Are you a law-abiding citizen?

January 8, 2010 11:16pm CST
Are you a law-abiding citizen? I mean in all sense of being one? Different laws are formulated and implemented in different countries around the world. This means that whatever may be considered a crime, whether petty or major one, in your country may not be a crime in another country. In fact, in the USA alone, there are certain laws that are observed in one state but not in the others. Nonetheless, what is really important here is whether or not we follow all these rules and regulations our government implements. Are you a law-abiding citizen? Do you follow all trafic rules and regulations only when someone is looking? Do you always abide by the "No Littering" law in your area only when you know someone is around? Have you ever driven a car drunk? Etcetera etcetera etcetera... I admit, I am not a 100% law-abiding citizen...
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16 responses
@nocturn98 (956)
• Venezuela
9 Jan 10
I am not a 100% law abiding citizen. Traffic laws are the most common that I break. It is very tempting to park at no parking spaces.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
Same here.. traffic laws are the most common that I break.. and gladly get away with it.
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
i would like to believe that i am a LAW-ABIDING citizen.. i follow traffic rules even no one is watching. i keep my own garbage in my bag when i cant find one. i tried to discipline myself, so that i will not be a nuisance to the society. i tried to be honest even if others cannot i tried to be honest even if others will not i tried to be honest even if no one is looking that's how i tried to discipline myself. How about you?
• United States
9 Jan 10
"Yeah, Lamb made some bad mistakes in the past, but he rose above it despite a lot of people being against him. I don't judge people by their covers or their past. I judge them by what I see in the present and I see a compassionate, honest guy who would do a lot for his friends."
• United States
9 Jan 10
May I also mention he is dedicated to his family. Sorry bout that lil error there, Lamb..
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Do you honestly call yourself a Christian, Alexy? And yet you say you don't know if you can like Lamb because he dares to admit he was in prison at one time? Well, if you ARE a Christian, then you'll have heard of Charles Colson. How about the Apostle Paul who spent the remainder of his life in prison? Colson BECAME a Christian because of having gone to prison and it helped mold him into who he became. Prison also made a difference in Paul's life and how he presented himself to others. And, yet you call yourself a Christian while criticizing Lamb for having admitted being in prison in his past and knowing that it helped him become who he is today??? At the very least, you need to beg forgiveness for having such a low opinion of your fellow man who admits (hmmmmm - would that be a word similar to CONFESS?) having been in the wrong previously. As I recall, Jesus himself communed with criminals. I wonder what would have happened if he'd been more like the Pharisees and only hung with people worthy of his company??? I guess he'd be more like you?? Unbelievable!!
@balasri (26537)
• India
10 Jan 10
I am a law abiding citizen in this country as I need to leave a peaceful life.People in high places and the local politicians in other words the thugs are ready to pounce on the unfortunates ones who by accident happen not to abide by the law to fleece them.No use fighting this rotten system here.So I prefer to abide by the law very much for the same of my beautiful family.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I follow my heart. It is against the law here to feed Pigeons, but I do feed them during the harsh winter. I have to stop at the stop sign, but when road is icy, I am sliding not stopping. I don't have to worry about drunk driving because I don't drink.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
9 Jan 10
in city of Chicago, yes...
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I like to think I'm a law-abiding citizen although when I was much, much younger (high school) I did shop lift but stopped..and yes did get caught once. That ended my "life in crime" days..LOL as for your questions: Are you a law-abiding citizen? Yes save for what I mentioned before...otherwise yes Do you follow all trafic rules and regulations only when someone is looking? Well I don't drive, but I sometimes do jaywalk or cross a street when the light is red--LOL Do you always abide by the "No Littering" law in your area only when you know someone is around? Yes Have you ever driven a car drunk? N/ car, don't drive
• Philippines
10 Jan 10
yes,but just like you not 100 percent law abiding citizen.Even though somebody is not looking at me i tend to do what the law requires, but there are instances that when i am in a rush or emergency i tend to forget about the law. maybe when every body follow rules, specially in our country. we could progress............
@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
9 Jan 10
[i]Are you a law-abiding citizen? nope Do you follow all trafic rules and regulations only when someone is looking? what stop sign? I was NOT speeding...the car was Do you always abide by the "No Littering" law in your area only when you know someone is around? YEUP!!!! Have you ever driven a car drunk? NOPE![/i]
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
9 Jan 10
All laws are made or created to be will be the right person only if you are a law-abiding citizen in any context.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Jan 10
I try to be law abiding citizen and so far I have not been penalized for breaking any laws of the country except for minor things like late payment of parking tickets. Laws are meant to be broken otherwise the lawyers have no income.
• United States
10 Jan 10
I am a 88% law abiding citizen. When it's not hurting anybody, Once when I was visiting a county, there was a law saying a person could not walk backwards once it is dark. I stayed up late that day just to break that law. I was not caught...
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
I do follow the law and have not committed any criminal offense. But there are certain occasions that sometimes when someone is not looking, I violate small things. Usually in our area, we call it city ordinances. In so far as littering, I do admit that there are occasions that I throw something and violate this law.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Hey dolce! I think that is great that you admit that you don't follow the laws 100%! I think that it is more believable than if someone says they do! I don't follow the laws "exactly" 100% of the time either! But, I also don't break any of the major one either!lol I do litter, sometimes, although I try very hard not to! I am not perfect, but that is not the type of crimes that makes the problems and we both know that! It is the other major crimes that make the percentages go off the charts like robberies, murders, thefts, kidnappings! I am sad to say that where I live these are the crimes that count and there are way too many of them!
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Jan 10
As far as I am concerned, I think I am a man who follow the law always . I am a law-abiding citizen. For there are road rules in everywhere . Many big cities have their own riles. Most of uw usually obey the rules which can help them to have a healthy body ,in case hitted by a car accidently. I think If everone tries to be a law-abiding citizen, a beautiful world will become.
• Netherlands
9 Jan 10
Sure i am. The only wrong thing i ever did is i bit the s**t out of a guy who want to flirt with ma girl. he didn't know i do martial arts. But he will never try that again.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Jan 10
No, I'm not 100% law abiding. I don't wear my seatbelt when I'm driving locally even though wearing one is a state law. I sometimes drive above the speed limit, too. I never litter though...because I hate the sight of it on the sides of the road.
@May2k8 (18161)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 10
I am not a law-abiding people, I break through the existing street signs in prohibited entry because of the dark and no lights on. I like taking out the trash just anywhere if no one who saw me.