My girlfriends relationship with a male "bestfriend" is weird

@kbrk20 (15)
United States
January 18, 2010 2:44pm CST
its no biggie i just wanted to hear peoples opinions.. my lady has a male bestfriend and it annoys me all the i love you's and bestie this and best that.. so annoying.. and he is not gay.. and one other thing that annoys me is he is younger than me and her and she will discuss our issues with him im like what the hell can he say that you and i have not.. i tell i dont want him in our personal life.. it bothers me she will listen him before me.. and if he does have an angle im screwed.. she says im jealous and insecure i have nothing to worry about.. what u got people let me hear it.
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7 responses
• United States
19 Jan 10
Your girlfriend is right , you are showing insecurities . If you love your girfriend , you have to trust her until she gives you a reason not to trust her . If you try to break the friendship up you are just going to lose your girlfriend. Don't let this guy make you feel threatened......Get to know him and see why your girlfriend likes his friendship so much, who know you may actually come to like him yourself ...........She is probably just thinking of him as a brother figure . I had a male best friend, till he moved away to Ohio ( he is straight to), we still talk on the phone every once and awhile and I have talked to his new wife . My fiance had no problem with us hanging out together, when he lived here , because he trusted me enough to know that he was just a friend . And that is all that he was and still is . I would never cross that line for fear of losing the frienship....... Hope this helped you out a bit and put your mind at ease some . Good luck and belive your girlfriend till you have reason not to.
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
19 Jan 10
because he trusted me enough to know that he was just a friend . And that is all that he was and still is . thats exactly it...My husband is the same the point that if I go back home and visit and party with my friends and need to crash at a guy friends house he'd (my husband) would be fine with it because he TRUSTS ME...
@kbrk20 (15)
• United States
19 Jan 10
I understand you saying isnt that what bestfriends do.. but as a man or better yet as a person period am i not entitled to my privacy just because he is a best friend.. and the fact that he is a male 2 me means that if he ever does like her he has ammo on me cause he knows all my business that i didnt even tell him.. and he lives right across the street im like an hour away.. i wouldnt know if no one told me.. but you are right it is about trust i cant let the fear of possibly being hurt control me.. I AM GOING TO TAKE TOUR ADVICE on this one and let it be.. trust.. let the guard down.. i love her soo much dont wanna lose her. ima chill and let a friend be a friend. i just hope no i told u so's pop up i would never say that its rude but i would think it.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I have to disagree with your lady. What she is doing is wrong, the discussing of your relationship with this male "best friend." I would also be worried and jealous, not because she has a male friend, as that can be good, but because of the nature of the relationship. She should at the least respect your request that she not discuss your personal matters with him. Karen
• United States
19 Jan 10
Isn't that what best friends do .........they talk about their relationships, family, children, work etc . So hers just happens to be a male best friend . Would it be ok if the best friend was another female, would that make it ok to talk about it then.........
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jan 10
Why would gender make a difference? If you are telling private matters when your partner has asked you not to, then it would still be wrong. It could eventually lessen communication with your partner, or lead to other troubles. Trust is important. Karen
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
my bestfriend is a guy and we are friends for 8 years now, we talk about anything and everything, including about his problems with his family and relationships. I don't have a boyfriend right now but if i will have, I will surely confide to him whenever i have problems and i don't see anything wrong with it.
@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
20 Jan 10
hi, kbrk20... have faith on your lady... hope, things will get set with time... at younger age, it's probably normal to get jealous in such situation... don't let anger to take the charge... try to understand your lady, and let her understand you... as the understanding grows stronger, hope things will get normal... if you allow mistrust to grow, misunderstanding will also widen... try to share things more with her, and allow her to ventilate her's to you... i mean, try to spend more time with her... may be, after few days you will turn to her best friend besides being her man... and she will reduce interaction with her present best friend... but yeah, if she shares your personal life with him, that may be damaging... is it your suspicion? don't let suspicion to enter between you too... if you are sure, try to make her understand that you don't like it, and it can really be damaging for your relationship... the underlining thing is, try to grow more understanding between you...
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
You should learn to trust your girlfriend and believe when she says that you have nothing to worry about. We girls really have our own best guy friends. It doesn't mean that there has to be romantic feelings involved. Sometimes we feel comfortable with a guy and value the difference in their opinion as compared with our girl friends. So when she says don't worry, be assured with that statement. It means the guy is just a friend. But let her know that it still bothers you and remind her to lessen her stories about personal stuff between the two of you.
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
The problem is with your girlfriend, she already knew that you're not happy and not comfortable with what they showed you, I mean the sweetness and the thing "iloveyou" she should care more about you rather than her male best friend. I would probably feel the same If i were you.
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
19 Jan 10
Did she know the guy BEFORE hooking up with you? Do you and her have issues that could break you up regardless of this guy being in the picture? Have you been cheated on before? Have you been cheated on by your gf before?? I have to say that as it stands right now with the info you have given us I think you are being insecure....I've had MANY male best friends in fact during every stage of my life (childhood, teen yrs, adulthood etc) I've ALWAYS had at least one best male friend that I chilled with, confided in, etc..and if a bf couldnt deal with it then he wasnt the guy for me to be honest with you..As for her sharing things about your relationship with him - well isnt that what you are doign right now? with complete strangers?? EVERYONE needs SOMEONE to confide in..and as its been mentioned thats one of the things best friends are for...So what if its a guy gay or otherwise...IF YOU TRUST HER then it shouldnt be an issue at all..HOWEVER if you DON'T trust her then your issue is with HER not this guy or her friendhsip wiht him.