My pet male cat is not coming home since two days. I am worried.

Cat not coming home - This pet cat of mine Kanna not coming home
January 2, 2010 4:58am CST
Hai friends, My pet male cat Kanna is not coming home since two days. It is not used to eat anything outside not even rats and always eats the cat food that we give him. It is a healthy cat and needs more food. Every half-an-hour it asks for food and eats and enjoys it's food. Since day before yesterday evening, it is not coming home and is always seen with another cat. When it cannot control hunger and needs more food, how can it fast for two full days and today is the third day? It is seen near our house. We call it, show the food, but it is not coming home. I am worried. Does your cat behave like this?
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25 responses
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Oh no, I would be worried. But hopefully it is just a long time outer. But it is not safe at all. The sad times that my cats stayed out that long, they were unfortunately hit by a car. It was so sad. But since then we only let them out literally just for minutes. We let them out only for very short periods of time, a little bit before their meals (we give brekfast, lunch, adn dinner), so they are enticed to come in. And it has made them much more sensitive to outdoor weather, such as hot summer or cold winter days. They have barely stepped out at all this winter, thank goodnes.s I'd recommend starting to put up MISSING posters in your neighborhood and letting people know, so they can keep an eye out. That is how we found one of our cats. We also told the town pet control place for their help if anybody turns in or finds injured or sadly hit pets.
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• India
4 Jan 10
With your good wishes, he has come home, ate his food and again went out. He is going behind another cat, that is the reason for his staying out.
• India
16 Jan 10
Thank you so much for the response Loen210. Really I kissed him, hugged him and he too was giving some answers. But he has become thin and the shining of his skin hair has gone.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Hurrah, Hurrah! So happy to hear that wonderful neww. And what a lovely surprise when I hread your response. So happy, you gave me a big smile today. :o) Needed it. Behind the other cat?? Well, show him all your "missed you!" "Love you!" strokes, kisses, and cuddles! Thanks for the great news.
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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
I've lost two cats recently and hope that your cat comes home soon. I know cats can stray away every now and then especially if they are wooing other female cats. But I do hope he comes home soon.
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• India
3 Jan 10
You are right anne25penn. He is going behind another cat near my house. I have seen him. But how can he starve for three days, is my concern. I hope he comes back soon. Thanks for the concern friend.
• United States
3 Jan 10
I have had two cats fail to come home in the last year and feel that maybe they were in a neighborhood where the dog catcher may have been and they got caught. I am handicaped and was unable to get to the pound to check and see. They were not taged so I have no way of knowing. But the two cats I have now have collars and ID incase they get out and wonder off. I have even bought a camera that hangs from there neck and takes photos every 30 minutes. The photos are goofy. I can see where they wonder in the house and what they do when I am not in the room with them. And if they ever get out I will have a detail phot journey of where they went. Those are photos I look forward to someday, not anytime soon, though. I hope your kitty comes home soon. Good luck. Catherine :)
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• India
3 Jan 10
That is so nice of you to write in detail. I am happy to say that my cat has come home sometime back, had his food and again went out. At least he had his food, I am happy for that. Thanks for the concern shown dear.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
3 Jan 10
He's got his mind fixed on something more important than food - that female cat that he's after! He'll come back when he's ready to do so, but an intact male cat can go off for days on end, sometimes weeks or even months, roaming, patrolling his territory and looking for females in heat. There is also good risk that he will be injured in fighting with other males. If you want to stop this, you need to get him nutered. That will stop him chasing off after females and he will not be as likely to get into fights - at least not over a female. It's still possible that he'll get into a fight over territory, but there's no way of stopping that.
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3 Jan 10
I've lived with cats all of my life and I have four adults and a 5 month old kitten at the present. So I am very familiar with how cats behave.
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• India
3 Jan 10
You are very very correct jwfarrimond. I think you must be having cats at home. Otherwise how you are correctly predicting it? This cat sometime back did not come home in the night and came in the morning. Part of it's tail was cut and there was an injury there. We attended to it and now it is ok. Must be it fought with some cat. It always guards the territory and never allows any other cat come near our house.
