How many of you regularly skip breakfast?

January 12, 2010 8:33am CST
I know they say it's the most important meal of the day but I have to admit between working a mix of day and night shifts I'm not particularly good at eating first thing in the morning. I'm curious how many others are inclined to skip breakie like me.
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47 responses
@nocturn98 (956)
• Venezuela
13 Jan 10
I tend to skip breakfast more than take it. Sometimes there's just no more time to take breakfast especially when you're running late. I usually just have a cup of coffee and that's it.
• Singapore
13 Jan 10
Well starting the day with a hearty breakfast *is* supposed to be healthy...
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
12 Jan 10
Well I am staying alone and I get so lazy in the morning that I hardly have time to fetch myself a good breakfast, but I do regularly drink a glass of juice before I leave for work and have my lunch early say around 12:00..But I do have my breafast in weekendssince I get plenty of time to pamper myself in off days!
• United States
13 Jan 10
I never skip breakfast, because then i wuold be starving and likleye turn into a money. pay me already!
• Philippines
4 May 12
Hi sunisami! In as much as breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I wish I could have it regularly. I try not to skip breakfast by waking up early in the morning. However, there are times when I really can't have breakfast due to time constraints.
• China
13 Mar 10
i did this when i was young, which brought very bad consequence to my health. i had the gall stone now, even it is not serious, but you feel a little bit burden. So really a recommendation: don't skip your breakfast.
• United States
12 Jan 10
Most of the time when I wake up in the morning I am not even hungry. It does definitely provide a good start to the day if you have a good breakfast though.
@lala501 (1532)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Yes same with me, I am never usually hungry in the morning, but during the afternoon I can start to feel my stomach grown,and I think dang i should of ate breakfast this
@lahari (133)
• India
12 Jan 10
I am still a student and am studying in a college so before I go out of my home I do eat breakfast. My life is very routinely and mom is always supervising it so I never get to skip any of the necessary meals even if I want to. Its a habit now and under normal circumstances I never skipped it and as you know that its important to have breakfast so please don't neglect it as health should have the top position in your priority list of life! Have a nice day ahead!
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
I'm also a college student like you lahari. That's why it's very important to me eating breakfast because in college great thinking was needed that's why we need a real energy charge like food. By the way, as my mother told me when I was in grade three. She said that the children who doesn't eat breakfast do have a low immune system that's why she/he is prone from sickness and virusess.
• United States
16 Jan 10
I always eat breakfast. I try to never skip breakfast cause I will get really hungry before lunchtime. I have been trying to eat right so I have to eat my breakfast. lol
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I do not eat breakfast. I try to eat as late as possible. I find when I start eating it is hard to stop. I want to eat till I can not hold anymore. So, I wait till late in the day to eat. I think it has something to do with the acid in my stomach. I have been treated for acid reflux. Have a great day.
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
17 Jan 10
hi sunisami, i am regular in breakfast,mostly my wife prepare different types of breakfast daily,regarding lunch i am taking less and for dinner also i consume very less food,mean while i took some snacks also,if i am in the traveling i keep biscuits or bread with me as a breakfast,have a nice day
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
I'm not skip breakfast because I don't want to have an Have a nice day!!!
@msinfo79 (324)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I don't know if I'm weird or not but I only eat when my body says so. I don't always eat breakfast, or lunch. Most of the time I don't get hungry until almost 3 pm. on the weekends though I try to make myself eat 3-6 times a day.
• China
14 Jan 10
before working, i always eat breakfast regularly. but after graduaion from the university, the first year, i still would eat breatfast as usual. but slowly, i miss it once and once. now, though i know the breakfast is important, i still dont eat it regularly.
• Pamplona, Spain
19 Jan 10
Hiya sunisami, Breakfast is a really good thing to start the day with but sometimes you don´t always feel like it so I try to make it as different as I can. As I don´t have a real job I can alter the time I eat a bit too and that makes another bit of difference not the same old boring routine.
• China
15 Jan 10
HI suniasmi, yes, I think the most important thing for you after a night shift working should be a good sleeps, and I also have the similar experience, but i always woke up due to hungry when on the bed, so, why not spend some time to a simple breakfast?
13 Jan 10
I never eat breakfast. I drink coffee when I get up, but I can't bring myself to eat when I've not been up for long. It makes me feel really sick. I'm usually never hungry until late afternoon, or early evening, so it's not uncommon for me to not bother with lunch either. I tend to drink coffee instead of eating, I just don't see the point of eating when you're not really hungry.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Hi sunisami! I hate to admit it, but I am not a breakfast eater at all! I never really was. When I was working I did have breakfast once in awhile! I would pick up something on the way to work like a bagel or donut and coffee or if I was really early I would have a nice breakfast at McDonalds if I was working near one at the time! But, most of the time I don't bother eating breakfast at all now that I'm not working!
@nrn2003 (661)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I usually skip breakfast, but the last few days I have been having a muffin in the morning. I usually dont have time to eat at home before I leave for work, and I dont like to go out and spend money on breakfast. So I usually just wait until lunch.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
13 Jan 10
When I was working I only ate breakfast on weekends. I would rather sleep than eat, so I would just get up in time to get ready. Now that I'm not working I usually eat breakfast everyday. Only cereal or oatmeal, but it's something. The only time I might skip it is if I know I am going out for a big lunch or I have a doctors appointment, or somewhere I have to be early.
• India
13 Jan 10
Normally it is advised to take breakfast to get Glucose to brain. Some may get headache when they do not take the breakfast. I have experienced this. When I have to go to work in the early morning, I was missing the breakfast because of my involvement in work. Now, though I skip breakfast, I take the supplement such as Milk or some drink in the morning.
@nemrac12 (388)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hi sunisami, i eat breakfast regularly beacause i am the one cooking our breakfast. i have 2 kids schooling and they should eat breakfast before going to school. if i will not take my breakfast, i feel slow and gloomy...