Favorite Job

@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
January 15, 2010 11:13am CST
There was a time in the past where people would start a job as a young person and would stay in that job for the rest of their lives. Today, however, people tend to change jobs on a regular basis. We enjoy some of these jobs and other jobs we don't enjoy at all. That said, what is your favorite job that you've ever held? Why did you enjoy that particular job? For me, it was between the birth of my daughter and the birth of my son. I worked as a nursing assistant at a local hospital. Yes, it was dirty work and yes it was very difficult work, but I really enjoyed it because it was so rewarding. I got to see the patients get better and I got to see them share a smile when I helped them with a simple task. Though I didn't always like the people that I worked with as co-workers, I always did love the patients. Your turn, share with me.
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20 responses
• India
16 Jan 10
Well, my first job was a call center work, where I used to make calls day-in and day-out. I liked the work at first and after sometime, I started feeling bored about it and needed a changeover. But since, the time had come to pursue my remaining studies, I could not do more job and now, I am currently in the final year of the completion of my degree after which I would definitely like to take up a job related to my field and continue it with interest!!
• India
17 Jan 10
I am pursuing my career in engineering degree in production branch. I wanted to go for computer or electronics engineering but had no choice as few seats were available at that time in the colleges!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I can see why working in a call center would be a job that you would easily become bored of. What is the field in which you are studying?
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Jan 10
That sounds like it would be a very interesting field to be involved it. Best of luck to you.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Hi Dorann I remember those days, as my parents lived them. For sure, the entire job scene has changed. As to the job I loved most, next to being a mom, it was doing office work. Best of all though, I love art and writing, and am fortunate to now be building on those loves. Karen
• United States
16 Jan 10
Associated Content is a good place for that, Dorann. :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Still thinking about associated content. I need to have a normal day in my life and I might be able to get my writing career started.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I've never been blessed to be good at art, but as for the writing, that is something that I really enjoy and it is something that I would love to be able to make a little bit of money doing.
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• Estonia
15 Jan 10
I am still studying at the moment, so I haven't yet got a chance to work on a regular basis. However, I've been working hard almost every summer. And this summer was the best - I had a chance to work as a night guard at the construction site. You may think, that this is a pretty stressful job and stuff. But it wasn't. All I had to do was sitting in my booth and watch TV. Sometimes I went out for a patrol too, but it was always quite calm. I got paid for just keeping myself awake. Another good thing was that I had a chance to work during day-time too, so it was like an extra cash.
• Estonia
16 Jan 10
Yea, you're right. Once I had such situation. There was a group of workmen, who were repairing the facade. They had some heaters for drying the filler and paint. One evening they came into my booth and told me that there are 4 heaters missing. My first emotion was kind of shock, I thought:How is it possible that someone has stolen these heaters? They are kept high on the scaffolding and scaffolding is covered with a special cloth, so you can't see, what is kept up there. For a strange person it will take hours to find these heaters up there. From that on, I started to keep an eye on the place where one can climb up to scaffolding. I kept spectating for a couple of weeks and nobody had even passed by. Then later I asked the workmen about how many heaters they have, and they told me, that they have six of them remaining here. I searched the scaffolding and found only three of them. It seems that they were just lying to me about their heaters, telling me that there are more heaters, than actually is. Perhaps they faked that theft and tried to get recovery money from the company I worked for. After discovering that, I stopped worrying again, because I think the workmen also realized, that I was knowing about their plan.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I play a game online with someone that is a night watchwoman for a company and she seems to really enjoy it as well. I imagine that when there is nothing going on it is the easiest job that you will ever have, but I can also see where it could get stressful if something went amiss.
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
16 Jan 10
My favorite actually a volunteer position at a nursing home. It was just awesome to really feel appreciated when you arrived at work everyday.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
As I told someone else, I think that in a lot of situations, volunteer work is perhaps one of the most rewarding things that you can ever do with your life. You are always so appreciated when you are a volunteer.
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
16 Jan 10
My favourite job was at an insurance company. I loved it because of the people. It was a lively and fun atmosphere to be in and having a great social aspect to the job helped.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
So you are a people person. It is great to be a people person, I'm sure that having that characteristic in your personality will take you far in life. Thank you for sharing.
