How can I become a morning person?

@maezee (41996)
United States
December 27, 2009 10:32pm CST
How can I become a morning person? I need to know. lol. I just accepted a part-time position at Macy's as a merchandiser (which is an early-morning position), and although I've had about 3 1/2 months of doing this (as a seasonal job), I'm now looking at a permanent part time job (well - permanent as far as THEY'RE considered). I'm just wondering if you can ADJUST your inner clock with time, or is it something that we're stuck with? I'm essentially a night owl, but I'd love to change this. How can I do this? Any tips for me?
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14 responses
• United States
28 Dec 09
You can change your own inner clock it just takes just have to get your body used to going to sleep earlier and waking sooner. You should always gets at least 8 hours of sleep a night that way you can feel relaxed the next day so depending on what time you need to get up in the morning you should to go to bed within enough time to get those eight hours of sleep. If you start doing a new schedule like going to bed earlier and getting up earlier your body will get used to that and soon you will be a morning person. When you are trying to get onto that earlier bed time make sure you are doing things like not drinking caffeine too late, not having distractions such as television or music and be sure to be comfortable clothing wise because if you are too hot or too cold it will be hard to get to sleep and stay asleep. It will take a few weeks to get yourself on that schedule but you can become a morning person
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
29 Dec 09
The way I began being a morning person instead of staying up most of the night was to set the alarm each day for 1/2 hour earlier. Then by later in the day, I was ready to go to bed earlier. It "resets" the bodies rhythm. Karen
@missweety (626)
• Latvia
28 Dec 09
Hello! I would like to know it as well! I think it is not possible! I am an evening/night bird as well and I love it. I love sleeping long, I hate waking up early...I have a full time job in the mornings and I know that I will not be able to change started early, my job starts early, just to make it a little bit easier to handle it, I try to go to bed on time, just before eleven if I have to wake up at 7, then in the mornings I feel a little bit more relaxed and fresher that's the only thing I can suggest...if you live in a country where night life is more seen (like more night shops, night restaurants etc...then you could try to look for a job that has shifts, but in my country, even in my city there is no 24h shop, just a fuel station but I better work in a company that I work not and wake up early than sleep longer and work in a fuel station!!! Good luck!!!
@bingchen (1119)
• China
29 Dec 09
i think that you should plan some schedule for every day,you should know how to do and finish it.when you know how to arrage your time,so you can make this habits to do like that,i believe that you can become a morning person.
@adamc151 (476)
28 Dec 09
I would also like the answer to this as i would stay in bed all day if i could. Getting up on a morning for college is hard for me and i usually feel really tired throughout the day. I suppose the obvious answer would be to go to bed earlier. Well the fact is im not tired on a night so i find it really hard to get to sleep and so by the time i do get to sleep it doesn't make much difference for when i get up :)
• United States
28 Dec 09
It is really hard to switch to a morning person. I have never been a morning person. Though I had to force myself to do it for a few jobs. I also have to wake up with my child and get her on the bus at 7 o clock. Now that is hard to do. Most of the time I do not go to sleep until about 4 in the morning. I just pray that I hear the alarm clock, and most of the time I do. But you better believe that as soon as I walk back in the house I go right back to sleep. Ha. But when I had to do it for a job, thank goodness I did not have to go into work until 10 in the morning. It also helped that I lived 2 minutes from my job. I was tired every day. It is just really hard for me to go to bed early. After I put the kids to bed then I have me time. Most of the time I surf the web and that is very addictive. So go to bed early and make sure the coffee pot is set to go off early for ya. Good luck!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
28 Dec 09
well i guesss i would suggest you start going to bed earlier. maybe like a half an hour each day or even 15 minutes just to get your body used to it slowly.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
28 Dec 09
Hi ! Maezee I know it is tough to get up early for who stay awake late at night.Habbit bulding starts gradually, as you have been working for more than three months it is great. I have started to get up early and go for walk early in the morning. It took great effort in the begening and becomes easy once you are out of the bed.Keep going it will become a habbit as you go on.
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
i actually hear this from one of the actress who turned into a full time mom here in our country. she used to have difficulties sleeping at night which causes her to sleep almost the whole day just to have another hard time sleeping at night again. what she did was she work the whole day without recharging in the afternoon. she just work and work and work. when night comes and its time to sleep, its no sweat for her and the next thing she knew, its already morning and she just made a complete 8 hour sleep that night. happy new year maezee
@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
28 Dec 09
I am 33 years old and I personally could never change. I get up early although I detest it very much. I do it because I prefer to get off work as early as possible as well so a swing shift wouldn't work for me. On the weekends though I sleep as much as my body wants. It feels good to get caught up on sleep. I'm sure you will do just fine though.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Gradually start going to bed earlier in the night then your used to. You may have headaches and restlessness at first but try doing something that makes you sleepy. Watch t.v. or listen to music if you have to, take a nice relaxing bath or shower before bed. Don't use any of the rejuvenating body washes, instead use something with lavendar in it, even baby bath stuff can help. Get completely comfortable and try to go to sleep a little earlier until you wake up in the morning at a suitable time. It might take a week or two depending, but the best thing is to get as much rest as you can. If you work two jobs you'll need the rest.
@kaylachan (59747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Dec 09
Eat at least an hour before you go to bed. Not a large meal, but a small enough one that will burn through your body slowly. This will help you rest through the night and reduce the chance of you waking up like you haven't slept. Do some mild exercise and take a warm bath or shower before bed. This will relax your muscles so that you can sleep through the night. Find ways to relax yourself and clear your mind so you'll be able to sleep. Getting a good night sleep is important in adjusting to an early morning job. Set your alarm an hour before you have to be up. Give yourself at least an hour to a half hour more to start your morning routine. Eat breakfast. Again something small and slow-burning. It'll help you get through the morning a bit better. Try to start this a week before you begain the job. If at all possible to give your body time to adjust to being a better morning person.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
The best way to be a morning person is to try waking up very early, even if you slept late. By the end of the day, you'll feel tired and sleepy. You'll be able to sleep early and consequently, wake up early. You just need to adjust your body clock. I've tried this and once I started waking up early, it became easier for me tp sleep early too.
• United States
28 Dec 09
As someone who has done it all when it comes to working various shifts I can tell you that the previous posters all have it pretty much right. In my career I have worked days, swing shift (3-11pm) and grave yard (11pm-7am) at different times throughout my work history. Days is without a doubt the easiest to adjust to. In addition to going to bed a little earlier every night and other things listed in previous posts keep this in mind. You will probably have bouts of extreme tiredness while your body gets used to your new schedule. Its important to make sure you stay awake during these periods. In other words no naps for a while. If you feel yourself getting excessively tired its time to get up, move around, stretch your muscles, and/or do a bit of exercise. Usually that will give you an energy boost that will get you through the day.