Do you eat your veggies and fruits?

@thuhuong (823)
United States
February 7, 2010 2:50pm CST
A lot of the food I ate growing up were fast food and recently changing my diet to include more veggies and fruits, I sometimes crave the hot dog, hamburger and fries. Do you eat your veggies and fruits? Do you eat it for health reasons or you were raised eating that way? Whichever, you're already on the right track if you are eating both food groups.
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27 responses
@vjenkins86 (1478)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I raised eating both. When my mom had the time she would prepare a full meal with veggies and fruit and everything. However, if we were on the run trying to make it to practice or rehearsal, McDonalds or Wendy's would be our chef for the night. Now that I'm older, I do eat vegetables and fruit. I find it is a good thing that many of the fastfood joints are now providing the choice of apple slices and salads. But I'm not going to lie, I love my handburger and fries too.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
That's a good point. The fast food joints are promoting healthy eating despite their greasy menu. However, if I had a choice and I was outside eating, it would be tempting to choose the grease :P
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
I have to admit I don't eat fruits and vegetables every day. It is not because I hate them. In fact, I love eating fruits and vegetables. It's just that it is not every day that there are fruits and vegetables available at home. I also try to eat more healthy esp. when I did not eat fruits or vegetables for several days. I also exercise three times a week.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I was like you back when I was living on my own. I had so much stacked on my table but less of fruits and veggies. I guess if something doesn't spoil it's better to manage but knowing back then I was a bit lazy in keeping healthy but was active so I stuck to the solids like energy bars and drinks. Nowadays, I like the pure and wholesome taste of what I can get as well.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I eat veggies and fruit every day, I also eat whole grain and a small amount of meat or fish.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
You already got the food groups under control. I know that's going to help you in the long run as well :)
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I wish I had been taught to eat better when I was younger. I think that alot of the foods we enjoy now depends on that. I don't like spicy foods because I never really eat it when I was younger I guess. I do eat fruits and vegetables. I love fruits! I have been trying to eat better for several years now. Ii have always wanted my choldren to have a well balanced meal so I try to include vegtables with every dinner. I still like fast food sometimes care.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Hi Jen, yes, fruits should be a part of everyone's diet as they are the most natural sugars and source of vitamins we know. I guess sometimes I would try to be creative with meats and go overboard putting in more of the unnecessary stuff and in turn training my taste buds to want more :P
• Canada
7 Feb 10
I have changed my diet somewhat to eat more fruits and vegetables. However, I'm still eating a lot of meat, although I have stopped eating fast food for the most part. I had beef pho and a roast beef baguette yesterday but I felt my heart beating faster. I have to wonder about my arteries. Are they as clogged as my colleague, who had a close call a couple of months ago? Today, I'm going to eat some bananas and maybe some salad.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
pho! yum! I love pho! They call that swamp soup here. :P The rice noodles themselves can be filling. I guess it's a balance of how much veggies you put on it as well. Anything you do eat, having more veggies is better. Do be careful and perhaps do a little exercise whether it be cardio or walking as it helps with the heart and blood flow.
@danica6 (13)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
when i was a kid i used to eat a lot of unhealthy foods like junk foods and foods with artificial flavorings.. my mom is a nurse so she encourage me to try some veggies.. and now i can't have a meal without veggies.. and it's really true that it contributes a lot in achieving a good health and strong immune system, especially now that im on my third trimester of pregnancy! my baby feels happy everyime i eat esp. when i eat vegetables and fruits.. it made me thing that it became his favorite food too!! :)
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
LOL you're starting your baby right! I also hear that while you're pregnant, coconut juice helps your baby's skin as well from drying. It makes it smooth. My cousin did this with her second baby and she saw results. So no matter what, we don't see it but it's doing well for our future children. That's hope for me. :)
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
When I was young of course fast foods were non existent so I was raised not to be used to eating at fastfoods. I am in my late thirties now and I only learned eating on fast foods when I was in my early twenties when this started to sprout from almost everywhere. I think this was the start where I gained some weight and health started to deteriorate gradually. So right now we are slowly using less of the fast food and concentrate at being conscious of what we are eating. Although from time to time me and my family do treat ourselves from it but not on a regular basis.
