Do you like winter?

November 3, 2009 5:33am CST
As it is already November, winter is coming soon. Winter is the season of harshness and depression. In my neighborhood, it has become cold now. The bleak north wind and the bitter weather can really bother me. Meanwhile, I hate to wear heavy clothing that always makes me unpleasant. Maybe it is only snow that I like of winter. If possible, I'd like to move to the south where there is no winter. So, what do you think of winter? Do you like it?
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71 responses
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
3 Nov 09
I sure would like to experience. I live in a humid country that only has two seasons. The hot summer and the wet rainy season. It would be a change to see snow. I associate winter with Christmas as I that is what I see in the movies. I imagine drinking hot choco and curling in bed in a winter day.
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• China
5 Nov 09
you are very romantic
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• Thailand
3 Nov 09
Man, In Thailand you just crave for a bit of coldness. This is one boiling country and being in a big city like Bangkok doesn't help due to the amount of traffic and buildings. I wish I was back in Melbourne where I found it peaceful and safe. I also Liked my time in Pennsylvania where it was almost snowing. I heard that in BKK it doesn't get cold in the winter which really sucks.
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• China
3 Nov 09
The thing we don't have is always more attractive to us :)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Nov 09
I actually can't stand winter...I dont like the cold because it causes me serious physical pain, I really dont like wearing all the layers of clothing....I dont like getting sick and I usually do..I'm just not a fan of the cold months period least of all winter LOL
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• China
3 Nov 09
We are comrades :)
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• Indonesia
3 Nov 09
i love winter, i guess, cause i live in south east asia, winter is just like a dream, it's very hot here
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• China
3 Nov 09
if you move to north, you may find winter is not a good dream. lol.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
5 Nov 09
I hate to think of winter coming. I am always cold as it is, and it seems in the winter I can never get warm. I hate the thought of snow and ice. I am not a fan of cold weather, the hotter it is the better I like it. I hate to wear all the layers of clothes you have to wear in the winter also. I do like Christmas, which reminds me of winter, but that's the only thing I like about the season. I live in Pittsburgh, and we get some cold winters, but I guess not as bad as some parts of the country. If it wasn't such a pain moving and for my family and friends, I would probably move somewhere warmer in the country.
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• India
3 Nov 09
Hi friend I loveeeeee winter season because i live in India in Mumbai city, more than 7-8 months summer season rules in here.Its very hot in summer days & winter last 4 max 1-2 months :( but i enjoy winter season soooo much. It doesn't snow here, & i don't like sweating very much because humidity is also on peak :( I can walk miles without sweating :P i think this is the reason i love winter so much,but it feels very good in morning compare to other seasons:D Happy mylotting ^_^
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• China
3 Nov 09
I think few people like the extreme weather(too cold or too hot).good luck:)
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I used to like winter when I was younger. There were less people on the streets and it was quiet when the days started to turn cooler. Now I don't mind it, but I don't like to be cold!
• India
3 Nov 09
I like the weather we are having in North India now. Due to global warming, we are having very erratic weathers now. It is few years since we had extreme cold weather. For past few years, I have stopped wearing sweaters. I wrap myself with light shawls. Though this kind of weather is alarming as there is not much snow now to keep our rivers flowing through out the year, but I like it when it is not very hot or very cold. May be I am selfish, but my body can not tolerate too much of hot weather as I keep on sweating through out this weather and am unable to step out of home.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
I love winter. I hate it when it is incredibly cold, but summers are so humid where I live, it is a nice change.
• India
5 Nov 09
I like very much to winter season. In the winter we dont need to worry with summer sesson like swetting everytime. We can take food as much as like. I love to see snow fall and also love to play in snow. It is only possible in winter season. But Till today there is very less winter. I am worry about this, I have planned to visit in hill area in coming winter vacation.
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@codris (781)
• Italy
3 Nov 09
sure i like winter, expecially snowing days, everithing covered with this soft and white blanket, i like to stay in my ber or near the fire in this days, and do nothing. I would like to do snowboard one day, maybe not so far from now, i promised to my girlfriend that i'll take her to go on snowboard, and i want to maintain my word.
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• China
3 Nov 09
Winter approach,it's terrible that weather is too cold to do anything,apart from skating and skiing,and it's nice when snow fall,have joy with best friend,use snow ball hit each other for fun.when talks about winter,it's impossible to take no notice of,you can't just say like or dislike.
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• China
3 Nov 09
I love winter very much. there are many intersting thing in winter In my country. To spend the winter time is well.
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• China
27 Mar 10
a like winter because which i live is a season of winter.
9 Nov 09
you don't mention where you live other than the north. hmmm. winter -- a real season and it lasts for only a few months. the cold is good. i don't like heavy clothing either, so maybe dress more warmly with your undergarments. and when the winter is ending, you are so happy when the weather begins to warm, flowers bloom. unless you go all the way to florida, there are winter months and cold (maybe not so much snow) in the south east. hawaii is pretty warm year round. i've lived there, lived in the south, live in san francisco now. san francisco has NO SEASONS. it's usually cool/cold until september/october. and it very seldom gets HOT, i.e., 90's. just enjoy the seasons because just when you think you're going to scream because of the cold, sites of spring appear and i know you smile at that. have fun no matter what.
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
7 Nov 09
I like winter. It's not so much the weather, it's the holidays and getting all cozy inside and being able to spend time with family. I know alot of people that get down in the dumps in the winter, but I've never had that problem. I like have different seasons. It would be wierd to have it be 80 degrees on christmas.
• India
8 Nov 09
I am surprised to read your statement. I LOVE Winters. Nearly 10 of the 12 months, my city is very Sunny and Winter is a welcome relief. It is a pleasure to wear all those Colourful Sweaters and Winter Jackets. Oh., just the memory of it gives me new high. I love Winter. Maybe you should shift to Sahara Desert and then you will know the value of winter.
• Malaysia
7 Nov 09
I do not have winter in my country. I have experienced winter when I visited China. since I do not stay very long to feel the bleakness of that season,it will be hard for me to comment. Anyway, some people love winter so that they can play in the snow or go skiing.
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
7 Nov 09
I like the winters. The weather brings out the best coloured clothes that people wear. You get to eat hot food which you love so much such as Pakodas, Bondas, soup and so on.
• United States
11 Nov 09
No. I really dislike the winters here. Iowa winters can be harsh, sometimes downright nasty! I hate the cold as it is, but then the snow comes, then the ice... It's not even safe to drive to the grocery store in the winter where I live! It's just a hassle to leave the house in general. I suppose a 'white christmas' is a good thing, but as far as I'm concerned it can snow December 21st and melt January 3rd. It hasn't snowed here yet [once, and it was the wet snow that melts as soon as it hits the ground] thank god. But surprisingly the weather is going back into the 50's during the day! Odd for November, but then again I'm not complaining!