How many pillows do you have, are you surrounded by pillows when sleeping?

@vycess (1588)
Saudi Arabia
January 14, 2010 8:03pm CST
Feels sleepy:) I want many pillows in my bed, it makes me more comfortable. I think I have 4 pillows in my bed. Do you want many pillows or just only one? Where are you more comfortable?
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18 responses
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
I have 7 different-sized pillows (8 if I count my husband ) that I sleep with each night I can't sleep if I am not holding or hugging anything so I need my pillows.
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
Hi there vycess! I like having many pillows on my bed. Soft pillows at that. I have 18 pillows on my bed. All of different sizes and shapes. The problem is each time I travel (which I do a lot), I can't enjoy the same luxury. I don't think it would be practical to bring all these pillows when I travel.
@vardon (90)
• China
15 Jan 10
i am a college student.and i used college`s pillow,just one.
@nautilus33 (1827)
16 Jan 10
HI! I have only one pillow and I share it with my girlfriend She doesn't like to sleep on a pillow and use only the end of it! Our pillow is very big, and I like it, because it is not so soft and not so hard. It is very comfortable and feel better, when I wake up every morning! My last one was not so good and comfortable- it was to soft and every morning I had a neck ache! But now i am much better !
• United States
16 Jan 10
I only have one. I used to have more... I can't remember what I did with them all though. I feel most comfortable with one.
@alikash (37)
• India
15 Jan 10
I would like to go with 2pillows on my bed.....
• Malaysia
15 Jan 10
Hi vycess, i have 2 pillow up to now, but I dont use them often when Im sleeping,I like to sleep without my pillow
• United States
15 Jan 10
I've only got one, and that's all I need. If I have too many pillows I feel like I'm propped up too high.
• India
15 Jan 10
Hi Vycess, I have two pillows on both sides, that makes me more comfortable while i sleep. Some may like using more pillows but dont. But having more pillows is really suberb.
• United States
15 Jan 10
Hi, I have three pillows on my bed when I sleep and a ton of blankets, no matter how warm it is I need to at least have a blanket touching me, I'm weird haha. I guess it's a security thing and I love to have pillows around me, I use to sleep with four or five but I only have three right now. When you sleep comfort is everything or well it is too me.
• Cyprus
15 Jan 10
I love pillows.On my bed i have 5 and i want to add more :)
@kaylachan (59783)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Jan 10
In our bed George and I have three pillows. Two for me, and one for him. I don't make a big deal out of the ammount of pillows, but two is enough to support my neck at night. I feel too flat with out at least two and sometimes have trouble sleeping and breathing. I could add another, but I think it would be too much. THough I wish the two I had were more fluffy instead of hard and flat.
• China
15 Jan 10
Hi,vycess.I have only one pilows in my bed.In fact ,I don't like a pillow so much.Because sometimes I like a down-shift when I use a pillow.After I wake up,I even can't find the pillow.But someone tells me without a pillow when I sleep is bad for health,so I have to change my habits.Fortunately,I am used to now.
@Avinigav (238)
• Indonesia
15 Jan 10
Owh... I love to use pillow. Some time I use pillow but some other time not. I can sleep at both situations. Time when I sleep with pillow, just one pillow. Except the bed is hard. But for most of time, I use just one pillow. I'm still single, so no need for more pillow :D
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hello there! we don't have much pillows in our husband and i are not really fond of having them... coz we want more space while we are sleeping. now, we just have 2 in our bed! one for him & 1 for me! and besides our bed is not that big so better not to have lots of pillows!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
15 Jan 10
I also sleep with 4 pillows on the bed. During the day when the bed is made it has 7 pillows on it. Three of them are for decoration. I usually sleep with a pillow between my knees to keep my lower back from hurting when I get up in the morning. The other three are just to be surrounded by puffy pillows and to feel a bit more protected and warmer. Love my pillows!
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
15 Jan 10
i only have two pillow, i feel comfortable with that, my wife love to have three or four pillows but i have it it creates barriers, you know what i mean?
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Jan 10
As far as I am concerned, I just have only only one under my head which I think is the most comfotable pillow in the world. I usually keep my pillow in a very quiet place which I think will not be dirty by some other things.In this way , it can help me to a more strong body.I enjoy my pillow so much.