You may choose to do a full-time wife or career woman?

November 24, 2009 3:12am CST
In my hometown,many women choose to do a full-time wife after her marriage. Their lives seem very exciting,they are go to learn dance and with friends palying cards,and on a regular basis to do beauty.Dear friends,when you got married and had children.If economic conditions permit,then your husband call you at home do not go to work,at home, cooking, looking after the kids and the elderly.How would you do ?You may choose to do a full-time wives at home,or will choose to go out to work,do a professional woman. Dear mylotters,can you tell me your opinion?
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19 responses
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
25 Nov 09
Dong guan is a fast developing region, and a lot of weathy guys prefer their wives staying at home to look after the children. If it falls into your preference, that is ok. But a lot of family tragedies result from such arrangement. To avoid it, the wife needs to develop her competency in relationship with the spouse, to avoid sacrificing herselve one day to a shaky marriage.
• China
26 Nov 09
Hi,zhuhuifen. I do not intend to do a full-time wives.And i am not good at housework. When i was giving birth then i would choose to go to work,so my life can be more substantial.Have a nice day!
• Philippines
28 Nov 09
When I got married I was still working fulltime but when I gave birth after four years of trying, I became a fulltime mom. I was a fulltime mom yet I had no time going to our neighbor's houses and play cards. It's not in my nature. Being a fulltime mom was really fulfilling. Now I do have part-time job but still I am a hands on mom to my three year old daughter. I enjoy motherhood.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Nov 09
Well, I was never able to carry any child full term, otherwise I would have 3 kids, but I do have God children who from time to time I have helped raise. Since I was on Disability at the time, I was able to help take care of them as well as find other ways to earn some extra $$ as well. Personally I think it is a matter of choice of what the family can afford, but I do find if a parent can be around their kids at all times the kids are way better off in the long run for sure.
• China
26 Nov 09
I am have a full time job now. If economy allowed, I would like to be a full time mother and take part time job. I hope I can take care of my son myself, as neither my and my husand's parent can stay with us for long time helping us taking care of our son. Have a great day and happy mylotting.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
I'd prefer to be a full time mom for I know that I am the best person who knew what is best for my children & my family. Although it may be hard for me but I can learn fast in making a home I know I will not feel bored once I get used to it.
@Jensie (120)
• China
25 Nov 09
A full-time wife won't be my choice. I dn't think women should give up their career for their family. We can't have that kind of thought that why bother to work if my husband is rich enough to support our family. We have to have economic capibility so that we can have a equal status in our family. Once man become the only economic source in a family, he think he has the right to ask his wife to do anything.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
24 Nov 09
It would be good to clarify if you mean 'choose to do a full time wife' or 'choose to be a full time wife'. Makes a big difference in meaning. Have a great day. djbtol
@Galena (9110)
24 Nov 09
if you're married, you're a full time wife. being a wife doesn't stop just because you go to work. I enjoy my job. I'm not giving it up just because I'm married.
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
I lie to be a full a part time mother and a part time career woman at the same time even though I love to be around with my children i could still feel bored of being a stay home mom tending everyday to to children needs and serving the husband could be a boring lives to take. Though, i choose both.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
25 Nov 09
That's easy: career woman, for sure! But this is probably because I'm not very domesticated, household-wise, and I am pretty independent even as a 19 year old. I would never want to be solely dependant on my husband for income. In my opinion..That's not fair! And to that fact, if we ever broke up and decided to get divorced..What would I do, then? With no career experience or income? It would be tough to get back on my feet and be able to support myself. Beyond all of that money-stuff.. I need a job. Jobs make me feel important, secure, and like I'm part of something.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I've done both during my life. I started out as a working wife and since the birth of our second child, I've been a stay-at-home mother/wife. Given the choice between the two, I don't think that I would change a thing. I realize that my staying at home has cut down on the income that comes into our house, but in the long run it is very much worth it to me because nothing beats being able to see your children each morning and to have dinner on the table waiting on your husband when he gets home from work.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
I would loved to have a full time wife. But my wife has a great career and she doing very well with it. So when I proposed to her years ago, I make it sure that she can still work and continue her career path. And we are not wrong with this decision. The only downtrend is that she only have a limited time for our children. But we guess its not a big factor since we make all our best when the limited time comes. Its not that i cannot raise them well with my salary buts its because its her life too and she can make her own choice by not ending up with a full time wife.
• United States
25 Nov 09
I am married, but because of the bad economy I am not working. I am at home, but I really do not enjoy it. I get bored at home and it gets me depressed. Maybe once I have kids things will be different. The economy has hit us hard and I feel it would be unfair to bring a child into this world without my husband and I have no money saved up. I am a full-time wife and if I can get into an online university I would be happier.
@samrie29 (112)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
Gee, I would love to be a full time mom. However, since our economy is not that good and since we have so many things to pay for such as rent, bills etc., I don't think my hubby can do all the office work while I take care of our first baby. Right now we hired someone to take care of my daughter while we both work. How I wish I could take care of the baby myself.
• India
24 Nov 09
Oh yes, in India too, women married to rich businessmen or farmers of corporate people do not go to work…they have a nice time from what I see. With no tension of going to office daily, they have a much relaxed life…they learn cooking, fancy embroidery, go shopping look after kids and family and generally lack nothing in life. In older days, women were confined to homes so that was bad for them but now that there’s no restriction on women, these housewives of rich guys seems to have the best of both worlds.
@MAllen400 (829)
24 Nov 09
When I had my children we decided I would stay at home and look after them and I have never regretted it. Some people though are happier if they work leaving children with a minder and then come home and be a mum to them. Here in England there is always the discussion should you have child minders or not. My view on this is that if you have children they are your responsiblity and you should be the one looking after them but please that is solely my opinion and anyway I would not have missed all the different steps that children take. This to me is precious.
@jerimiyah (232)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
I would choose to be a full time wife if the economy is doing really well. I would rather focus on raising my kids than working. Also if my husband would say so that i need to stay home and take care of our home rather than working but not in a controlling kind of way. why not, if we can afford to live the life we want then i would do it. I will just have a business or work home base since my husband has a huge salary. Atleast the homebase job will just be use for emergencies or groceries or personal shopping and save up more than spending his paychecks.
• China
24 Nov 09
hi,smile! if conditions permit,I would like to do a career woman and a full-time wife during differnt stages of my life.I think each of them has its own charm and advantages,so each one is fine if only that is my own choice. now woman have entered labor market in a larger percentage than before,they get salaries as their husband and even some of them become the main economic pole in the family.but the traditional expectation for women still exists---that is,performing housework and attending children,even including the elderly. actually,this is very unfair for women.because since women can share the econimic pressure with men,why can't men share responsibilities of women?it is so unfair and it is so weird! oh,it seems I am talking too far away... as for me ,if my husband want me to be a full-time wife and he have enough salary to support the family,I will consider his demand seriously.after all,a happy family comes out of cooperation of the couple. thanks. have a nice day!
@srija12 (211)
• India
24 Nov 09
Full time wife is very hard.We would go mad if we are at home.So it is better to opt for a better job.Particularly 9 to 5 job.