I love my parents!

@cjfoust (614)
United States
November 15, 2009 8:44pm CST
I haven't always had a close relationship with my parents, especially during my teenage years. Now that I'm older, I don't know what I would do without them. They have always been there for me and helped me with whatever I needed. I'm definately not talking about money (they've never really had any to spare), but advice, manual labor, and things of that nature, the important stuff. Two years ago, they helped my husband and I redo one of our bathrooms. At the end of July, we bought our second home and are currently renting out our first home. Recently we discovered that one of the bathrooms in the new home has been taken over by mold! My parents spent this entire weekend at our house. My mom helped me finish off fixing up the baby room (I'm due at the end of January with our first child - their first grandchild) while my dad and one of my brothers tore apart the moldy bathroom. I appreciate them so much and don't know how I could ever repay them. Are you close with your parents?
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10 responses
• China
16 Nov 09
hi,you are right,they are so helpful to us .when i was a child,i always hate them,what they said was out of date,i didnot listen to them ,sometimes i would do as i like,but i faied many times,then i will know they are right,they often want to protect me from others hurting me,but i donot like it,now i can know they are so great for me ,because they are my parents.
@jinbotol (102)
• Indonesia
16 Nov 09
that is good women ... if you think like that some time you find the true happy life .
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
16 Nov 09
I used to have a bad relationship with my Mom but as I got older, we've grown closer. As for my Dad, we aren't close and I don't think there ever will be a chance of patching things up with him. I'm happy having my Mom and for me, she is more than enough of a parent.
• Mexico
17 Nov 09
Hi rg0205: thanks for your answer. Even if i don't know what happend to you and your dad one of my best friends have the same problem and that's was because his dad never was with him since he was a child even if he was physically present, he didn't support him and he always fight and fight for stupid things telling him that he was not the son he'd like to have. I can only tell her that, if he can't fix his problems with his dad, at least he should try to forgive him and to understand why does he act like that. Thanks for sharing your feelings. Hope you have forgive everything you need to forgive to your dad and that you're happy now.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
16 Nov 09
I love my mom she is teh only parent I have .She has always been there for me emotionally ,financially and in so many ways I cant even remember.We have always been close even through my teenage years even though there were things that I never wanted to discuss with her but I knew I could becasue she would listen and give the best advice she could
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I sure as heck didn't have a close relationship with my parents during my teenage years either... or really before that as they divorced when i was young... and pretty much just fought after it too. We've gone to hell and back mea nd my mom as well as me and my dad. We went months and even a year i believe without speaking, the whole nine yards. My Mom and I are the best of girfriends now! We can talk about all kinds of stuff and she actually comes to ME for advice! As well as I can now go to her. If I need to talk, or need help painting a room... or if she needs help painting or whatever, we have each other's backs (we both get sick of each other because we both like to revamp rooms. lol) My Dad and I don't really talk a lot... but its not because we're on bad terms by any means. He's just really busy and my life is semi hectic... but its kind of wierd b/c usually within a day of me thinking "i should call dad" he usually calls... or he's told me it works the other way around - so that's kind of our inside thing :) But thru my life I knew that Dad was not the emotional one. Dad, although I believe he loves us dearly, is the monetary one. If I'm in a financial situation, I call him. Not if I need to cry. Which - if you met my dad... you'd really think he'd be the shoulder and mom would be the financial assistant. I'm so happy that my parents and I went thru what we had to get thru and got it over with. We've been thru the worst and now nothing can break us. Its an awesome feeling to know your family is exactly that. Family... the true defenition.
• Mexico
17 Nov 09
Hi cjfoust: yeah i'm close to my parents specially with my mom. I think that's because every man it's a mommy's boy period and i love my dad too off course. As you have mentioned when we're teenagers we used to fight with our parents and to think life is unfair and that they don't give us what we deserve. When times comes we notice things are not that way and that in the opposite what could we do without our parent's help! It's nice to know that you value the parents god has given to you. The best way to thank their gifts is being a good son. Thanks for sharing with us your feelings. Have a nice day.
• India
17 Nov 09
I never had a close relationship with my parents.Actually from my childhood till now I am living with my granny.But my parents help me a lot.I think my parents are greatest gift from god to me.One more thing I want to share I am close to my mom than daddy.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
hello cjfoust! as always, parents are amazing, they are great! just sometimes, we children tend to took them for granted at times... but sooner we will realized that they really are the most special & awesome person in the world! on my part, i have been so close to my mom ever since...from my childhood to my teen age years till i graduated from college, got work & got married... mom is always there and i always make her a part of every decision that i make... but not with my father. when i was younger, i,m not close to him, maybe because he's always out, busy and there comes a time that we really have an issue that even makes me not talk to him for quite some time...guess about a year & i just talk if he ask me something but its very limited... but since i got married to my husband, everything has changed...my relationship to my father becomes better coz i really saw a big change on him...we finally fix things out between the two of us, actually i also make some effort to be close to him again, and i am just thankful that everything turns good in our family... and now i can really say & proud to say that i have a great relation to my parents...even if i am no longer living with them, the tie that bonds us is still there...very strong... i thank God for all of this as well as my husband for bringing back our family close together... i love my parents, yeah, i love them very much...i owe them my life & everything that i have now. without them, i am nothing... i think, the only thing that i can do to repay them is to be a good daughter to them, pay the highest respect that's due for them, love them take care of them at all times specially in their old age...and always pray for their safety & happiness...and i will be forever thankful to them...
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
I am proud to say that my family is very family-oriented. We all show love and respect for each other but we are not really that open when it comes to personal matters like love life and school life. It's really ideal to be able to tell everything to your parents but it's just not the case in my family. But, I really can say that I am satisfied with what we have right now. We believe in family-first, we share everything we have and we can ask for whatever we want and we need from our parents. The age gap is not that huge also so it's not really hard to hang out with them. I love them so much.
@jinbotol (102)
• Indonesia
16 Nov 09
i love my parents too , because without parent we can life in this life , so make the parents happy is my priority .
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
I'm not that close to my parents. But I owe them what and who i am today. I love my parents for they taught me the virtue of respect, the value of money, the determination and discipline that i have started to teach my only child. It only shows how much love they have given us and in return how much I love them both. My dad past away 18 years ago and it was so sad that we were still studying then. But my mom was able to raise us all five children. To be honest, I'm not used to say "I love you" verbally to my parents. But deep inside I've always say that. As a parent, I teach my child not to forget to say those words every now and then. Thanks to my parents for all the love they shared us. Thanks dad and mom, I love you very much.