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
2 Jan 10
my guess is that he's found someone else to feed him - unless this other cat has taught him to hunt - so he may not feel the need to come home... Is he fixed? this other cat may be a female in heat and that will overrule hunger in an unfixed male.
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• India
3 Jan 10
He is unfixed. We were planning to spay him. But how can he starve for three days? This is my worry now.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
3 Jan 10
he's not starving, they can go a week without regular meals
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
2 Jan 10
One of my cats that never returned. - Tom cats have this habit of leaving their home.
There is no guarantee about male cats. Two of my male cats disappeared and when they were at home they were so loving and so attached to us. But I am told sometimes they come back but it is hard to face their absence. Just keep your fingers crossed. You could be lucky and he may turn up.
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• India
3 Jan 10
Even yesterday I have seen him going behind another cat. I called him, he is not even turning towards my side. My husband showed the foot box and made sound of it. He never cared. I hope he will come home soon.
@allknowing (130518)
• India
3 Jan 10
That other cat that you are talking about must be a female. Your tom cat will not care for you nor your food till his session with his lover is over. So relax!
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• Singapore
6 Jan 10
I remembered, when I was in high school I had a female cat. At that time my cat would come home late at 5 in the morning accompanied by another male cat. I would peep from my window, and saw how they looked and meowing at each other as if difficult to let go. Eventually my cat came back in. And I am sure yours will come home too. Just be patient.
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• India
16 Jan 10
He came back Sarinahahmad, thanks for the wishes.
• Singapore
18 Jan 10
Oh I'm so happy and glad too. I think our cats eventually see us as family. There is no place like home. Happy mylotting!
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@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
3 Jan 10
Male cats can forget about eating when they are running after females. That is just natural. My cat was away for a long time and was very hungry when he came back. I took him to a vet and he neutered him and he stopped running away. The vet said that it is normal that cats forget about eating when they are looking for a mate. Also female cats can be difficult to get home in this same situation. My female cat was away for two or three days and when she came back, she was pregnant.
• India
4 Jan 10
I have neutered my female cat papa but I could not neuter this male one. Right from the beginning he was ferocious. I took him to the doctor and on the way he escaped and came home after four hours. I asked the veterinary doctor to come home to give vaccinations. But for spaying, I have to take him to the hospital. I will do that soon.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Jan 10
This is just why our cat, Morgana, is strictly an indoor cat. I love her so much and it would break my heart if anything happened to her or if she got out and didn't come back. All I can suggest is keep putting the food out and hopefully he will come home. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STANDING STRONG IN MY BELIEFS**[/b]
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• India
4 Jan 10
Thanks for the words. He at last came home. But he is not staying at home. He eats his food and goes away.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
3 Jan 10
We have had our male cats disappear for a week or better. He was un-neutered and was scoping out females in heat. Cats are survivors and will find food when they need it. Even if they have to eat out of trash cans they will do it. But as long as you have seen him, you know he is safe. He won't come for food or water until the other cat is out of heat. The only thing you can do to prevent this is to have the cat neutered (If he isn't) or not allow him outside during mating season. I get my male cats neutered faster than a flaming arrow as soon as they are old enough to get neutered.
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• India
3 Jan 10
I will do so. Thanks for the good words friend.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Jan 10
It sounds as if your male cat has a lady friend that he prefers over the food you are offering, at least for the time being. My advice is that as soon as he does come home take him to the vet for a neutering operation. That should have been donr as soon as he was old enough, and you would not have had this problem.
• India
4 Jan 10
Very true. I will get him fixed.
