New feature on mylot.

@dpk262006 (58675)
Delhi, India
January 26, 2010 11:46pm CST
Hi friends, I am not sure how many have you noticed the new feature on mylot. One of my responses was marked as the best response by one of the dear friends here. When I received the alert for the same, not only the gist of the discussion was there, but my precise response was also highlighted in the alert along with the discussion. Earlier, there was not any such notifications (read facility), one needed to go to mylot for checking, in which discussion one was given the best responses. I could see the discussion and my (best) response in my mail inbox straight away. I appreciate this feature very much and would like to thank whole-heartedly to mylot. Kudos to them for introducing such a wonderful feature. Have any of you noticed the new feature?
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32 responses
• United States
27 Jan 10
I have got a email entitled , Congratulations you have been granted a best response.I think that is great. Before I would get a best response but I wouldn't know until much, later.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jan 10
Yes isn't that great?!
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
28 Jan 10
Indeed it is great!
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
27 Jan 10
HI Sara! You see on getting the best response, I would receive a notification in this regard, however, untill and unless I would open the link, I would not come to know about the precise discussion and my response. However, now they have (Mylot) have incorporated the discussion and the best marked responses in the alert/notification itself, which helps us to a great extent. Thanks for sharing. Deepak
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
10 Feb 10
Is that so? Really! I think that's a great inclusion. We hardly can keep tab of the best responses and for someone who doesn't get the notifications atall, it gets even more difficult. Thanks to mylot. I am awaiting the unveiling of the new look of mylot soon. let's keep our fingers crossed.
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@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
27 Jan 10
Hi Deepak!! Thats really great.. I came to know from your discussion only.. Since I am not much active here I recive BR very rarely and since from 3-4 months I am not active I dint get a chance to see this feature.. we should thank Mylot team for providing this wonderful feature..
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
28 Jan 10
Hi Dpk...when you started this discussion yesterday I did not answer because I had not received any BRs recently.But lo and behold I saw a Br for one of my responses in my mail box the very same evening... ..Its the first one I have received since my come back and all the findings you have mentioned in your post have been proved by it..Yes this is indeed a nice feature ,for not only are we notified about the Br ,but the very discussion and our long forgotten response is also sent back to us....This will definitely save us a lot of time and effort for recollecting our responses and it also makes it easier for us to sent a thank you note to the donar..... Three cheers to mylot...hip hip hurray..........
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Jan 10
Hi deepak, it is nice to know that many new features are being added on mylot.Looks like This is one among the many that is coming our way. I have not noticed it yet since I have not got any best responses after the feature was added.I am sure it must be really nice to be able to view your own response in the alert . Now for the next user friendly feature ...All the best and have a great weekend deepak
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
hello deepak! yeah i also notice it just a few minutes ago & i am glad on this development...
@allknowing (130812)
• India
27 Jan 10
Go Ask Alice has been on the job for a whole lot of new features and we will see them introduced one by one. Many of us have contributed to suggesting improvements and she has been very eagerly looking into the possibility of adding them. This is what I like about this site unlike many others where we do not even know who we are dealing with. Kudos to Go Ask Alice!
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
27 Jan 10
Hi ck! It is good that you also noticed it. Thanks to Alice for the implementation of this suggestion.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
27 Jan 10
Hi Allk! Thanks for your additional inputs. Thanks to Alice and company too for the implementation of this very useful suggestion.
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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
28 Jan 10
This is interesting. I have not yet received any Best Response after this development. I am eagerly waiting for that to have the joy of seeing the new feature.
• United States
29 Jan 10
No I have not noticed such a new feature. Thank you for the head's up, I will keep an eyeball for recent best responses to investigate this newbie feature. Thanks!
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 10
Hello dpk262006, When I read your discussion for the first time, I didn't realize the new features here. Yesterday, I received 2 notifications from mylot, telling me that my responses have been deleted due to the discussion started by someone here being deleted by mylot. That's cool (the notification) and sad (in term of $$$) too
@shaggin (71690)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I have gotten quite a few people who marked my comment as the best response for their discussion. I thought that was really fun and cool when it happened. Once in a great while I will think a comment is so awesomely said on my discussion that I will go and choose it for the best response. Today I thought about it and was like I dont choose the best repsonses often enough so I went through about 5 of my discussions that got a lot of comments and picked which one I wanted for the best response. If we actually earned money from getting our comment marked with a best response I would be more likely to choose a best response to help others out who were nice enough to take the time to comment on my discussion.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Jan 10
It is great isn’t it? I noticed it last week and I loved not having to enter the forum just to see which response earned me a BR! I felt happy about it and the fact that myLot admin is clearly working on improving the site and listening to the members. I still love it after all this time and it is good to see things getting better and easier for us. I appreciate Alice coming here to talk to us too; that was well worth it.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 Jan 10
I did notice that deepak! I like it alot better. You can read automatically from where you got the best response. I usually still go to the discussion to give my appreciation, but I do like the new feature. Take care.
• India
8 Feb 10
Hello my friend dpk262006 Ji, Well, I am too aware about it, as I did watch, but my suggestion was to provide small window,whenwe ar making comments on our previous string, so that we will be more justified, whereas, while replying, only the original is kept opened. My link is lost, which I have to think. No doubt myLot ha simproved a bit, but as per saying there is always a room for improvements May God bless You and have a great time.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I did notice and was at first confused by it, lol. I also noticed that now when you receive an email you have the option of responding via one link or viewing the entire discussion first via another.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Jan 10
Hi dpk! Yes I have noticed this new feature too! And it is really wonderful! I love it and so do all the mylotters! It is so great to not have to guess what discussion we have received the best response from! I like to thank the person who has given me a best response because I want them to know how much I truly appreciate it and how much it truly means to me! This makes it so much easier and alot less time consuming! I think that this was probably the work of our wonderful admin friend Alice and I would certainly like to thank her!
@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 10
yes ,loved this feature,especially so if one gets a best response marking,very encouraging and motivates one to pay more attention to detail in our responses,great work admin..
@Lochrin (74)
• Australia
28 Jan 10
Being fairly new myself, I did notice it when I got a best response, but didnt know it was new. Good idea tho.
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
27 Jan 10
I noticed this, but since I'm a newbie, I thought it was the norm. Of course this is when and if my notifications are working. It seems to be an on again/off again proposition with me. And right now, my notifications are not working. Yes, yes, all my little boxes are checked under preferences notifications, I have reset, rebooted, checked the Junk Mail folder, but alas... all I receive these days is the myLot Digest.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
Thanks for telling us this. I did not know about this new feature as I have never received anything like that in my short stay here. I hope to get one before I reach 1,000, at least. LOL
@keinah2 (301)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
I haven't noticed this yet (gotta check it out right away XD). I hope myLot will add more interesting features..actually I don't know much of myLot's features as of now because i'm still a newbie here. I'll be glad if somebody teaches me. Btw, when did myLot add this feature to the discussion?