How to live a healthy life?

@akssah (118)
January 9, 2010 9:22am CST
Tell me how you spent your day to be healthy. Just tell me the details of diet and fitness mantra.
9 responses
@brislor (55)
• India
22 Jan 10
@bird123 (10632)
• United States
9 Jan 10
They interviewed 100plus year olds to see what they all had in common.They all had three things in common. 1. They all got exercise 2. They all had something to do. 3. They all got over things quickly when something bad happened to them.
@nautilus33 (1827)
9 Jan 10
HI! I think for a healthy life it is not necessary to have a diet. You just need to do exercises every day, at least 2 time a day, and eat 3 times a day, because eating once or twice is not good, your organism get accustomed to this regime and knows that you eat only once and hold back all the fats!
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
I have a planner for myself. I am a day ahead of the real dates. In the morning, I go for an exercise,breakfast and get ready for the day. I take some multivitamins. I am active for the whole day. That keeps me healthy in living.
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
I actually don't like the taste of vegetables but I do keep on trying to like it because I have to. Vegetables are indeed very healthy and very natural food. I also buy variety of fruits everyday. Aside from that, I also take food supplements to somehow help boost my immune system since I used to have few number of hours of sleep almost everyday because of insomnia. I also buy full cream milk since I also want to gain more weight. These things I have written here are the things that I used to practice in order to keep my body healthy and strong. Hopefully, it will work.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Hi akssah. I try to eat as healthy as I can with the money we have (nuts, some fruits, organic foods, certain fish are a tad expensive). We do take Shaklee supplements. Each day I have at least one protein drink, multivitamins and other supplements with vitamins and minerals. I really should exercise more. I keep my weight around 172. Above all, I listen to God through Christ for guidance in regard to my body.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
9 Jan 10
HI, all you have to do are, eating right, exercise and always be on time for bed, stay active, maintain your health check up... etc. As long as you stay health then everything will working out so well for you.
• American Samoa
9 Jan 10
well akssah, the common words or phrases that you will about to see are, eat good quality fruits, vegetables, greeny vegetables, less meat or fatty materials, drink a lot of water, have a good night sleep, exercise, and... smile :D
@cycle6060 (118)
• India
9 Jan 10
Compulsory morning walk for 45 minutes, a nourishing healthy morning breakfast, salads and a proper meal for lunch and a very light dinner before 7 at night is what I follow.