@artistry (4152)
• United States
3 Jan 10
...Hi Buchi_bulla, Happy 2010. Here's hoping that by the time you get this response your cat has come back home. My cat ran out the front door when I was getting the paper once, and walked off the porch and down the sidewalk, not paying any attention to my cries to come back. I was frantic, because I knew I could not catch him if I started to chase him. So I just watched as he kept going through the backyard and off on his journey. I got in my car, could not find him. The neighbors said he would come back, I did not believe them. This was Friday, It was raining on Sunday night when I heard this meow, I went to the back door, there underneath my car was my cat. I put some food in his dish, proped the door open, and went out to put some trash out. He came in the door, and I was a happy camper, and more careful after that. He will come home. Listen for him. Good luck.
• India
3 Jan 10
Your words came true friend. Soemtime back he came, had his food and again went out. But we develop affection on them. If they are not coming even for food, we get worried. Thanks for your response.
• United Kingdom
3 Jan 10
Hey all animals including humans behave like that at some point in their lives.It is called need for companionship.And yes,it gets more important than food at times.Nobody wants to be held back and especially cats,they want their freedom.Don't worry,just give it some time,it will come back.Its a phase in its life where its learning,don't become an obstacle in its path....:)...Just make sure that you are around just in case it needs help!
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• India
3 Jan 10
I think they are like children only. They need freedom. Thanks for the good words friend.
• United States
8 Jan 10
Well quite honestly I don't hae a cat. I dont like cats, just kittens. My mom dont like cats neihter. My grandmother does and she had two kittens right now that just showed up at her house one day. She can't get rid of them.
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• India
16 Jan 10
Even my cats have come on their own. One was semi-conscious without food for four days and the other was left out by it's mother when it was very small. Both were few days old not even a month.
• Finland
16 Jan 10
have your love one back home yet? once my cats was away for almost three weeks. everybody said that he's gone to cats heaven but he wasn't sick and i didnt believe that at all. then he someday came behing the window and i couln't beleive my yes, but took him in with open arms. since then all my ctas have in-door cats i will never let them out again, unless leashed.
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• India
16 Jan 10
Oh thanks for the concern shown. He came home after four days and was very weak. May be no food and sleep properly. But since then he is not staying at home much. He comes home eats and immediately goes away. As long as he comes to eat, that is enough for me.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I do not own any cats but my mom does. she says some of her cats run off for days before returning home. I guess they go out hunting and then come back home afterwards. I hope your cat returns soon too.
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• India
3 Jan 10
I hope so. Thanks for this response friend.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Perhaps some well meaing person took the cat in. Did he have collar with his name and address on it? I would hang up some posters around the neighborhood and call your area animal control to see if anyone has reported finding a cat that meets your cats description. My cat used to sometimes go away for a couple of days at a time but he would always come back or one of our neighbors would bring him back.
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• India
3 Jan 10
He is very much there near our house only. I am seeing him going behind another cat. Even if he comes home at least once and have his food, I will be happy. I hope he will come back.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Hello. Mine didn't come since December 14, 2009. I really miss him. But he's gone...Abuh is gone.He is a very good mouse catcher. For now, mice ran accross the rooms of our home and there's no one to catch them. Were could he be to rescue us......
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• India
3 Jan 10
When they are getting food promptly in our houses, why should they go out is my confusion. I hope he comes back. Happy New Year.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
3 Jan 10
A male cat will indeed behave like this, especially when there are female cats in the area who are in heat. Most cats will not starve if there a small animals or even scraps of food and such around the area, so hopefully, you cat will soon be home :)) Karen
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• India
3 Jan 10
I hope so. Thanks for the concern shown.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
3 Jan 10
Cats differ from dogs. Dogs if called will come back but cats won't. Secondly during the mating season, it will be aggressive and we can not make them to respond to us.
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• India
3 Jan 10
You are right vathsala30. He was going at the back of another cat.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
If I were you I would not worry too much. Cats in nature are really good hunters and they would be able to survive all by themselves. It'll be able to find its own food and will find a way back home that is if it still wants to be your pet.
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• India
3 Jan 10
How can they forget our love and affection? May be that is why they are animals.