what are you doing for the first day of new year?

@bingchen (1119)
January 2, 2010 6:51am CST
i find that the new year is coming,i want to make relax,so i decide to go shopping to buy what i want,at the same time i want to go climbing with my husband and share fresh air from mountain,but i could not use computer yesterday.because i often use computer for several hours in mylot,i need have a rest,i find that my pressure of life is large,i could not hope that i pass this new day with bad mood and be happy to share good life for the first day of new year.mylotter and my friends,what are you doing now for the first day of new year?
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15 responses
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Well, i and my sibling go to the church to attend the mass and after then go to our favorite restaurant to eat together and have a good conversation. After that we stroll in the park and see the beautiful scenery then go home to watch DVD movies and enjoy nibbling on the popcorn and other chips on hand. I rarely comes here in my lot since the end of December as the internet provider in my areas have DNS sever problem and when online the internet is so slow that I am better off just reading on the latest discussion rather than replying as it takes me longer to reply and maybe the connection speed would comes to normal after the new year celebration comes to its end.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
having various program of yours for the first day and wish you happy for new year.
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
same with me, Happy New Year to you and your family..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
5 Jan 10
For the first day of this year I did absolutely nothing. My husband got up and went to work just like he would do on any other day because he said that he would prefer to work on Friday and then have Saturday and Sunday off than to take Friday off and then work Saturday and have Sunday off. It was nice to have an entire weekend with him for a change. It was very old here so that is the main reason that I decided to stay at home and do nothing. Besides that, my nieces whom I typically babysit were out of town so I didn't have to watch them. My daughter went and played with her friends and my son and I were here playing around on the computers.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
5 Jan 10
i think that it become habit and playing around on the computer,i think that if i have free time and often play computer as a amusement.
• China
3 Jan 10
today is the third day of 2010,I still standing at home.on the first day of 2010,morning i wake up very late,after lunch,i went out for shopping with my family,there were so many people in the market.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
i agree with your comment,like to wake up lately and do shopping,actually i like to this life,of course if i have holiday break.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
3 Jan 10
I've been going through some difficult things lately, and the emotion makes me exhausted, so I took a hot shower, dressed in warm comfy clothes, and spent the day sleeping off and on and playing a game on the computer, which I've not done in a long time. I enjoyed it. I decided to take a holiday break from my writing. It has been a good thing to do. Karen
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
i think that it is good way to share the first day of new year.sometimes we feel tired to work and share holiday break and make us happy.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Jan 10
As far as I am concerned, On the first day of the year 2010, I just do nothinh. I just keep me staying at home for a very long time ,which I have never stayed at home for a so long time . Maybe I enjoy the time staying at home searching the internet. I can have a lot of fun.Happy mylot..
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
actually we dont have free time to stay at home to share life,i think that what you do is well,i like to do like that if i have free time and wish you be happy in the new year.
• China
3 Jan 10
well, I went to dye me hair on that day cuz I want to have a new myself in the new year. actually, I wish this year will be quite different for me and it sounds like a new year resolution. of course, I also did some window shopping on that day but bought nothing. so, it sounds a little bit boring and I admit it was a real life.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
5 Jan 10
that is good day for you to do what you want and wish you happy in new year.
@xiexie (41)
• China
2 Jan 10
Today is the day after the New Year's first day i spent several hours to go shopping,because we are on holiday,is now able to take a day aff it is not easy,and i told my wife to the supermarket to buy a bunch of things, have to eat,toys,as well as daily necessities,in short,the first day of New Year,i have been very happy.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
i agree with your comment and go shopping,especially i saw lots of people in the street and feel lively at festivel and wish you happy in the new year.
• Malaysia
3 Jan 10
i wishing can make love on first day of new year
@Wizzywig (7847)
2 Jan 10
Its now the second day of the year here. Yesterday, the 1st of January, I got up around 5.30am and got ready for work. They let us leave about half an hour early so i drove to the park and enjoyed the solitude for a while before I went home. Today I am sitting here watching the snow and hoping that the roads will be clear to get to work tomorrow!!
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
it is good way to watching the snow.i hope that i would watch the snow,but the weather could not too cold and see the snow.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Pathetically enough I just sat around and watched the Law & Order SVU episode that was on at the time, on USA. It was nice having the day off of work & the stress that comes with it. . I really didn't do anything significant to celebrate the new year, and I sort of ignored the resolutions I wrote up the night before. But that's OK. It was a day off, one of which I enjoyed, even if I didn't necessarily spend it doing anything in particular! LOL.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
certainly i think that we should enjoy good day and dont do anything,we dont do significant thing to celebrate and do what you want,that is enough.
@MrKennedy (1978)
3 Jan 10
I just lazed around, doing nothing particularly riveting or interesting. Since I was staying in a hotel for work-related matters, there wasn't much to do, and I had no money to venture outside, so i just watched some cable, sorted out a load of stuff on my laptop and generally eased my way peacefully into 2010
@bharadwaz (112)
• India
2 Jan 10
hi........ i thought that i want to do more in the new year day but i did nothing on that day,but i did one good thing on that day that is i helped one poor person and i felt happy if any beggar i saw on the road i help them if am having money and on the new year day i helped that person by giving more money that felt me very happy
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
i dont think that you can meet this thing and help a poor person.that is good thing and value us to study and wish you be happy in new year.
@bhav27 (442)
• India
2 Jan 10
well first of all , in the first day of new year i waked up at 12 pm means , half of the day i was sleeping then i waked up and my friends called me up and said let's hang out and we hanged out , watched movie then we went to mcdonalds to feed our tummys then we realised that we forget to visit the gurudwara[religious place] then we visited there and prayed to god and the saint blessed us then we did party and finally at night back to bed. this was my day - my routine of 1 jan 2010.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
3 Jan 10
that is good way to make ralax,i think we should share life like that.good luck
• India
3 Jan 10
Hi bingchen I ENJOY first day of new year with my friends.I went to park with my friens i enjoy there. I enjoy cooked food own and ate.
• India
2 Jan 10
Sending greetings to aal freinds..