Opening Doors! Do You Open Your Door Without Knowing Who It Is??

@artistry (4152)
United States
February 7, 2010 6:31pm CST
When someone knocks on your door, or rings your bell, if you don't have a peep hole or a window to see out of the door, do you open your door without asking who it is? Is that too much trust or perhaps dangerous to your safety? What are your thoughts?
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12 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Feb 10
I always look and if I don't want to answer the door I don't. It's not usually a trust or safety issue...especially not where I am now. In fact, I've never lived in an area that could be considered unsafe in any way.
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
18 Feb 10
...Hi MsTickle, You are smart, as I mentioned here in another response, even if it is a friend, please call me and let me know you are coming over. I would never just drop over to someone's home without letting them know I was coming and if it was all right to do so. I would think it is only good manners. Good that everybody is trustworthy where you live, that's hard to find nowadays. Take care.
• Bulgaria
8 Feb 10
No, I don't. I just shout from the door that I'm busy now and cant't open.
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
9 Feb 10
...Hi there bananamen1, You are funny, you gave me a good laugh. But it works, they don't get in. I need to know a person is coming to my house, if someone just shows up, I think that is rude, even if they are a friend. Because you could be relaxing, with clothes on or without "o), it's your home, where else would you be relaxing, and you just don't want to be bothered. So no call, no open sesame. Times are too dangerous, especially if you live alone. I remember when I traveled as an examiner, we would stay in hotels. I was in my room, the only one there, because the other person on the job was close enough to go home at night. There was a knock at my door, I asked who was it, this man said, "the guy next door", he had seen me check in. I asked him what was the problem with the door closed, he said "no problem". I said nothing else and went to bed. I guess he thought I wanted to party. No thanks. He was standing in his room door the next morning when I walked by, I don't remember if I said good morning or not. You cannot be too careful. Thanks and take care.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Nope, never!! When I answer my door I will always ask who is it, very loud and clear. And I will make sure that this person tells me whom they are. If I can't recognize the voice, I will not open my door at all. When the mailman came over a month ago, I did not know that it was him knocking at my door. And I asked him who it was and he said, The mail... I opened my door because I heard who it was... I don't ever open my door without first, asking who it is. I don't care if this person gets mad or not. I just don't open my door to anyone, especially if I am not expecting anyone at the moment. If I did so, it would be too trusting of me and very dangerous as well. I could be in a lot of trouble and danger doing this. People that don't ask is setting themselves up for murder!
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
8 Feb 10
In this area there have been a few home invasions where someone goes to a home, rings or knocks, and then assaults the householders. So always wise to handle unknown visitors with extreme caution. Unfortunately these are the times we live in. Thankfully, my outside door has some glass portions that enables me to see who is at the door and size up the situation. Still, caution is the word!
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
8 Feb 10
...Hi 1hopefulman, That will keep you on your toes, I would think. You are so right, everytime you turn around almost on the news, somebody has been kidnapped or someone has gone missing from somewhere, And these things are bing done by folks who know these people. What do we expect from strangers who are up to no good? When I was younger and living with my mother someone, probably from the neighborhood, broke into our home, during the daytime. Bold. No one was home thankfully, but knowing me and my sisters, we probably would have crippled them, but glad we didn't have an encounter with them. Thanks for your reply, take it easy.
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
8 Feb 10
most of the time i dont know who is there on the door. but some time i have and idea who can be there on the door. i dont have any door eye and have a pentahouse with a gate so i have to move and go out of the door to see who is there on the door. ya i know this is dangerous in some cases but we are social and we cant be much suspisous every time and it could only create problems in our life.
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
9 Feb 10
...Hi 1anurag1, What you say is true, we are a social community of man, but you have to consider, without being too paranoid that everybody does not mean you good. With that said, you can't worry that everybody who shows up at your door is a villian. Do try to maintain a balance of healthy scepticism when it comes to opening your door, without knowing who is on the other side. There is nothing wrong with asking who it is. Take good care. Thanks for your response.
@alilin28 (1527)
• Uruguay
8 Feb 10
never in my life.. first ask and look trough the windows and then open.. if u not take care, peraps will happened the worst..
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
9 Feb 10
...Hi there alilin28, That is what I think as well, these days there are people who do not have money for their needs, society tends to get worse in bad economic times. It's sad but true, there are more bank robberies, you see more people on tv, robbing cash registers, even though they know they are being taped. Especially at night, I would not just open the door without knowing who it is. In the daytime when I look out and don't know who the person is, the door will not be opened. Thanks for sharing, take good care.
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• United States
8 Feb 10
No,I say oh is it,or I will look through my window to see who it is.
@artistry (4152)
• United States
8 Feb 10
...Hi there Coolbeans210, Welcome to one of the cool sites around, enjoy. Well that's a good thing I would think, especially in these days and times. Even if I am expecting a delivery, I make sure I look through the glass to see if it is the delivery person. Sometimes I feel bad, because the Jehovah Witness people come to the door, and I look out and see them and I will not open the door. I feel guilty. Thanks for your response, take care.
• United States
8 Feb 10
I'm afraid that I do, at least during the day. At night, I always look through the peephole as it kind've freaks me out when I'm not expecting anyone. I don't really like people to knock on my door if I'm not expecting it. I keep trying to break myself of opening the door but I still slip up most of the time. I don't think my daytime actions are safe. We do have a security guard in my building so those who knock are usually people from this apartment.
@alilin28 (1527)
• Uruguay
8 Feb 10
never in my life.. first ask and look trough the windows and then open.. if u not take care, peraps will happened the worst..
• China
8 Feb 10
I will not do so if I'm not sure who is at the door. It's not only due to insecurity from strangers,but also to the annoyance from pushy salesmen. In our neighborhood we are equiped with remote telephones on the door. In this way,we can ask people who he is through the phone,then descide whether to let them in.
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@davidshin (143)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I just open it, people in my city are just plain nice. I've never had anyone really bad come show up at my door. I also do trust most people before I know them, and after I get to know them if they have a bad personality or motives I just stay away and when they're nice(which most of them are) I just become friends with them. :)
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
8 Feb 10
...Hi there davidshin, Hope that you are enjoying your time at the ranch, it's a great site. It is a very good feeling to know that you don't have to worry about people of ill repute showing up at your door. You sound as if you are a good judge of character and use good judgement when you find out that a person is not someone you want to be friends with. What you have said makes me think that you are also a person who one can trust. Thanks for your reply, take it easy.
@olthorpe (25)
• Netherlands
8 Feb 10
I do. I trust the people and because im living in a village there is no criminality. I think im very save so im not scared for people who rings the bell.
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@artistry (4152)
• United States
8 Feb 10
...Hi olthorpe, Welcome to the ranch, it's a great place to have fun and meet nice people. It sounds as if you live in a very nice neighborhood, where people know each other and they are like family. That is great. When we lived in the south, my grandparents would leave their front door open. We never worried about intruders. You cannot do that everywhere. It's good that you feel safe, that is important to you peace of mind. Thanks for your reply, take it easy.