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
You got a point there. I wasn't giving a hoot about fast food until I reached high school and college. That was when the hunger and extra money I had during break and lunch gave me bad habits in buying junk. Well when we're young money was better spent on what made us feel good instead of what what good for us.
@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
yes i do eat fruits and veggies ., we all know that it has nutrients and we need it to help our bodies in making all the activities for the day ., so we all need to eat nutricious foods .,
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
True, we don't see the effects of them because they work long-term that when we need it now now now, we'll there's just no motivation if it doesn't work that fast. It's also about being patient with them as I have to train myself to eat them again.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Feb 10
thuhuong hi when i did my own cooking I always ate a lot of fruits and veggies for health reasons but here I am at the mercy of the cooks in our kitchen here at Gold Crest, they lean heavily on carbs and prepared crap and we do get some veggies in the casseroles and soup they serve but fruit we do not get a lot of at any I will supplement when I can with fresh produce in my room. its hard but it will pay.
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@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Hi Hatley, well as long as you can supplement what you can with vitamins, that'll work as well. I know that since I don't have enough fruits or veggies in my system, I make do with vitamins and food.
8 Feb 10
its difficult to resist ...i know...but its worth it--that temptation
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Yes, I have the temptation and it's silly how we just love all that greasy and artificial flavoring. For some reason it's a part of knowing that we have long trained ourselves for the worse.
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
8 Feb 10
yup! i do include fibrous carbs veggies and fruits in my diet, for veggies i have them during the day while for fruits only after my workout, for obvious reason as we all know it, veggies are fruits are good for our health so thats my driving reason why i have them on my diet..
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Good for you, I applaud you for taking control of your body as I learned as we get over we are driven by emotional eating which damages our health.
@varron (453)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
It is very much proper to eat your vegetables and fruits. As the experts say we need this food for our bodies nutritional needs.Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods that can give us energy and revitalized our cells and body organs. We need this foods for our physical health. Having and including this food in our diet is a must.
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
True, we need these as much as we need calcium for our bones nutrients our bodies continues to use for us to grow healthy. Thanks for joining the discussion!
• Singapore
8 Feb 10
when young, i hated to eat veggie and fruits. to me, they are so tasteless and dull looking. but now, i ate all sorts of veggies and fruits for my 3 meals. the reason i did this is basically for my health.
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Me too, as I got older and married my husband always tells me to watch my figure LOL. He said I should eat veggies and fruits more so that I will be healthy and not too fat. Overall, I did it for myself because I am getting older so might as well start when I can.
@anjohanna (156)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
I was not raised to eat veggies and fruits. But now, I am loving those food, not because I found out that they are delicious,but because my body needs it. I am having trouble with my metabolism, I called myself MISS CONSTIPATION. So those kinds of food helps me through it.
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
8 Feb 10
LOL, well as long as you're bringing in acid into your stomach you'll have no problem emptying it gently from the veggies. :P Thanks for joining this discussion.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Feb 10
I do, but probably not as much as I ought to...
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Hi, thuhuong. Yes, I do eat my fruits and vegetables. About 20 minutes ago, I ate a green apple and I had some lite salt on it too. It was very delicious. I has some seasoned string beans yesterday. It had cut up potatoes in it too. I really do enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. It is very healthy to eat them. And my body feels good while eating them too. When I was younger, I did not care for eating vegetables like that. But as I have gotten older, I have found out the great health benefits and I now enjoy eating many fruits and vegetables. I wished that I had the desire to eat them when I was much younger as I do now.
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
this year, I try to change my eating habits. I try to eat healthier foods with more fruits. this year, I also try to avoid sweets and no soda.
@jeannames (303)
• Turkey
8 Feb 10
Each food should eat balanced .Sizes should not be unbalanced diet.We'II be patient.
@Ginoyes1 (40)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I still make at least one vegetable every night for dinner and add fruit at the end of the meal or at lunchtime. My mom always made a salad and vegetable with dinner and I always do that as well. I think everyone can enjoy their burger and fries once in awhile as long as it's not a daily habit. Even once on a Saturday for lunch I think is o.k. after the week.
@TAZNEM (656)
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
we have backyard gardening and veggies are quite cheap here so we can have as many as we want. the fruits are not expensive so we can afford them too. but when i am lazy to go to the market i eat out of cans and packed noodles