What is your new years resolution?

@aerous (13434)
December 30, 2009 2:57pm CST
As this year go and new year is come. Many people have their own so call new years resolution. This words is somewhat a kind of perspective to change one's life in the next future and renew an old life into a good great life. But this sometimes not happen. For me all the my new year resolution in the past is I fulfill most of them but one thing I didn't do. This is my misery because until I don't have a good life that I expected in the past. Now, I don't have new year's resolution. Because there is a new year's resolution that I cannot fulfill. What about you guys and fellow mylotters. What is your new years resolution, this coming new year? To all my friends here and all mylot, members. I want to take this opportunity to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!!! HAVE A PROSPEROUS NEW YEARS TO ALL!!!
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14 responses
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
31 Dec 09
hi aerous, new year resolutions,i does not have any resulutions for the new year 2010,we may thing some thing,but we may be some thing in next year,it is better to take any resolutions for me,what fate dictates me that will be happen,resolutions will take by itself to me,have a nice day "Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year"
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
You right, my friend. No need for us to have a new years resolution. It is beyond our destiny that being dictate our future...But it is also good to have that set to plan. This is our ways to inclined our life in any disturbances or any other commitment that we need to do...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
@jackie07 (40)
30 Dec 09
Almost all of us love to have new year resolution a promised to do a thing or an attitudes to be or to do within a year. But almost every year we almost say "i will be like this and like that" (new year resolution) but it doesn't happen or you will not fulfill those promises you've made. But now I don't want to commit or to promise a thing. The only thing I could do or ask is 1. Hope that God would give us a good year this 2010. 2. Long life for my me and my family 3. Good Health 4. Become financially stable 5. to do everything throughout this 2010 in God's ways. Have good year to come my fellow mylottters. Thanks guys to become part of this blog/discussion seems like i have a new found friend here. Just love to belong. Happy New Year!!!
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
That's a good sharing, my friend. I want to thank you for your comments. This really a great share and I appreciate with that...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
Hi aerous Happy new year to you. New year's resolution's a problem to me as well. I would set a new year resolution and I'm gonna be breaking it in a month or two. lol For this year though, my resolution would be: to be more responsible, since I'm gonna be expecting a baby next year. Be more thrifty...save save save. And go on a diet. lol.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
That's really great, my friend. We really need to save save and save because as we go along the day life is getting harder and harder...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
30 Dec 09
My New Year's resolutions are: To find me a good paying job and to increase my online income streams.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
That's a good idea, my friend. We hope that we can find more online jobs that really pay us legitimately...Try to bid a jobs as a freelancing. There are many good jobs that you can make regularly...
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Dec 09
aerous I have to make this resolution or my doctor will have my hide I am sure. just joking but seriously I need to lose fifty pounds so I can feel better physically and emotionally to, and control my diabetes much better too. I would also like to make a great deal of money to help my son get a job and get us back together in an apartment. Happy New Year to you and yours Aerous
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Sorry to hear that, friend. It's really hard to have a diabetes because I have a friend like you. Have a diabetes and he is restricted to eat many because that is against to his diabetes... I wish you have a good health, my friend. Health is wealth...Happy new year!!!
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Hi Aerous. It is best for me to put together some ideas of what, in general, I would like to improve, but no specifics any more. So I guess my resolution is to make NO resolutions! Then I am not setting myself up for disappointment. Rather, I will set goals as I go lol. I wish you a happy and blessed 2010. Karen
31 Dec 09
to get out of my life.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
Hi! Karen, sorry for the late reply...Hope you enjoy your new year's eve. I appreciate what you thinking about, karen. Have a prosperous new year's to come...belated!
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
Why, Marla? What happen with your life?
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
31 Dec 09
My New Years resolutions include these: Lose weight. Write more short stories and get them published. Make more money online with Demand Studios. Submit and get accepted in Sasee magazine. I have more but those are the most important and the ones I will be concentrating on the most. Happy New Year to you too! :)
@leateagee (3667)
• China
6 Jan 10
HAPPY NEW YEAR Aerous! Well I am not good at thinking of realistic resolutions. But I always wanted to have a health body by eating healthy food. But I like junkfood, sleeping so late. I wish to eat healtier food and sleep early.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Hello leateagee, I'm sorry for the late reply. I appreciate your participation to this discussion. I wish all the luck that you have in life this year...Have a nice day!!!
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
2 Jan 10
A friend and I were joking earlier today about New Year's resolutions. He said that he would try to give up Human Sacrifice this year and I told him I would try to give up Cannibalism! We had such a good laugh over that one! Happy New Year! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
Happy new year's too...sorry for my late reply. Thank for the comment, my friend
@23uday (2997)
• India
9 Jan 10
hi friend, In new year my new resolutions to come a good year and happy life. In new year all my needs wiil happen. A good future great life. To get a good job in a good company. Good life. Happy life. have a great day.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
I wish that this new years resolution will be granted, my friend. We all hope a good life and assure it in a full determination and hope..Have a good day!!!
• Philippines
31 Dec 09
Hi aerous, I never like to make a New Year resolution as it is easy to say it and the acting upon it is not an easy task to do. I make sure to treat everyone with out most fairness as a person, not to become judgemental and treat each other with respect, sharing joy and peace. Happy New year to you and your loved ones..
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
you right, neelia. It is easy to say but hard to do. sorry for late response...have a nice day!
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
yup, so it is better not to keep a long list of resolution and end up acting at no one which in the long run just a trash of promises which could not be put in reality because of lack of determination to accomplish what have been plan before. happy new Year to you..
@novelcai (600)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
1. get out of debt and save money. 2. lose weight. 3. develop a healthy habit.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Wish you can do it, my friend. Thanks for participating to this discussion. Have a good life and wish you all the best...
@like911 (15)
• China
31 Dec 09
Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of Americans, it is no wonder that "enjoying life more" has become a popular resolution in recent years. It's an important step to a happier and healthier you! Consider one of Pittsburgh's holistic healing centers for products designed to bring balance to your body, mind and soul. Or just get out and try something new! Take up a new hobby or try your hand at skiing. Go to a theater performance, or head to the local spa. Pittsburgh offers a wealth of artistic and recreational activities to meet just about anyone's wishes.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
That is a good lifestyle if your rich enough to do it. But sad to say more poeple can't do that because of unfair balance of life... Appreciate your comments, like911...It's a great share. Have a nice day!
• India
31 Dec 09
My new year resolutions are: - To be absolutely unselfish and positive in attitude bcoz I feel if we can religiously follow these two things, we can fulfill all our dreams and expectations in our life. - Wish you all a happy unselfish positive new year 2010. May the Lord bless you all.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
That's a good Idea, monojdhole. I wish you fulfill that promise to yourself...Have a great day and thanks for dropping your comments