Do you like to travel? do you save for your holiday?what is your idea of a holi.

perfect holiday - Travel and a perfect holiday
@kiran8 (15348)
Mangalore, India
February 11, 2010 6:19am CST
Nowadays most people like to go for holidays and travel either within their own country or go to other countries. I have seen many families putting away a fixed amount each month so tha they can go for a family tour either during summer vaccation or during winter holidays.It is an occassion that is eargerly awaited by the entire family. I personally love to travel and or me it is th experience that counts and nothing else. I prefer to go to any one place and see it thoroughly in a leisurely manner rather than rush through and see a few dozen places in a span of a week or ten days. I feel that money spent on travel is money put into excellent use, I would rather forego a few luxuries and save up the amount to use for travelling...So friends what are your ideas of a good holiday and what are your preferences ..
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15 responses
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
11 Feb 10
hi kiran, i do like to travel several places,but due to money,till now i have not saved any thing for my family till now,mostly i prefer to travel kerala and Goa,i like both places,i have missed the two vacations got offer by samsung due to my lazyness,neither i have travelled nor i have given it to any body,have a nice day
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Hi yugasini, thats too bad that you missed vaccation offers.I am sure there will be other offers in the future and dont let go of it.Life is too short before you know it will be overand you feel you have not done anything that you wanted...all the best yugasini
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@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
12 Feb 10
hi kiran, thanks for the response,i do not wish to waste the offers comming to me in the future,but everything will be done according to our fate only,nothing will be in our hands,luck and fate will play key role in our life ,that is true and take it for granted ,have a nice day
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
May e yugasini to a certain extent luck and fate can be held responsible but we have to do what we have to. I firmly believe that you can overcome anything if you remain positive and unruffled...all the best and have a great weekend
@tess5162 (66)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I would love to travel but being a single mom of a 1 yr old and a 10 year old makes it a little difficult. I have started putting money aside each week so that maybe next year we can all go on a disney cruise. I've heard those are very nice for the kids and the adults. I want to do a family cruise and one with my friends/family.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
Hi tess, I can understand the dfficulties in travelling with 2 kids and the expense involved...I do hope that your wish comes true and you have your Disney cruise next year as planned - all the best and happy mylotting
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
You are most elcome tess
• United States
13 Feb 10
Thank you so much!!
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 10
I really love to travel and so far in my life I have visited more than fifty different countries. Typically I fly to a gateway city and then use local trains plus buses to travel around a region. I like to go to tropical islands that have palm trees on white sandy beaches. I have visited the Seychelles, the Maldives, Fiji, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands and Samoa. I like going to attractive looking cities. I have been to Sydney, Cape Town, San Francisco, Singapore, Auckland and Hong Kong. I like to stay in locally owned guest houses and in unusual accommodation. I enjoy meeting the local people and seeing the native wildlife. Last year I took my toddler son to Cape Town and the Garden Route. This summer I shall be taking my toddler son and my baby daughter to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Hi maximax, Wow! thats really nice.I wish i could visit all those islands.I have been to singapore,hongkong and parts of south Africa.I think you have got the maximum out of your travels. I too would love to get the local feel while travelling. All the best to you and hope you have a great time with your kids at Nova Scotia and Prince edward island...
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
11 Feb 10
I am passionate about travelling and have been fortunate to have covered several places home and abroad. When I am on holiday I want the feel of that place and go in search of situations that merge me in that country, the scenic beauty, the food, the shopping all these fill me up.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Hi allknowing,In my opinion that is the right way of travelling.An old friend of mine who is nearly 65 never had the chance to travel as she wanted because it was always someone else who organised the trip and she was more like part of the baggage...Last year she went to see Europe on her own.She went to france,crossed over to Italy and spent all her time nearly 20 days exploring the country and she loved it...Now she is planning to do that with New Zealand-thanks a lot and all the best
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@hunieby (207)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I do love to travel. I make it a point to go to atleast one place that I haven't gone to atleast once a year. I save up for it and indulge myself to whatever I want to do in that place. I like to see the popular sights there and also buy souvenirs . I love to travel with friends as it is also a time to catch up from our busy lives. I want to go to Malaysia this year because I haven't been there.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
Hi hunieby, It is great to be able to plan and travel as you want, not all people are able to do that. I agree that travelling with friends or any like minded people makes it very enjoyable....All the best to you and have a great Sunday
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
11 Feb 10
Colourful trees in Edinburgh - Trees in white and yellow that we saw when walking down from Arthurs head in Edinburgh, Scotland
I like both staying in one place and rushing from place to place. The one thing I always do when I'm traveling is take pictures, so I don't want to rush so much that I miss the good shots but I don't mind doing a lot in short time. However, I can also spend 3 hours taking pictures of whirls in a pond so I usually have no problems staying on one place. I prefer seeing nature and wildlife to seeing cities, I like cities, but I'm not really very good at taking pictures of them. I love music, so if I can go to a concert while I'm traveling that's great.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Hi Torunn, I too am not too fond of visiting cities, the same hustle bustle,traffic and mad rush. I think the best holidays are spent amidst nature.I had one of my best holidays when we recently went to a hill station where there was no tv and no telephone, cell connectivity was quite poor.We were surrounded by trees,hills,and a river and plenty of birds was wonderful ..
