What would you choose, being the first passenger or being the last passenger?

@markmoney (2868)
February 14, 2010 10:56pm CST
In a passenger vehicle, such as jeepney in the Philippines, which one do you prefer to ride, being the first passenger or being the last one? If you are the first passenger, of course the vehicle has full of vacant seats, you will be able to choose position, but you have no idea what kind of personalities are going to ride next, while if you are the last passenger, you have no choice but to fill in the last vacant seat and you should expect a passenger in both of your sides, rubbing shoulders with you. You will not be able to choose a seat or passenger to seat besides you. For me, I would rather choose to be the first passenger than to be the last one. It is more comfortable and I can move more freely. How about you, what do you prefer, to be the first passenger or to be the last one?
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16 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
hello mark, i would also choose to be the first passenger! i don't like the feeling when i get up on the jeepney & its already full. some passengers are so annoying that they don't want to move even a little to give way... and as a result you will just be sitting with very small space! oh i hate it! and one thing that annoys me is when those passengers who get there first don't pay their fares yet. hmp! and they will keep on asking you to get the fare & give to the driver! isn't it annoying? again, i always want to be the first, 2nd or 3rd passenger haha so that i can pay right away and move on the part near the "estribo"
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
barters and drivers doesn't care if the person if fat or thin as long as they filled the jeep or colorum vehicle. they should check if it's full most specially if there's fat people involved, am a bit fat by the way
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Hi ckyera! Yes, that is the problem when you are the last passenger. Sometimes it cannot be avoided specially during peak hours or the available passenger jeepneys in the area are rare. Yes, sometimes those people touching you to pass their fare to the driver is annoying, especially if they look dirty. Lol! Another thing that is annoying is if the one besides you is full of sweat and wearing a shirt without sleeves. Haha. That's why when the jeepney is full, it is most of the time uncomfortable for the passengers. Being the first passenger or one of the first five is really better and more preferred. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
haha, yes letran you are right! that's why sometimes i like it when the driven suddenly breaks...haha coz it will cause a passenger to move and if i am the one who are suffering from having a small space, i can take advantage of the break moving to have bigger space! we can't blame them, they want to earn...haha and we can't also avoid it specially during peak hours.
• Bangladesh
15 Feb 10
Well, my friend. It depends on my destination. If my destination is nearer than that of the passenger beside me, I wish to be seated at door for getting down easily. Or else, I'll have to cross more passengers. And if my destination is farthest of all the passengers then I'll like to be seated first. Isn't it more logical. I think I've made myself clear. Have a great day.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
Yes, I can understand your point clearly. It's really good to be next to the door if you want to go out easily, but if your destination is the farthest among the passengers, you should give way and just take the inner seat. That is an example of being a good citizen. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
1 person likes this
• Bangladesh
16 Feb 10
You're most welcome, my dear friend. And thank you very much for appreciating my response. Have a really nice day.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
I would rather be the first rather than the last. You would already have a secured space in the vehicle that you wont have to worry about falling or something like that. You can also relax and extend your legs while the jeep still has a lot of free space. You only have to adjust when another passenger boards the vehicle. I had an experience where the jeep was quite full but the driver said there's still space. I did see some bit of space all the way inside. So I went in, to my surprise I miscalculated just how much space there was. Even my small behind couldnt fit on the seat space. The passengers were very inconsiderate that they did not bother to compress so that I could hopefully squeeze in. I was literally on the edge of my seat and was just relying on my knees so that I wont go with inertia. I usually dont mind being the last passenger, but after that incident even if the driver says "There's still space." when it already looks full, I just wait for another jeep to come by.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
Yes, most of the drivers are doing that. They insisting that there's still space. I have also experienced that. It's really uncomfortable and you have to hold tight on the bar and keep your balance or else you will fall out of your seat. While the jeepney is moving, what's in your mind is a hope that someone reach his/her destination and vacate his/her seat. It's really a bad experience for you, a guy should have been gentle enough to give his seat for you. Well, at least you learned from that bad experience. You should now avoid riding in fully loaded jeepney. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
