how stupid do people think others are?

@ekimflow (121)
United States
October 3, 2009 4:19pm CST
some people must think that other people are as stupid as they are.there was somebody trying to get people to give out their password by saying that it wouldn't show up when they typed it,heck i was born at night just not last night!would you ever be so dumb as to try it and expose your account?if so let me sell you a bridge in new york city or some beachfront property that's only half a mile off shore.
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3 responses
• Philippines
11 Oct 09
wow that is really stupid, frankly i would be bait if that ever happens.theres no way that am gonna do something like in my life time. so many hackers and some idiot guys who hide behind a website and use site against you.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Oct 09
LOL...there are a lot of people out there that try and take advantage of others. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you should keep your account info private.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Oct 09
Unfortunately there are some who are gullible to nasty frauds. Exposing your password is plain silly. I’ve been caught out just by using the same password for too many things let alone letting anyone know what it is! I saw a lady on TV that fell for one of those “Will you look after my million dollars for me as I am dying and have no family, bla, bla….” She believed the email and not only provided the sender with all her details but sent money requested for transfer fees etc. Her grandson was so concerned about her sending the money that he led the news crew to Nigeria where the email originated from in order to expose the fraudsters which he did but the sad thing was that the grandmother still refused to believe she had been scammed and was still hoping to receive the “inheritance”!