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Thanks a lot for your response and for the lovely picture , have a great evening
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
16 Feb 10
I have never really travelled for my vacation but if I did I would have to save for me because at the moment I dont have much disposable cash.I am determined to go on a vacation this yearthough because I have already started the process of saving .I dont mind foregoing on some of the luxuries that you have mentioned for a vacation because it is always well worth it ,the relaxation and the rejuvenation.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Feb 10
Hi ronny,Thanks a lot for your response.I agree that traveling is expensive these days.One has to carefully plan ones holiday and do so many bookings etc; one of the best holidays I ever had was when our car brokedown while we were going to Munnar at a place called Mahe , a little sea side port in Kerala.We were forced to spend the night in a run down hotel there until the car was repaired and the next day was fun exploring the place which was earlier a Portugese colony and it had some very interesting churches and buildings besides the beach...all the best
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I love traveling and seeing new places specially here in our country. I like seeing new places, and seeing how beautiful our country is. I usually travel twice a year, one with family and one with friends. Sometimes it's more, and I really try to save for my travels. I usually plan it a couple of months before the actual travel time because it gives us more time to save up for the trip. We like going to the beaches and just plain nature tripping. it's extremely relaxing and stress free compared to going to a city and touring all day. In the beach you could just relax for the whole day and not worry about iteneraries and time frames.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
14 Feb 10
Hi Ingking, Thanks a lot for your response.Travelling with family and friends is a great enriching experience, which also brings you close to one another.I too love traveling with my family and the time spent becomes memorable when you lok back over the years...All the best and hppy mylotting
@MrKennedy (1978)
12 Feb 10
I really enjoy travelling and exploring, and generally just discovering what this vast planet of ours has to offer, and what beauty it beholds. What I usually do is spend a year or two saving up money here and there, and when I can afford it, I treat myself to a holiday
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Feb 10
Hi MrKennedy, thanks a lot for your response .It is nice to be travelling all over the world and learning new things.In fact an unplanned holiday is even more exciting, of course you need to have some money at least...all the best
@samrie29 (112)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I love to travel and one of the best place for me would be the beach or any provincial area in the philippines. I find it enriching to visit provincial areas and learn more about the people's lifestyle, visit the popular and historical landmarks and their delicacies. It's a learning experience and at the same time it's stress free. I save at least a few months before I go on a trip and I often check out airline promo rates and would also opt for packaged tours that way I don't have to spend that much.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Feb 10
Hi samrie, I too love beaches anywhere in the world.I agree that travelling is an enriching experience and it reieves the everyday stress that builds up over a period of time...thanks a lot for your response and all the best
@jeannames (303)
• Turkey
13 Feb 10
I need to go on holiday to places I do not see
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Feb 10
Hi jean, thanks a lot for your response ...hope you are able to go on that holiday and see places , all the best and happy mylotting
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
11 Feb 10
i do like treveling and i welcome to anyone wants to exchange travel. i put some money apart for travel.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 10
Hi floridia, thanks a lot for your responseIt is a great idea to go on exchange travels.My daughter did that last year when she went to Malayasia.Besides working out economical it is a great way to learn something about the country you visit...all the best and happy mylotting
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@slbwyc (63)
• Singapore
12 Feb 10
I enjoy the holiday. but i spend most of the time sleeping or strolling around rather than fly around the world to see the wonderful things. instead i like to spend my holiday in the countryside, it is the place i can enjoy the peace and save the money meanwhile
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
Hi sib, yes a holiday means different things to different people. i have a friend whose husband takes 3-4 days of leave and send his family for a holiday at their grand parents house and he himself sleeps at his home for most part of those holidays...his idea of a great holiday
@klea28 (47)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I love to travel! If I have the opportunity, I will tour my country, the Philippines. I love its beaches, islands, mountains and the countryside. But traveling is very expensive, I had to save a lot of money to do this.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Feb 10
Hi klea, thanks a lot for your response. I agree that one must always travel through one's country .I too have hardly travelled through my country India which has so much to offer ...All the best and happy mylotting
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
12 Feb 10
Yes i love to travel.. and i want to travel in whole is my desire.. and after some days a very good festival is waiting for us..and that is Holi..Holi are my favorite festivals in all festivals.. on these days all of us..played with color.. and making fun.. that are a wonderful day for us.. thanking you and keep mylotting always..
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
13 Feb 10
Hi anurag, thanks a lot for your response I wonder how holi came into itlol, anyway thanks for reminding us about it...I too love holi and all the color.I do hope your wish to see and travel round the whole world comes true - all the best and happy mylotting