How to get started?

@Citychic (4067)
United States
February 7, 2010 6:22pm CST
Hello Mylotters, here is something that I recently heard about and just thought i'd share with you. I had always had this idea to write a book. But never do I seem to find the time to sit down and write, page after page of interesting content. So I just decided that I would not worry about writing an entire book in one sitting. I would write pieces down as it came to me. For example, I like to write poems, so I have set a goal to write down at least one poem a day. Mind you, some days I miss out but still, I'm a lot further along than I would have been if I hadn't of never started. I already see my book completed. It's important to visualize the end product. Also, in the beginning, you may want to write about something that you know a lot about that nobody else may know. Oh well, mylot friends, I hope that these few suggestions have been helpful to you. Let's get busy setting goals and following our dreams, so that we won't be in the percentage of people that see the glass as half empty in life rather than half full. There is always something exciting that is going on in life which can easily be transcribed into the written word. what do you think mylotters, will you write a book and become someone who will make a difference? Everybody has a story worthy of print, do you agree or disagree?
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5 responses
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Feb 10
Hi Citychic, That's a great idea to write a book...put into writing your experiences that are worth sharing. this will inspire people and a good legacy to our next generation. i always consider that in mind too but i am just too busy to sit down and take this seriously. i always want to start writing aside from poems too is a book about our lives as special family...our experiences and how we battle the challenges that we face and is continuously facing.
• China
10 Feb 10
Yeah,I agree with you.we all have our personal stories.most time I want to follow my dreams It is really interesting.If I can write a book that would be great.Best wishes to you.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
9 Feb 10
I am in the process of writing a book and I do the same thing. Each night after work I write a little something, it doesn’t matter how much, even if all I can manage is one paragraph it is better than nothing. I will have a book before I know it! I’ve had what you might call an ‘interesting’ up bringing will has led me to see a very nice counsellor who upon hearing my story has urged me to write about it and, because writing is what I do, it should not be too much of a chore! I am not doing the book for money but for my own healing; if I can get it published, you never know even if only one person relates to it and benefits my job would be done.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I think that everyone does have a story to tell. The thing is that most people don't take the time to do it. I would love to be a published author someday. For me, my style of writing is fiction for young adults. My goal has been to write one page a day. Like you, sometimes I fall short on my goal but then there are the days when I far exceed the goals that I have. It is the days that I exceed my goals that really make me happy with the fact that I know I will soon have an end product.
• United States
8 Feb 10
I think you've hit on something. Actually getting started is the hardest thing. I know I've had a book in mind for 10 years. I worked on it a little then and then put it aside. I've now decided to pick it up again and finish it. The difference is that I'm not going to think of my goal as getting it published but to enjoy the process of writing and creating a story. I really think that the fear of failure is the biggest reason people don't ever write that book that they say they want to write. I include myself in this group. If I don't take any actions then I don't have to worry about failure. That's why I changed my goal to something that isn't likely to fail--working out a story.