A terrible toothache~~~

January 4, 2010 8:43am CST
Do you experience toothache? Now i am suffering from the pain and i can't sleep well. I will feel a little painful when drinking. I need to see a dentist but have no time till this weekend. Mom always says that I should eat too much candy, actually, I used to enjoy it but now I do not like it at all now. Because of it , I have a full mouth of bad teeth and they cost me several thousand yuan when i see a dectist. If you like eating candy, I hope that you should have a stong abstinence from it.
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29 responses
@Equinoxx (187)
• Ireland
4 Jan 10
Toothache can result due to eating too much sweets, low calcium levels, poor oral hygiene. Use a good mouthwash regularly which helps in protecting your gums as well as eliminating bad breath. For instant toothache cure, try this natural remedy: chew few cloves !
• China
5 Jan 10
One of my friends suggust me to buy some clove oils that will be good for my teeth while you ask me chew few colves. I think maybe cloves are a good cure for toothache.
@Equinoxx (187)
• Ireland
5 Jan 10
Yes clove in any form will help but it's easy to use in oil form. Hope it helps you.
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Jan 10
Hi Susan, nice choice of interest...this is cool. of course once you have toothache and the pain is killing you badly-you will not have any appetite to eat and even fall asleep. this will result to unintentional weight loss. an excellent result for having a toothache. but i would rather have extra weight than suffer from terrible toothache. you better visit your dentist and end up your suffering. you deserve some more sleep and good appetite than letting the pain pin you down.
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• China
5 Jan 10
You're right. Toothaches will cause unintentional weight loss. But it seems ineffective to me.
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• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Jan 10
wait for som more days--weeks of not visiting your dentist and trust me yuo will be losing weight. hehehehehe. so what's your plan now friend? are you going to visit your dentist or wait for the day that you will finally notice weight lose. goodluck. please no more toothache for you friend!!!
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
4 Jan 10
I have sensitive teeth so my teeth hurt with extreme temperatures or if there is too much sugar in anything. I don't even eat candy though, thats the weird thing. It would hurt my teeth anyways.
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• China
5 Jan 10
Sorry to hear that. But eating too much sweet is bad for us. And I hope that you take good care of your teeth and they may get well one day.
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@bharadwaz (112)
• India
4 Jan 10
hi friend, i too eat candy too much in my childhood but now i don't have that much of interest in eating candy,i know that we cannot sleep when we have a terrible toothache but take care of it dude.
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• China
5 Jan 10
So we should take good care of our teeth since we are still young.
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• Philippines
4 Jan 10
I have had my worst tootaches when I was still a kid...it also came from eating too much sweets...CAVITIES!! But the worst pain is when the dentist is drilling my decaying tooth and putting cement on them, this is really a painful process for me way back when I'm still in grade school. I used to choose dentist as a career, but when that painful experience happend to me, I totally backed out to that dream career. So I told myself, I need to take care of my teeth so I could stay away from the pain. Now I have my routine thrice a month dental check-ups and I get dental prophylaxis and sealants for my teeth in order to prevent further decaying tooth. Please try to make a point you get to clean your teeth regularly and you also have routine dental check-up. I'm glad you started this nice topic. Happy mylotting.
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• China
5 Jan 10
Thanks for your advice. I did experience that awful experiecnce. I didn't want to recall it any more.
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@cherhong (67)
• Singapore
4 Jan 10
Yes, Toothache can cause u lost your sweet dream. try to brush your teeth after candy or sweet drink.this is the way to prevent toothache. dental checkup every 6 months :)
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@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
5 Jan 10
id rather have a headache than toothache. it will even wake you up when asleep. i would suggest that if cant go to a dentist right away, rinse a mild hot water with salt. it will somehow stop those bacterias inside in spreading which makes it more painful. happy mylotting susanna05
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Hi, Susanna05. You are so right! When we were teenagers my aunt used to always tell us not to eat so much of candy. She said that she did not want us to lose our teeth like she has. She said that eating so much of candy can cause bad tooth decay. So, that is why I don't eat so much candy. When I eat a certain amount of candy, I will brush my teeth. I will also do this with my kids too. I don't like to let them go to sleep with the candy bits in their teeth. I will make them brush their teeth before laying down to go to sleep. I have had many toothaches in my life. Some have come from cavities. This happened when I was younger. I hardly have any now. I hope that you will find some instant and long term relief from your toothache.
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• India
5 Jan 10
Hi susanna, its the tooth ache that bothers a lot than any other pain. It is like from head to toe we feel pain. Is the tooth or gum bothering you. If gum i can suggest u if the gum is swollen and little reddish or blackish u just apply ointment named Nitramet on that part of the gum and press it holding the gum on both sides with your fingers putting pressure on the gums do it as many times like minimum thrice a day. The clotted blood over there will come out it will start bleeding for a while next it stops u can even feel relief. Anyway u better consult doctor. take care..bye...