@Drew_29 (26)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
I do agree with you because every person must take a job for future someting but of course sudy is musch important to reach your goals. And having a favorite job you have to feel in your heart that you really like it trust me I now that and always believe in yourself because your the one who can fix it like me my heart wants me to be a doctor even its a hard course but like they say try and try until you suceed.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
There was a time in my life that I too wanted to be a doctor. However, I became a mother first and that has been quite rewarding to me as well. I have evolved since my younger years and I just know that when both of my children are in school that I want to do something that helps people in some way.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jan 10
Well there was the caddy job at the bridge club. Well OK that wasn't a 'real' job. But I went in with my mom at night, set up the coffee station, emptied ashtrays, put out cookies, cleaned up afterward, got paid a little bit, and in between I was able to do my homework. Not too bad....
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Regardless of the fact that it wasn't a 'real' job, if you enjoyed it, then it was good enough to count. Thank you for sharing.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
15 Jan 10
Heck I worked for Wal-Mart and actually enjoyed that, but my favorite job was a tele-fundraiser for a company called Heritage. They are like telemarketers sort of in that they call up residential and business in and effort to get money, but the difference is this company is raising money for other not for profit orginations like special olympics and multiplescelrosis. It allowed me to do something I was good at and to raise money for org's that need the money to continue their efforts. It seemed like a win/win situation.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
When I was in college I worked in alumni fundraising and it was a tough job but it was a fun job as well. We had all kinds of neat contests that we did and we got to talk with the alumni which I thought was very fun as well. Yes, if you can handle the rejection that you so often get, telemarketing is a great job.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
15 Jan 10
My absolute favorite job of ALL TIME was probably being a tour guide at a cave when I was still in highschool. I only did it for a year, and they paid below minimum wage, so I know I couldn't make a future with it. But the summertime was amazing! All week long you get just busses and busses of kids... all with eyes wide open and never ending lists of questions... I didn't always know the answers to a lot of the questions... but if they were simple enough, that kid would get recruited to the front with me to help me find out. Like, how many steps are in the cave? How many bats will we see? can I hold your flashlight? Things like that. If I had no responsibilities or at least didn't need a decent paycheck... I'd go back in a heartbeat!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
That does sound like it would be a great job. My husband and I really like to visit the caves that are near here and we are looking forward to taking our children in the near future. I can guarantee that my daughter will be one of the children that has question upon question.
• United States
15 Jan 10
My best job was when I volunteered to work in an elementary school. I had worked with second and third graders. I had this one student who had a difficult time reading, but now she loves to read. It was so rewarding. Now with the bad economy and the governor cutting back on education spending that means no new jobs. It hurts me because I have a degree and can not use it. I wish I could find work because things are so hard at home and I have been so depressed lately.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I can understand your depression lately with the obstacles that your governor is giving to the teachers in your state. I also think based on my own experiences in life that the volunteer jobs are sometimes some of the most rewarding jobs that an individual can have.
@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
15 Jan 10
Nursing job is very respectable job. Moreover it's very good experience also. As you did the job so you know lot of people and their thinking way. You made a network. A doctor come when a patient feel so bed or any bed situation but a doctor always be with a patient. A nurse can help a one patient always. I am a medical student and very soon i will be a doctor personally i believe that nursing job is very respectable.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Congratulations on being a medical student. When I was a child that was the one aspiration that I had in my life. I wanted to be a doctor for almost as long as I can remember. I did give up that dream when I had my first daughter, but it is still something that I remember with fondness.
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I have had a lot of cool jobs I enjoyed. I worked in construction years ago when it was rare to see a woman (hard work, but I hung in there). I've worked and lived in a national park. I've been a movie extra. But one of my favorite jobs is one I am doing now and have been for 11 years. I am a stagehand at an outdoor venue that puts on concerts. We work with the road crews (roadies) to load in and load out performing bands/artists. I've worked with rock bands such as Aerosmith, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, KISS, Coldplay, Radiohead, the list goes on, country artists such as Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Brooks & Dunn, etc., rap artists like Eminem, L'il Wayne, Jay-Z, and festivals like Ozzfest, Cruefest, Warped Tour, Projekt Revolution, Lollapalooza, and Farm Aid. The work is hard and heavy (you should see the sets and equipment artists travel with these days!) and it gets HOT working outside, but just when I think I'm getting too old to do this type of work anymore, I go back for another season. Let's ROCK!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I would love to have a job like that despite the fact that it is hard work simply because I would get to enjoy the music as well. I'm a music junkie and have been for quite some time. Plus, I'm similar to you in that I am a strong woman.
