Did you ever lose contact with someone you wish you had contact with now?

United States
November 1, 2009 12:25pm CST
I have alot of friends I lost contact with that I wish I still had contact with. I have tried searching them on the Internet but never could not find all the people that meant alot to me. Their addresses were not listed and phone numbers were private. I am still looking for some people. When they do this it makes it really hard to find someone. It is fustrating because all you want to do is let them know you still want to be friends. I am still searching for those I lost contact with. I hope I get a lead someday to find the friends I been so frantically searching for.
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15 responses
@zzh728 (68)
• China
2 Nov 09
So do I. Maybe you can try the site:renlifang.msra.cn ?
• United States
2 Nov 09
I guess there are people out there that have come into my life but since lost contact with but wish I still had contact with them. There are some old friends from school that I often wonder where life has taken them and how they are. I have been able to get back in contact with a few old friends through places like facebook or myspace but there are still a couple that I wonder about but haven't been able to find...
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
2 Nov 09
yeah a guy i used to email on the net, it was only horse talk but it was great to have some one who'd listen. lost contact back in 01, might help if is try writing a letter and sending it.
• United States
2 Nov 09
Yes I have lost contact with someone that I wish I could have contact with. One is a best friend in high school. I often wonder how she is doing, how her family is doing and what she is doing career wise. After she got married and moved away is when we lost contact. I often wonder about people who made a difference in my life. I have tried to find some of them but have not found them yet. I hope one day to be able to contact them one day.
• India
2 Nov 09
You shared the same feeling that i was longing to share Yes , this morning iwas searching for my childhood friend with whom i wasnt talking for over an year,i coudnt find even though i refined the search,its so frustrating , so i am in an idea of releasing a socail network soon that enables us to get in touch even in this present condition.
@kosta007 (36)
• China
2 Nov 09
Yes,I have same problem,after graduating from college,I lost contact with my college classmates,I missed them very much,but I can't find their contact information,It is so sad to me.I also remember a girl met before,she is beautiful and I am always sad not to forget her telephone number,I always try hard to remember her number,but I can't get it,so I know that we should seriously treat everything,everyday and every friend in my life,in case you lost them,you will lost them for ever in your living.
@fiazio (734)
• India
1 Nov 09
I know, I have never been in a school for more than 3 years, I really want to get back with this friend of mine from the 3rd grade... but even after all my efforts searching everywhere on the net, I'm unable to find her...
@subha12 (18441)
• India
2 Nov 09
yes many friends. with work, life etc, I have lost contact with many friends that I like to have contact with. I also remember them sometimes.But have not found them anywhere.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
Yes, I do have some friends that I have no contact anymore. I wish I had and would be able to find out how to contact them as well as get to know how they are doing now. Its been a while and it would be great to keep in touch with people who were part of your life.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Nov 09
Yes, I lost contact with my best friend from high school and have had a difficult time locating her. I have another friend from school who maintains a website for our class as well as the one prior and the one after us. He organizes reunions, contacts anyone we went to school with who signs up with classmates.com, and he has not heard from her or her ex-husband who was also a classmate. I still remain hopeful that we'll find each other again one day.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
2 Nov 09
Like you, i also had alot of friends before which got close to me that i never been in contact with.I really want to let them know that i still think of them.I tried searching them but for some reason i can't locate them.Maybe they already married and had change their name or whatever reason that is i hope we could get in contact with each other again.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
2 Nov 09
I had some very dear friends throughout my shcool years. There are some that I have completely lost track of. A song, or a movie,or a quote often makes me think of them. I wonder where they are and if they have had a happy life. I have regained some friendships through the social networks, but there are still some friends unaccounted for. Perhaps, we will all find each other again one day.
@solared (1207)
• United States
2 Nov 09
Yeah I have and I did find them, but people change and they weren't so friendly anymore, so it has kinda soured me on tracking down old friends.
• Italy
2 Nov 09
I have lost contact with co-workers of my first job, some were English and we have lost contact after the project was over. Some I've found on Facebook, which really helps, but some not. There's still a Scottish girl and a Sri Lanka guy that I couldn't find.
@shaggin (71677)
• United States
1 Nov 09
I know exactly how you feel. Luckily most of the people that I lost contact with over the years I have found again and gotten to know them again. I found some on myspace and now lately I am finding a lot more on facebook. Some people are just people I chatted with now and then but some are really good friends that I am so happy to be in touch with again. There are a few friends that I met while I was in high school that I knew there maiden name but after they moved I dont know what happened with them. I dont know where they live or what there married name might be if they happened to get married. I really wish I could find some of the people that I am looking for. Sometimes it takes a long time but it seems like they always surface again. Good luck to you in finding the people you are looking for.