life with a lover

November 11, 2009 4:32am CST
when you are all alone, you do not know what is the importance of a lover in anybody's life. But it's only when you fall in love with somebody, then you realize how much it matters.
4 responses
19 Nov 09
life with a lover is more sweeter than living alone..It's so nice you can find your 'other half'..whom you can share your deepest secrets...It's ice to be in love at the right person=)
@sheng84 (22)
• Philippines
12 Nov 09
life with a lover... is perfect.. especially when your bf is a package who can also be your best friend and you both share lots of common interest. you spend more than an hour chatting without feeling bored.. and when you feel everything seems wrong he is always there to make it right. :-)
• India
11 Nov 09
ya what you say is true. Only when some person who really cares about us , enter our life we realize how important life is.We start to long for many things, the need to possess things for our lover than us starts to increase. It is only now that we really start to think about us.Even health and beauty are taken extra care. Love is that powerful in this world, that it can change even a hard hearten man to melt.
@verena (56)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 09
when we're in love with someone, we'll never be alone anymore. in our every step, our lover will be always there in our heart. and you're right, our lover's presence is very important.