• Latvia
15 Jan 10
I really like working in garden. In future i think that i could make plant farm and i will be the main weeder :D but yeah i really like thing that's involved in gardening.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
If you enjoy gardening, there is no reason that you could not be a farmer in the future. The fact that you enjoy weeding would mean that you would make a great farmer.
@syedayub (252)
• India
16 Jan 10
friends, my favorite job is to be a self employeed. why beacause, i am the boss to my sole business, I don't like to work under someone, i want to be my own boss. What do you say?
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I would love to have the opportunity to be self-employed as I really don't like having someone breathe down my back all the time. Plus, that is the one way that you would be able to fully embrace something that you were passionate about.
@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
15 Jan 10
I think it is when I work part time as a substitute English tutor in a learning center not far from my house. It is fun to work together with a nice colleague and kids altogether. And also, in this job, I can also learn English and practice at the same time. You know, in Indonesia, English is not the main language and it is not my mother tongue. By doing this job, I wasn't only able to complete my resume, and earn experiences and money, but also learn English better.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
There were a lot of benefits toward that job. The fact that you were able to expand your knowledge of a language that was not your mother tongue has probably helped you in more ways than you may ever know and to have been able to help other people as well was probably very rewarding for you at the time.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
15 Jan 10
I think My favorite job was back in the day when I was 20 years old and it was the end of the 80's- I worked in a small Bookstore in a small strip mall. I worked 45 hours and 6days a week and I loved it.. I met a friend (well since the day she started we've been friends so 22 years now) and we just had a blast working there. I loved the books, the people we met.. the friends that all came and hung out at the mall. I miss the 80's it was just a different time. Oh yea, and we got tons of free books.. :-)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Well in that, the greatest benefit for me would have to be the free books. However, whenever you have great co-workers a job is always a lot of fun as well. Thank you for sharing.
• United States
15 Jan 10
I am only a young person still [will be 20 in april] but I have gone through NUMEROUS jobs...7 to be exact. But my favorite of all of these [and I worked at a theme park, Busch Gardens] was being a dog grooming assistant. I loved this job so much! And, like you said, it was dirty and filthy. I came home smelling like a wet dog everyday, but I absolutely loved it. I had such a bond with each one of the dogs and we had our own relationship. Most dogs I knew by name and by owner. [there were many] I had to leave due to un-for-seen circumstances and cried when I knew I would have to resign. I loved the job, my co-workers, the location, and I had potential to grow and learn new things and make a career. Sometimes, it is the dirtiest jobs that no one wants to do that are so rewarding.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I think that you are absolutely right about it being the dirtiest jobs that are the most rewarding. I liked to see the patients smile up at me when I helped them do something and I liked being able to talk to my patients and get to know them. I also remember being very upset when we would lose one as well.
@nautilus33 (1827)
15 Jan 10
HI! I don't like change my job, because I like it! I will change it only if I find some job as a translator or guide! But if not, I will be a teacher for the rest of my life. I don't like to change it just because I want to get very good in some work, and if I change my job every month, year or two years, I can't do anything to develop myself at this work!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I've thought about going into teaching after my son starts school in a few years. These past years that I've spent raising my children have been very rewarding to me and I would like to be able to work with other children as well.
• India
15 Jan 10
my favorite job is to involve in political activies..and to serve student community, i do this work since last 14 years ..and getting favorite among people and student community of my state and region
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I'm personally not interested in politics at all, however, I could easily see how it would be a fun job if it was something that one was interested in.
@Gladi472 (82)
• Romania
15 Jan 10
I worked 2 month as a summer job, my ocupation was being a linux operator for a internet provider. Was nice ,payd well and didn't even make me sweat =)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I suppose that a job that didn't make a person sweat would be a good job. Especially considering that it was a summer job.