The best part of your day...

United States
October 4, 2009 5:16pm CST
Some people are morning people, and some are night owls. Personally, I wake up just before, or during the sunrise, and don't usually get to bed until 12-1am. That makes for a very long day. I would say the best part of my day is coming home from work, but sometimes, there's a long list of honey-dos, or other chores that need to be done, so really, the work doesn't even end there! I would say the best part of my day is when the kids go to sleep, but that's really my only chance to get something done around the house! So I would have to say the very best part of my day is falling asleep at the end of it... What about you? What's the best part of your day?
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14 responses
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
every moment that I'm with my family is always the best part. it usually takes around 5PM when i got home from work. thats the time when all the members are also at home. preparing dinner with my wife always come with a pleasure. and attending to my children's homework added as an extra bonus. dinner seems to be a lot of fun when we all eat together. exchanging stories on what had happen the whole day at work, school and even at home.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
4 Oct 09
The best part of today was probably getting to sleep in until 11am! I haven't been able to sleep in for a while because of early-morning work hours, so sleeping in was probably not only the best partof the day, but the best part of my WEEK!
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
5 Oct 09
The best part of my day is when all my chores are done, and I can sit and relax.
• United States
5 Oct 09
I wake up early and then head to work which is usually a pretty high stress job. I work with children and whenever you throw 12 children in a room together that are all various ages of 1 year old, it gets pretty rough. We have fights, we have biting and we have general aggression that those children engage in at that age. However, I do love my job. I don't mind going to work every morning even though by Friday I'm dragging my feet, I just get so tired! However, I'd say the best part of my day is when I can come home to relax. However, there are some days where the best part of my day is whenever a child hits a milestone that we've been trying to accomplish. For instance, I had a new child begin about two weeks ago and she's had a very rough time getting into the swing of things. Today, she was only upset for a very short time before I was able to get her going and forgetting that mom was indeed gone for the day! I consider that a huge improvement and that definitely made my day.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
9 Oct 09
I am a night owl, and the best part of my day is the evenings and the nights. I have had different jobs in the past, sometimes I worked at night, and I like that lifestyle. When I don't have to go to work at night, I still like to stay up really late and write or work on different projects. I am working on a collection of horror stories at the moment, and it is much easier for me to find inspiration at night when everything is dark and quiet. I also like to do other things at night for instanse write letters to my friends.
@yadu04 (41)
• India
5 Oct 09
i consider daytime to be my best part of the day because of the beautiful sunrise,chatting with friends and beauty of nature can be enjoyed,its the time when all of us keep awake,all such factors make me attract towards the day time.
• United States
5 Oct 09
i agree completely.
• Australia
5 Oct 09
My hours would be similar to yours. I always wake around 4.30am in the summer and around 5.00am in the cooler months, and I'm seldom in bed before midnight. The best part of the day? I enjoy the whole day, but the best would most likely be early morning. I jump out of bed the very moment I'm awake. I have a cup of coffee while scanning the local newspaper and head for my office, where I spend an hour or two in solitude, reading my Bible and praying. That would have to be the best part of my day. I then spend about an hour here at myLot until my hubby wakes and we have breakfast together. That is also a great time. The next hour or so would be the "worst" part of the day, but I enjoy it too. That is when I do my housework. After that I spend most of the day (and night) in my office, with the voluntary work I do in children's ministry. I write programs, lessons, workshops, training materials etc., design promotional materials and do general secretarial work. I thoroughly enjoy every minute of that work. Of course, time is taken out to prepare meals and talk with my hubby - another enjoyment. The whole of my day is an enjoyment and I wouldn't change my life for anything.
• India
5 Oct 09
the best part of my day is at night because throughout the day i'll busy in my shop so after returning from my shop being exhausted completely i feel damn happy that now i'm off ! and i can have some rest and can chill out with my buddy's....
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
The best part of my day (when there are no classes) is when I get to surf the net like this. When there are classes, the best part is when I finally got to go home.^_^ It can't be helped, after being at work for 4 years, I'm back to school as a full time student and I just can't get used to it until now that I'm on my second term. I just miss waiting for payouts every half of the month, lining up at an ATM center. Had to finish this another 4-year course early so I had to quit my job.
• United States
5 Oct 09
The best part of my day is in the late afternoon, after getting home from work, the time that I get to spend with my wife. We talk about how our day went, happenings at each other's work places. We also talk about family issues and about any plans for the coming weekend. My wife is a morning person while I am a night owl. She heads for bed early because she has to get up early. Meanwhile, I catch up with e-mails and other social networks before heading for bed myself a couple of hours later.
• China
5 Oct 09
when i sit in front of my laptop and watch movies. that's the best.
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
The best part of my day, i would have to say, is when i sit at the balcony and smoke at night. im living at a 9th floor studio so the breeze, almost always, is soothing. its peaceful and i can often think clearly about what happened during the day and make reflections about it. well, not a very deep reflection. i only think about what had gone wrong and why it happened so i can atleast avoid it the next time. i think thats why i cant stop smoking
@irefed (200)
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
We are almost they same. The best part of my day is when I got home from work and I can take a nap. I always count days finishing my work. Afternoon is my best part of the day aside from weekends.
• United States
5 Oct 09
the best part of my day is meditating, i try to find time for it everyday and it makes such a big difference, i just sit in my favorite chair and think about how good life is and visualize all the great things i want to happen in life. its very relaxing