yeah, I even get excited when YouData pays me every friday, 10 to 20 cents lol. At this rate here at mylot, it will take me 2000 days to reach payout. I'm due for a few others shortly. Some I won't go back to. Just hanging around to finish what I started. My first goal it to make enough to cover my internet bill because that just sounds like the logical thing. Once I reach that goal, I'll raise the bar. I'm learning a lot so I'm sure something will pan out for me. Luckily (especially these days), I have my day job.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Well, I'm glad you are one of the fortunate ones to still be working a regular day job these days. As for me, I don't feel bad, I just realize that everything happens for a reason. I am the same way when it comes to a lot of web sites. I stick around for payout, and then I move on. One in particular, used to pay very well, but then they downgraded their pay scale quite a bit. Plus, it is hard to do anything else while you are working for them, that is why I probably won't be back....then again, I might get desperate. LOL I hope not. I am glad that you are living and learning, and raising the bar as you say. Good luck to you in the future, and thank you for your response in this discussion.