can dog and cat be friends?

@rose66 (378)
December 27, 2009 10:17pm CST
in the film dags and cats everyone can see the dogs and cats can never be friends. as the legend says in china the dog and cat are friends at first. their master love them very much, but oneday the master lost a cornacopia and became sad . the dog and cat wanted to find the cornacopia to make their master happier. so they went out together. finally they found it and got home back at night while the master was sleeping. so the dog let the cat went through the window first and he stayed outside waiting. the master woke up and saw the cat and the cornacopia. he was very happy and gave many food to the cat. the cat was so happy that he forgot the dog was waiting outside. the second the master blamed the dog with the meaning he was too lazy to find the cornacopia. then the dog and cat were not friends .
18 responses
• Mexico
28 Dec 09
Hi rose: that's an interesting question and basically i think that dogs and cats can be friends if theyre raised together. Actually i have watched some years ago a big dog that was friend of a kitty, they made an interesting couple i think. Dogs and cats are actually a good example for we the "rational" humans about being friend that someone you "should be your enemy". Thanks for asking us this question and for the leyend you have share with us. Hope you are having a nice day. Merry Christmas/ happy Holidays. Take Care. -Alvaro.
@rose66 (378)
• China
29 Dec 09
thank you for your response. i think i know more experiences that the dog and cat can live together well now. although i don't have a cat and dog, hope they can be friends everywhere and everytime.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
28 Dec 09
That's a cute story! I don't know about being 'friends' but if they're raised together, they 'tolerate' each other. My brother has 3 pugs and one cat. Sometimes the alpha dog will grab the cat, and drag it around, but he doesn't hurt the cat. Maybe somebody has a better experience, lol?
• Mexico
28 Dec 09
Hi fortunata: Actually I have seen on Youtube how a cat and a dog can show love to each other and be friends. Please, take a look at these videos and tell me aren't they so goregeous? What a beautiful scene of mutual love and tolerance: Thanks for your answer. Hope you are having a nice day. Merry Christmas/ happy Holidays. Take Care. -Alvaro.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
That is they very first time that I have heard about the story. Its very amusing. In most cases, the dog and cat are not friends. But I have seen several situations that they do live as friends. I think it depends on the master and the time that they started living together. In most cases, if the dog and cat started to live in a house when they were still young, most likely they will grow up as friends.
@rose66 (378)
• China
28 Dec 09
nice to know you. i have a philipine friends in china. so it's good to hear your opinion here. i like philipines, the little boy i know tell many things about philipine. and i like the dough nut!
• United States
28 Dec 09
my cat stays outside but everytime I let my dogs out it goes running after them... especially our big dog, jj. She will play with them and rub her scent all over them. She loves them both! Dogs and cats can be friends, just come to my house and see!
@rose66 (378)
• China
29 Dec 09
one of my friends also tell me her dog and cat are good friends. she has the dog first, then a cat comes to her house by herself. so she keeps it and the dog never bully the cat.and the cat even lick the dog with his tongue. so i think if they live together for a certain they can be friends.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
28 Dec 09
reasons Dogs and cats always been hostile is because of differences in how to communicate and also different body movements. The dog moves its tail to show friendship, but the cat moves its tail to frighten enemy. The cat let out a groan (eerrhh) to show a good impression but the dog let out a groan (eerrhh), the voice it was considered as an invitation to fight.
@rose66 (378)
• China
28 Dec 09
yes ,they really behave different.
@Savedeath (255)
• China
28 Dec 09
Hi rose,very glad to know that you come from china and so do i.haha....mylot is good place for us to improve english,right? o(n_n) reality,we do can see some cases of dogs and cats being friends.and not just dogs and cats,some examples are more outlandish such as cats and mice or tigers and dogs.i think every kind of animals can be friends if they go out for enouth time and know each other more,and for the same species if they lack adequate communication then they may be enemies one day.:-) have a nice day and good luck.
@rose66 (378)
• China
28 Dec 09
nice to know you. i like animals but won't pet them. so i have no idea of how making them communicate with each other to be friends. i know some of the dogs and cats are friends now. anyway ,hope they can be friends in the future.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 Dec 09
HI, it is really depend on that cat and that dog. like one of my pets are very friendly... they got along with each other very well. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat. If you have them since they are very young age then they would be ok
@buping (952)
• China
29 Dec 09
hi rose, i do not have a dog or cat in my family, but i have seen some pictures that dogs are cats'friend. they are photoed by someone, so i think that dogs and cats can be friend. they have their own responsibility long ago, but they tend to more be our friends rather than guards family. what they should do is that be the host's friend. so they can be friends now.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
29 Dec 09
yes,in my island i see cats and dogs living together,sharing with eacvhother sleeping with eachother
• China
29 Dec 09
I think they can. If dogs and cats are brought up together, it easy for them to get along with each other well.
@adamc151 (476)
28 Dec 09
oh wow, i have never heard that story before. Although i think it is wrong whoever created the story that they decided it to be the cats fault that they could no longer be friends. However, in reality i definitely think cats and dogs are able to be friends. I know someone who owns a cat and a dog and they get on fine =D
@vycess (1588)
• Saudi Arabia
28 Dec 09
Oh, The story is sad, is it really the fault of cat? They did not become friends again?... But I believe that dog and cats can be friends... My cat and dogs don't fight each other they get along well. Love animals :)
@rose66 (378)
• China
28 Dec 09
in the story ,they were not friends forever. but i also see some dogs and cats can live together well. so maybe just a story! good luck to your dog and cat!
@px_yeap (269)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 09
Well, in my opinion, dog and cat can do be friend! I have dog and cat living in the same house getting along weel together! I think it has to depend on the owner, if the owner welcome the cat in front of the dog, then they dog will accept the cat! that is my case, the dog accept the cat that my family welcomed, and there are cats coming from the neighborhood, my dog will chase after them! so is still the master responsibilities of the dog and cat friendship!
@like911 (15)
• China
29 Dec 09
ANYONE can be your friend. Even people you don't like when you first meet them! I was taught that lesson by my pets.
@inlaviola (241)
• Indonesia
28 Dec 09
sometime cat n dog can make friendship. this really happen my frie have cat n dog n there like bestfriend sleep together n playing together
• Australia
28 Dec 09
Hi, yes. Cats and dogs can definitely be friends. There's also a case where a cat and crow were best friends. The crow would always visit the cat and they would cuddle- there's evidence on tape and it's adorable to see :)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Even if legends say that cats and dogs can't be friends, I have to disagree. I have alot of friends who have cats and dogs that reside in the same house and actually sleep togeather. I also have pitbulls that love cats and would curl up at the end of the day and sleep with the cats in the house. i never had a problem with them trying to fight or kill each other. Just remember, animals are like us, they all have different personalities, we can't think they are all the same, because they are not.
28 Dec 09
Let's be real, I've never seen a dog and a cat be friends. Lmao. Usually it's the cat that is the feisty one. xD