Jamby Madrigal to run for President?

December 1, 2009 12:57am CST
Among the presidential candidates, it is Sen Jamby Madrigal who seems to be the most determined to run. This morning, she filed her COC under as an independent candidate and without a running mate as well as senatorial candidates. According to her, this only proves that she is not a traditional politician and her family has left her enough resources to campaign for herself. What do you think about her chances and will she be a better president? No hurting words, please. Anyway, here is the link to the said news report - http://angelcuala.blogspot.com/2009/12/jamby-madrigal-to-run-for-president-in.html
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8 responses
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
It was all over the news when Jamby went to court to claim an inheritance from an aunt. So that means that must have been a great inheritance that jamby has to announce all over the world that she too deserved a slice of the pie from an aunts riches. Or maybe the court already allowed her to get her share. That must be a couple of billions worth of inheritance since we all knew that a candidate requires billions to run for the presidency. And to think that she's running independently. But its her right, I just don't think that she has a chance of winning. It's true that she's against corruption and there are a couple of cases that she raised in the senate over alleged corrupt practices of some of her colleagues but i have not heard of anyone who were jailed as a result of her accusations. It would surely work in her favor if a big fish went to jail because of corruption but unfortunately there's none. If nobody went to jail, her accusations tend to be considered as mere rumors and just a way so people will see he on TV. Cheers!
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
i can't comprehend why. she did not give a good performance in the senate but have tantrums.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
Jamby, well, what can I say of her? She is desperate. She may have all the resources needed for every candidate who wants to run for office, but I am sure that she will not make it. It might be her way to rally against Manny Villar.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Jamby is like any other politicians who are after the power and wealth of a President. She doesn't have the capacity to be a President because I never heard about her as being senator. All I heard was she is demanding for the wealth of her late Aunt.
@Nobody4me (165)
1 Dec 09
i have heard of her in the news but still not familiar that much in FIlipino politicans since am new here. but one thing i do know is that people here don't seem to stop running until they got tired of it, but at least freedom of expression is shown in the politics here.
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
I was shocked to learn it early this evening on the news. I actually admire her for her courage. I personally think though that she won't win (sorry, just an opinion) but her presence on the presidential race would surely affect other candidates like Erap, etc because it can be remembered that they were once allies. Votes this coming election would surely scatter. From what I know, she is relatives with Judy Ann Santos so if the actress decides to campaign for her again, then she might steal some more votes.. Actually, this issue wasn't the biggest shocker for me..I was more shocked on the fact that around 80people as of last counting had filed their certificate of candidacy for president alone!!! I mean I honor the fact that anybody can file for candidacy but I just didn't expect them to be this much. I also can't understand the fact why these people would waste millions of money to campaign and just have around 30thousand pesos monthly salary..They keep on saying that their sole agenda is to help the country but why does it appear that in the end, they are all richer than when they started..argh Lord, bless my beloved country!
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
I feel that despite her wealth there is nothing left into her. I really think that despite her wealth and influence she has I think she has not proven to the while nation that she is worthy to be elected as president. I really think she has to do something more for the country since I really do not see anything that she has done in her as a senator. All I hear was the expose against Villar and nothing more. I just hope she would be able to make it with the resources she has with her.
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
She won't make it. No matter how rich she is and even if she gets Juday again to campaign for her, I know she won't make it. I won't say anything more so there would be no hurting words hehehe...