How to get good backlinks

December 18, 2009 4:13am CST
Can anyone tell me how to get good and quality backlinks for any site. So that i can get listed in search engines and also get good ranking position. Becasue i want to get higher ranking position in google, msn and yahoo as well. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
4 responses
@egdcltd (12059)
18 Dec 09
One suggestion for good quality backlinks is having good quality content on your site, so good sites link to it. For lower quality links, you can try publishing articles, and submitting your site to web directories, a list of which can be found here:
• India
18 Dec 09
Dear i have one more question, how to put affiliation sites on any site? I am not aware of it. could you please guide me?
• India
22 Jan 10
nice information thanks for sharing
@JackRoy (243)
• United States
9 Sep 10
If you want to get quality back-links then must follow: 1. Write good content for your site 2. Choose appropriate keyword phrase for your site 3. Exchange link with good sites which is related to your site but try avoid reciprocal link exchange 4. Post informative and quality comment on forum which helpful to others 5. Commenting on do-follow blog 6. Submit your site popular directory like DMOZ You definitely get quality back-links for your site and get better SERP on popular search engine.
• Indonesia
3 Jan 10
There's no secret on the SEO things. A new domain will get indexed in about 3 days. And if you want a good quality backlink, write a quality post. And also don't forget to communicate with other blogs/site/customers.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Writing good quality post is a plus. Create a good communication with your fellow webmasters, try out different forums that offers exchanging backlinks. It will be helpful specially if you really need one for your site.