Have you ever feel that you should die???

@saanjh (784)
February 9, 2010 5:22am CST
hello friend's, have you ever felt that you are not happy with your life and you should die I never feel that but one of my friend told that he doesn't want to leave live because he fed up with his and he want to die. have you also ever think that?
3 responses
@kar295rocks (2116)
• India
9 Feb 10
I feel that if I am young and energetic like how I am now all of my life, I would never want to die! At the same time, dying is good in some cases! If I am affected by a deadly disease, I would choose to die than live!
@hari120 (623)
• India
9 Feb 10
life - be happy in life
NO. one should never think that way. whatever problems are there one should always find ways to solve them and get on with life. time heals everything. sometimes we may have to change the place, job, location, etc to overcome the problems. life is a game, play it happily. FOR EACH AND EVERY PROBLEM THERE IS ALWAYS A SOLUTION.
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
9 Feb 10
Yes sometime I feel I should die. But on the second moment again feel that I should live. And for the second thought is stronger than the first one so i am alive.