• China
5 Jan 10
Both my gum and teeth are in pain. However i will go to consult dentist. Thanks for your suggestion.
• Malaysia
5 Jan 10
Hi, Susanna! Yeah, I do experience toothache and I feel all my body system is switched off when it happens! The pain is just so intolerable, so, I can really understand how you feel right now. Everything you do seems it's not right and it driving you nuts hearing even the slightest sound. You can't move, talk and worst, you have to suffer hunger! One of the reasons could be eating too much candy or sugary food, but it is also advisable to brush our teeth after eating or rinse our mouth especially when we have sensitive teeth. I have done the Root Canal Treatment (RCT) a few times before and yeah, they have cost me so much! Anyway, I hope you will get to see the dentist soon.
• Malaysia
6 Jan 10
Ohhh, that's too bad! They should let you go as your work performance will be affected and they should realize that you can't give your best at work in your situation right now. I have more understanding employers in my previous workplace, so, I have no problems in taking half day leave or a day leave because having a toothache is considered you are not fit to go to work.
• China
5 Jan 10
Hi, Corrycrystal! You really understand my feeling now.It's so intolerable and I still have to on work everyday. I want to ask for leave but not allowed. I will go to see a dentist on the weekend.
@giegrace (213)
• Philippines
6 Jan 10
Actually, its okay to eat candy as long as you brush your teeth afterwards. Bacteria feeds on sugar. So the longer the sugar stays in your mouth, the greater the number of bacteria feeding on it.
• India
5 Jan 10
Susanna use clove oil or clove powder near the tooth which is aching, to my best knowledge clove is the best medicine for tooth ache. It has been used as best home remedy from many centuries for tooth ache. I hope you got my point.
• China
6 Jan 10
Yes, I wll. Thank you.
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
yes I experienced terrible toothache when I was a teenager, but after then I never experience it again, yes toothache is really painful, I remember my mom always told us to take good care of our teeth, to avoid tooth decay, She don't want us to experience the severe pain that she experienced in her younger age. she said that she would rather gave birth than to suffer from toothache. he he
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@Thyme1 (48)
• China
5 Jan 10
Hi,,it`s terrible having a toothache .You must be have a hard time.My mother sufferd before,she coudn`t sleep ,eat .It`s painful seeimg my mother suffering that terrible desease having nothing to do reliave pain.Sometimes even the dentist couden`t afford any help.My mother also in that case. I hope you can recover as soon as possible!
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Jan 10
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you will go to see the dentist soon to solve this problem. I know how suffering it is to have the terrible toothache. I had experienced it before, so I can understand your feeling. This is why I pay attention to my teeth. I will brush it well. I think it's better for you to have a day off to see a dentist. Because the toothache will not go away by itself. I love China
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
5 Jan 10
I've been through this pain in the past and the worst is, I'm in a foreign country and I have to rely to one of my friend to help me and take me to the dentist, that time she was busy, so I waited about a week to see the dentist. I was so thankful when it's over and done and try do my best to take of my teeth. Maybe you can try to drink warm water, and also try to not press your cheek where the toothache is and don't put your hand onto it when you sleep.
• United Kingdom
5 Jan 10
I've had this pain in the past and it's not nice! I never used to go to the dentist and would always throw the appointment cards away when they arrived. However, I decided to change my approach on that and now I visit the dentist every six months and the appointment cards continue to arrive on a regular basis. I too have a weakness for chocolate and different types of sweets but I'm not going to abstain from them as they give me a lot of pleasure especially when sitting in front of the television!. Still, I will do my best to look after my teeth and thankfully I've not experienced toothache for a long time now. Andrew
@azlin_04 (112)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 10
Hi Susanna05, well..let see ..the terrible toothache i ever have was 4mth ago when the filling came out and left a big hole there in my mouth!!..i have to wait about one week to go to the dentist since at that time i am very busy with the end month closing...hahahaha really lost some weight!! That doesn't means that i didn't take care of my teeth..i love my teeth very much...i am not into candy but loves chocolate especially Cadbury! From what i observed here in my country, the adult tends to visit the dentist only when they are suffering from a toothache!! I normally go for checking once in 6 month.and i think you should to... Better don't wait any minute..hehehe..because toothache is terrible than other pains...you can't sleep...can't eat..or can't bear any noise around you!!
@bingchen (1119)
• China
5 Jan 10
i have this same experience toothache and make me painful and dont want to do anything,i could not sleep well and pain to the dawn,i hate this pain around me and make me uncomfortable,the only way i want to do i hope that i can get rid of my bad tooth.
@Esmechan (53)
• China
5 Jan 10
oh, Susan, Poor you. I am so sorry for your toothache. Luckily, i didn't have such painful experience, but i heard that the toothache is very disgusting. It would let you never feel at ease for a long time. Anyway, good luch to you and I wish you would get it well soon ~~ Since your teech are so weak,you should take better care of them in the daily diet.