If God give you the option to be any person for one day what you be?

February 9, 2010 5:09am CST
It comes in everybody mind that if I would be that person. If the same question came in your mind what is the answer of that. If God gave me the option to be that person then I will select to be the richest man and use all the luxurious things which I just imagine.
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10 responses
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
Hmm. I would like to be Paris Hilton. Rich, famous and can get everything she wants.. Hehehe. And just be vain for a day.. I would really really love that. I mean, It's a totally different world. and who doesn't want to step on her shoes even for just a day.
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
Hahahha. I agree with you, well, atleast you're going to be dumb just for one day.. Just thank the heavens that you don't have to be dumb all your life (unlike her). hahahah.
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
9 Feb 10
I don't like to live imaginary world . In reality god never comes to ask what people want.
@heroshen (146)
• Reunion
9 Feb 10
yup thats true too..in reality god never comes to ask what people want.
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
9 Feb 10
If I was given the chance to be ANYONE for one day who would I be?? ME...I have no desire to be anyone else...My life isnt perfect, hell sometimes its not even great but its mine and I love it..
@amrith (291)
• India
9 Feb 10
Yes I want to become like him nothing else I will come to know the delima of God and I will ywrite to you all about it
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
maybe, aside from i still like to be me, i think if given a chance, i would want to live the life of my mom for a day...hehe so that i will know how is it to be in her shoes & how she feels & think for us... and i am also thinking to be my husband...hehe so that when i came back to real me, i will understand him more and we can have better relationship...
@phoenix8606 (4942)
9 Feb 10
hi! If I can be any person just for one day, I want to be Santa Claus, because he is the greatest person for me. I don't want to be some stupid president or politician or something like that, I want to be the most famous person on the World and to see how lives he and what is he doing all day long. It will be really nice to be Santa on Christmas day :)
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
9 Feb 10
Dear friend, May be if God permits I would like to get all powers of God, may as God itself for one day. If God do not permit that may be I would like to be the Allaudin out of the magic lamp for that one day. Further I would make sure that I could do all good things to this world for well being all humans and living things.
• United States
9 Feb 10
If I had the option to be any person for one day I would choose John The Baptist.
@kar295rocks (2116)
• India
9 Feb 10
I would say to God that I want to be myself as I am satisfied with my own life! My parents, siblings, friends, relatives, mylotters, internet is enough to me! Ha Ha! I am not going to earn anything by being someone else!
@heroshen (146)
• Reunion
9 Feb 10
be a rich and charming guy lol.