Every penny of the first salary must be used to treat friends out: do you agree?

@manong05 (5027)
October 6, 2009 5:48am CST
It is sometimes said that the first salary calls for a celebration and it must be spent to treat friends or family out. This is a show of appreciation and sign of good luck. I find this idea ridiculuos. It is wiser to use it to pay debts incurred just in case we borrowed money before we got the job. There are also those who believe that every penny must go the parents especially this is the first one. Succeeding ones is up to you to decide. Any thoughts on this one?
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36 responses
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I'd say it really depends on your needs. If you have debts and bills to pay, you should spend your money there. Giving your first pay check to your parents has something to do with ones culture I guess. Where I come from, it is customary to give a portion to your parents but not every cent. You should keep something for yourself too. It's the idea of giving something back to them for all the sacrifices, etc they did for you. It is not required though, not as if they really expect you to give them your money.
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
I agree with workfrhomemom...we have to be practical nowadays... there's nothing wrong with treating friends and all... but if you need the money better for something more important..then that has to go first.. frineds shouldnt come before family..
• United States
6 Oct 09
I've never heard of this before, but I think it's ill-advised. If your friends and family care about you, they would refuse even if you offered, because they want you to be successful and responsible with your money. I agree with you that it should be used to pay debts or to be saved. When you get into a more stable financial situation, THEN it's okay to treat your friends and family.
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@chaime (1152)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
nah.. i don't think that it should be done.. what I did with my first salary was place into savings half of it, then the other half I used to buy stuff I need and some groceries for the house, and then what was left after that I used to treat 'some' of my friends. I didn't give to my parents coz they all have money of their own and didn't want a penny of mine so what I did was spend it on groceries for the house, that became my contribution to the family.
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@srganesh (6340)
• India
6 Oct 09
It depend on the moods and sentiments,I think.If somebody have no liabilities,then he can spend the full amount giving out parties to friends.Otherwise,as you have told,he should start to pay back his debts,once he got his first salary.And there are people who want to dedicate the whole salary to the temple as a vote of thanks.
• India
6 Oct 09
I think that I agree with you to some extent. If you are in need of the money it is wise to spend it prudently. However it feels nice to treat friends also and one must do so only if one enjoys doing it. This is what I believe. When I got my first job I spent most of it in buying gifts for my family. However now I realize that I should have saved some of it also because I had to discontinue my job since I was carrying. I still have no job because my son is too little for me to go and do a job. So I think It is necessary for one to be wise and thoughtful when spending one's first salary.
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• United States
6 Oct 09
I actually bought my stereo with my first ever paycheck - I wanted something I could see and go 'I earned that with my first check'. I think in cultures where you are still living with your family until marriage or whatever, the parents having the whole salary is more relevant, but in many cases where I come from when you have a job you have moved out and so have your own expenses. I think my parents, though I do try to give back to them in other ways, would rather I paid my debts and learned to pay my own way with my salary.
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I agree, it's a silly idea to spend the first salary on party-ing. It is much smarter to use the money to pay the bills and buy food especially with today's economy being so bad.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
oh, that would hurt.it's not practical either. always set priorities so that the other budget means wouldn't be paralized. it's not bad to share your revenues with friends but not to the extent of giving out the whole budget. remember it must be good for one month.
@tixepower (1195)
• Sweden
7 Oct 09
I think the first salary is worth celebration, like going out having some drinks with friends but not giving away to the family for fun. If you have any debts, just pay them and party with the rest of the money. You don't need to spend the whole salary to celebrate!
@daliaj (5674)
• India
7 Oct 09
It depends on the financial condition of you. I have not used a single penny of my first salary to celebrate with friends. My family was going through a critical financial situation when I got my job. So, I gave a good portion of my salary to my parents. They gave some amount of it to different churches. I also send some money to my grandparents.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
7 Oct 09
I disagree with this stupid sentence too. The first salary is so precious, and it is only right to spend the money on ourselves. Plus many people have so much debt incurred due to college loans! I think the only saying that "pay yourself first" is still the best advice. If we dont save money for ourselves, and pay off the debt, I doubt our friends and family are willing to help us.
@sang25 (61)
• India
7 Oct 09
noooo....i think that is unacceptable unless u r getting a huuggeee amount as payment.i would spent my first salary on something id love or something i wanted for a very long time or shopping...peple spent d money on something u enjoy..wht ever it is
• Japan
7 Oct 09
This is an excellent thought.These days people in various countries spend money for unnecessarily like unwanted parties,bacheloor function,freshers day etc.I will always recomend the first earnt money to be spent on charity which will be very useful and clear our sins too.We can also spend some amount of our first earnt money to people who helped us to get the job
@connelo (11)
7 Oct 09
hello manong05.. why you don't try to safe it in the bank..?? or maybe you can treat some special person.. for the example your parents or maybe someone you love.. but you must know how much money do you have.. why you don't try to treat something cheap?? it's simple right??
@Shunyo (244)
• India
7 Oct 09
its a matter of personal choice, no choice is wrong or right. i also dont feel that its absolutely necessary to use your first salary for treating people as a rule. If you have other crucial things to do like you said paying your debts then definitely you should first get rid of that .
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
hello manong05, maybe that is applicable only to those who has no obligation at all. for for me, when i got my first salary i paid it to our rent, gave allowance to my brother and sister who were with me at that time and paid my debt. it was really a hard earned money and i believe using it wisely is all that matter.
@ucue2008 (924)
• Malaysia
7 Oct 09
I don't, I do treat people and give my parents money, but not all of it. How am I going to survive the next month if I am using all the money to treat other people? Its better to able treat them better in future than to spent all of it in one go. Like what you say, it also much better to pay the debts as usually if we don;t pay the loan accordingly, the sum will increase later on.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Absolutely not! I worked hard to earn that money, so no one should force me to use my money to treat them. I have no obligation to spend my money on my friends. As for my parents, I will give them money, but I will not give them my whole salary because if I do, where will I get money for my expenses? If I give them all of my money I would just end up asking them for money.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
for some practical reasons, i wont do it. doesn't mean i dont agree because if i really have the means to treat them without any pending debts or obligations, i would, as a one way of thanksgiving. i owe someone for investing on my bags and so i need to prioritize it. :)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
thoughts ... not very good thoughts on that. i find that ridiculous, too. to me, it is right to treat them but only a small part of my salary and not the whole thing. a very small amount of my first salary was spent for church stipend for a thanksgiving mass ... for the job i got. i shared some to my parents and the bulk of the money was kept by me. being new in the job, i need basic grooming necessities and for some personal items, too.