DO you speak English well?

January 25, 2010 9:46am CST
Hi, this for those who are not native English speakers. I'd like to know if those of you who are native English speakers speaks english spontaneously. I am not,haha. Funny thing is my job requires me to talk to people who are native English speakers and and it frustrates me when I get nervous and then I totally mess up alot of times. i would like to help myself become better in speaking the language. Can anyone advise me how to improve my conversation skills.
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26 responses
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Hi! My English writing skills had fooled a lot of people into thinking I'm a native (that's quite arrogant of me, but eh ^^;;). Verbally, I can say I'm passable. Sometimes I wake up and all my thoughts are in English, and I'd spend the remainder of my days trying not to speak in English because heck, I'm a Filipino and I should speak like one. XD The only thing I can advise is practice. Read English broadsheets out loud. Watch English shows. Imitate some of their lines, roll around it, throw it around anyone who cares to listen. That's how I became comfortable speaking in English, I reckon - we watch certain shows and when we loved a particular line, we mimic it and try to run with it. :D Also, speak in English as much as you can, even in ordinary conversation. We use the language when we're sharing jokes so we don't come across as arrogant know-it-alls - we just want to practice, after all. No need to alienate anybody else. ^_^ I hope my tips work for you. :D
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• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Thank you Shadenfrauder, it's nice to now that you are good in English verbally. Maybe I should try doing that to. I'll talk to everyone in the house in English and I know everyone will laugh at me but if that's going to help me why not right hehhe. Thanks a lot. Will do.
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• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Well, if anyone's bound to laugh at you, perhaps you should try jokes in English first. :D That way, they're laughing WITH you, not AT you. It kinda smarts to be laughed at, after all. Good luck to you, dear. ^_^
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• Philippines
25 Jan 10
thank you very much
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@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
26 Jan 10
I speak english good,but I do tend to mess up at times. I guess it's because I also know how to speak japanese and spanish and I just get the languages mixed up and the word, doesn't come out right. Well a way you can help to improve your english would have to be to know how to sound out things,in other case knowing the right way to say the word.If you don't know your sounds then you will mess up on the word when you say it.That's how I got taught when I was small.
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@Rikogei (107)
• China
26 Jan 10
It's real, when you know several foreign languages you will be confused when you face a foreigner. Different people have different ways of learning English. But simulation and practice are most important I think~ and one more thing is that you should have the courage to speak the words out loudly~ In my experience,speaking imperfect words is not a shame,just speak~ and you will find you are getting better and better form those faults~ come on~
• China
26 Jan 10
sometimes you dont know what languages you are speaking !this funny :)
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• United States
26 Jan 10
oh I can identify so much with you, besides spanish and english I speak portuguese and I am learning russian, and the words mess up so many times, because sometimes I don't know what language I am speaking
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
25 Jan 10
Hi clouds0327. Yes, I can speak English very well. Just continue to practice on your English skills and you will master this language. You write well, so I am very sure that you will be able to speak the English language well someday soon. Good Luck.
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• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Thank you... That's a motivation. Will surely do. Happy mylotting.!!!
• India
25 Jan 10
The conversation skill is all about the things how you present. Just be confident and try to slow down pace while speaking and always think before you speak.
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@faimei (127)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
HI clouds0327, we have the same problem. I have a hard time speaking in English specially if I am so anxious and nervous. So what I tend to do is read a book out loud, or memorize a line and then say it with feelings over and over again. It somehow improves gradually. And a mentor advised me, just be confident when talking.
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• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Wow, I like that.. Thanks..
• India
25 Jan 10
i speak quite a bot american english. its because of the large amount of time i spent from my childhood, watching english movies and listening to english music
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• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Good for you cookie baker. Do you speak in English at home?
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• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Wow, good for you. I am working on my pacing right now. I think the main reason why americans can't understand me because I speak too fast and then I have a distinctive accent. This is really getting a little frustrating but I know with practice I'll surely get it.
• India
25 Jan 10
nope i dont speak it at home..but ive heard so much english from movies and music that whenever i speak it just becomes a bit Americanized. and i dont have a funny accent at all....pheww!!
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• China
26 Jan 10
Haha...clouds, I think your question is so common in non-native speaker of English. Me, too. I always avoid to talk with foreigners who speak English. But after talking more, it's better than before. Actually my English is poor, only pronunciation is okay. So...sometimes, people think my English is not so poor as I say. In fact, there is no way but speak more. And I think your job is great for your English!
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@gunagohan (3414)
• India
26 Jan 10
i'm not a native english and i'm not an irish...I can speak english neutrally, that is it can be understood by the neutral speakers, i'm not slow but i'm not fluent, to a little extent i can speak, i'm having the same problem of improving my english, first with the grammatical errors and then with the speaking.. I have learnt more words by watching movies and tv shows and i can understand almost without any subtitles in the movies their conversations, i just wanna talk like them, i really trying a way to improve my communication skills(ENGLISH) also in the counterpart , because i'm an Electronics and Communication engineer
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@alfian (8)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 10
not yet. but i try to improve my english capability everyday. No time to give up, my friend...
