I need Money! Pawning things?

United States
November 9, 2009 8:45pm CST
me and my boyfriend just can't seem to make all the bills. Besides interent how can i make some extra money. We have been thinking of pawning some things like golf clubs which he paid $300 originally about 6 months ago some speakers and a big sub. I also have some silver chains does anyone have any idea how much we might get for these things even a rough estimate because I know you need a lot more detail to really say but could you guess? And maybe answer my question about the other ways to make some money?
1 response
• United States
10 Nov 09
I would take a picture of each of the items to your local pawn shops and get price estimates from each shop (if you have more than one) and compare each of their price estimates. Which ever gives you the best pay-off you should sell to. The golf clubs you probably not going to get your $300 back but you never know.