Are you getting your dog a Christmas present?

@maximax8 (31053)
United Kingdom
December 20, 2009 4:45am CST
I have got two dogs called Secret and Magic. I will be giving them some furry toys to play with. Funnily enough when I was putting people's presents on top of my display case I found a dog Easter Egg. So Secret will be pleased about that. Are you getting your dog a Christmas present? Have you ever given an unusual present to any person or animal?
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13 responses
22 Dec 09
We are getting our dog our present! We have also got it a cheap advent calendar! I knowdogs aren't meant to have human chocolate but it is a small amount and he loves it! Also my brother and his girlfriend sent our dog a Christmas Card!!!!
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
21 Dec 09
My dog loves ripping open Christmas presents. She'll open any that we give her... but she loves it the most when there is something she can eat inside! I got her some treats for Christmas.
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@AmbiePam (86382)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I already gave Sherlock his Christmas present, he told me he just couldn't wait. lol My sister also got him a Christmas present. She bought him the brightly colored sweater, with a Christmas scarf. Yes, a Christmas scarf! He looks adorable. And when he goes outside he doesn't mind having it on because he appreciates not being so cold. My parents also got him a present, but they haven't given it to him yet.
@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
21 Dec 09
I don't have a dog but I know of people who treat their soft toys like living things. they talk to them and bring them places and I wouldn't be surprised if they bought gifts for them too. I have a friend whose husband is jealous of her favourite soft toy! haha.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I have given my pets gifts for Christmas in the past but I'm not this year. I could afford to get Prissy, my dog, something, but I can't afford anything for Cyrus, my horse. It wouldn't be fair to Cyrus if I got Prissy somethng and not him anything. Kathy.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I always get my pets presents and a stocking too! I also buy for my friends pets.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 09
Hi Max Yes I will be getting my Gissi a Present I am not sure what yet but I think he is due a new Blanket for his Bed so that is what I will more then likely be getting him lol
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Dec 09
I love your dogs names. We already have our dogs present. It is a new pink collar. The two cats and two birds will be getting food treats. We have a pet christmas stocking for these pressies.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
20 Dec 09
We got our new puppy an early christmas gift. He doing really well with house training and is able to stay out of his crate for a few hours at a time now so we got him a doggy bed. That way when he is out and relaxing he has somewhere comfortable to sleep. I had wanted to get him his own stocking and put new toys and treats in it, but we ran a little short on money. He destroys stuffed toys pretty quickly though. Next year I think we'll do more for him.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Dec 09
I don't have a dog, but I may get the cats some treats.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
21 Dec 09
My shih tzu Cody will get a big bone and a toy. I will wrap them and he will open them himself. Its the cutest thing to watch. I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year.
@shibham (16977)
• India
20 Dec 09
hi maximax, i have no dog but a cat. the previous day of christmas is my birth day so i have a plan of a big fish for her. hahaha...
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Hi. My sisters and I are planning to buy new piece of clothes for Xiefu, our pet dog. We would like her to look adorable on Christmas eve.