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
25 Jan 10
Quite frankly, my English doesn't come up spontaneously speaking-wise but writing-wise it does. It's even worse, I can't speak English, I can only write it. I had to ask a question to a class mate if mine in English and they went like "wtf, but you always achieve great marks" Then I am like yeah but I just can't speak the damn language. :D I blame my teachers. I have been learning english for a year or 5 now and what the heck i've never been told to go speak to my classmates in English or something. Therefore I am planning on saving up some money and go to England.
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• Philippines
25 Jan 10
wow, really. I also can write English than speak it. Hahaha. I am always conversing with my boss which is American but up until now I still can't converse spontaneously, I sometimes laugh after every conversation with a client on the phone because I know that I obviously didnt make sense to him. Poor me.
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@ravich (242)
• India
26 Jan 10
hi friend my mother tongue is Telugu where i am from south india..i can speak better English and only that problem i have is a fast communication which i can do..that is because of the stage fear i have when i move up on to give a talk in front of any one...but i don't like to be in that way ....but still i am..and other problem is that i cant catch other who have different slangs of the language if they are much fast in their words......... and i am improving it now by my daily news paper and trying to improve with and chat in class rooms
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@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
25 Jan 10
Well, yes, I think my English is more or less good. Not fluent, but good enough for both social and professional purposes. I've held quite a few presentation in English, and I've never had a problem with being understood. Except by the crazy people in the shops in Chicago, according to my British friends I spoke to fast. I don't think I have too much of a Norwegian accent, you can hear that I'm a foreigner but you can't hear from where I come. Unlike some Norwegian and Swedish politicians *cringes* To improve your English you should talk, talk and then talk some more :-) And try to watch movies and TV in English, or maybe you like audio books?
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@gunagohan (3414)
• India
26 Jan 10
i do watch a lot of english movies and TV shows like bing bang theory, SouthPark, I can understand their slang and accent and i laugh at their jokes..But when it comes for me, i could not speak like them, eventually i mess up often, u see, i can write well but i can't speak well..
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@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
25 Jan 10
Since I am able to make native English speakers understand what I am trying to say, I guess my spoken English shouldn't be too bad. Want to have a rough idea of how I speak English? If you know Jackie Chan, the movie star, you will know my level if you watch Jackie's Hollywood movies. In an earlier discussion, I mentioned that I talk to myself a lot. Yes, most of the time I speak to myself in English rather than my mother tongue! Probably it's because I am always playing back some of the scenarios I encounter during the day while at work which I believe I could have done better. In fact, I rehearse my lines out loud, in my own privacy, so that I can put them to use when similar situation should arise in future. I guess it helps.
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Hi, myzire, I also talk to myself in English but I think what's wrong is I dont say out loud. I just whisper so that's probably the reason why when I am in actual conversation with an English native I mess up because I'm not comfortable with the words Im using.
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@gusto84 (237)
• Italy
26 Jan 10
On the contrairy of mowst people responding on this post i can speek bether than write in English . when it comes to talk in english mowst of people asked me if english was my motherlanguage ... but if you see my writing it seems that i barely know english . The trick or the problem of it that the best way to lern englich (and that's how i did) is to watch tv program's (especially news) or moovie's in english and try to repeat some words that you hear and r not very familiar , and thats it (worked for my)
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@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
basically i can write and speak english but not as fluent as those whose native language is english. they always say that you have to speak it to learn it. its good that you can personally talk to them coz you'll learn a lot. just talk and talk and mimic and mimic. you won't notice that slowly, you are learning and already gaining confidence. dont be afraid to commit mistakes and dont take it so seriously whenever they correct you when you're wrong. it will help you as well. good post clouds0327
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@heehaw78 (566)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 10
you will need to speak more often in english at any point of time you can. try to correct your pronounciasion. Watch more to british movies and listen to their conversasion carefuly.
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@Hubfee (665)
• Thailand
26 Jan 10
No I don't speak wnglish well but I'm trying to improve myself to be very good to speak in english.
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@amijor (234)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
I am proud to say that I am proficient in my English, both in writing and in speaking, even though English is not my Lingua franca. Are you a call center agent? I understand how nervousness seem to take a toll in your English and as a result you make blunders on it. Confidence is something that would help you speak English better. It is in the air of knowing what you speak and WHAT to say that makes your English sound better. It also helps if you are a wide reader and a curious mind. Try to watch foreign movies or talk shows and voice out comments of your own as if you were one of the audience (I always do this and, trust me, it really helps=). Of course proper enunciation is not enough to be good in English. Try borrowing some notes from someone you know and have a review on grammar..
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
I am a virtual assistant. I take and make calls. Thank you for the suggestion. I like the voicing out of comments idea... ahhahhaa...I will surely do that
28 Jan 10
I'm not a native English speaker as well. Some period of time I face the some heck some as you.I think watching some foreign movies or TV shows with English subtitles is a good choice to improve your verbal english skill. Maybe some times you will face some slangs and it does't make sense temporarily, but as I know it will help you deeply immerse yourself in English, also most slangs are funny,is it?
• United States
26 Jan 10
In my case, my first language is Spanish, and at the beginning I had a lot of problems at work, because like you, there was a lot of native speakers, the best thing I can tell you is that it would come naturally with the time, the best thing that has work the best for me is watching tv in english.
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