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@23uday (2997)
• India
15 Feb 10
Hi friends, When i travel in a bus i prefer middle of the bus. Being passenger i don't bother of first or last passenger. I choose any thing first last or middle passenger. I comfort at the middle passenger. have a good day.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
Middle position is I guess the safest. The front and back part of the bus will bump first. That's a good choice to be in the middle. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
i prefer to be the first passenger. when i go home, i see to it that i have the best seat, which is beside the entrance.i prefer to sit there because i don't want to pass through legs, shoes,bags and people. nevertheless, if i am on my way to work, i prefer to be the last because the jeepney will not stop for more passengers. even i can't sit properly, i need the ride because i will be late.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
17 Feb 10
Yes, your answer is very logical and the typical one. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@artistry (4152)
• United States
16 Feb 10
....Hi markmoney, I think that I would like to be the first passenger, that way I would have a choice. I like to have a choice, so being the first one on board would give me that latitude. If you get on the vehicle last, whereever the last vacant seat is located, that belongs to you, and as someone else mentioned, you may have half a seat at best. So allow me to march on first, and sit where I feel gives me the best view and the easiest way to get off when I want to. "o) take care.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
17 Feb 10
Yes, being the first passenger means having the benefit to choose the best and most comfortable seat. Being the last one often have the least comfortable seat. Comfortability is really important. Thank you for your response. You too, take care! Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Well if you are referring to the first seat in the driver's seat then I also like that but if you are referring to the first seat in the passengers' area at the back I like to be on the last seat of Jeepney since I could easily get out when I reach my destination.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
I'm referring to the first one to ride on, but your answer is fine and also related. Yes, that's the advantage of being on the first seat, being able to get out easily. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 10
Hello markmoney, I prefer to be the first passenger. I don't have to look for a vacant seat, or sweating and rubbing shoulders with others. I feel more comfortable as I can choose where I want to sit and no one else will disturb my 'peaceful moment' in a public transport!
@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
hi mark, like you I would love to seat on the first seat next to the conductor. when I am not in a hurry I really would want to wait for a vacant jeepney,. My first choice is to seat in the front seat so that like you I can move freely and relax. and second is in the first seat in the entrance. But in the event especially there is someone who I can see a huge woman/man or an old man I will give the seat to them. I know how it feels to bend your body walking to reach the vacant seat. I also hate those passengers who are too inconsiderate. if someone is realy uncomfortable sitting because her/his buttock would not fit the space. other would just stare and does not even adjust inorder to help. have a great day..and happy mylotting... Cheers :) =d09:)
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Hi! Your choices of seats are really the most comfortable position in a passenger jeepney. Your first choice has the advantage of being able to get out easily. Your second choice is also comfortable. I appreciate your kindness of letting the fat person to occupy your favorite seat. But I suggest which I know you will also agree, that we also give way to those old person to occupy that seat since it will be hard for them to go to the most inner side of the jeepney. Yes, most passengers are inconsiderate, they only concern for their selves, as long as they are comfortable, even others are suffering, it's fine with them. Thank you for your response. Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Hi markmoney! I think I prefer the second or third to the last. To be a first passenger sucks because you have to wait until the jeep is full before it starts to move. Yes, to be the last passenger sucks too because a portion of your butt only fills the space. While the second to the last passenger, have only to wait for the last passenger then the jeep away it goes. I am no longer have to wait too long... hehe:)
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Yes, I can see your point. It is mostly seen in jeepney stop, that the jeepney must be full first before it starts to move. In that case, your choice of being the second or third to the last is the best choice because you will not wait long. That's a nice idea. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
hello marmoney, I'd rather be the first pasenger rather than the last passenger. being the first passenger allows you to choose the seat that is more comfortable for you but being the last passenger will only give you one vacant seat in which there's a possibility that you won't fit that good during the ride.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Yes, comfortability is what differs from the two. It's really hard to be the last passenger especially if the vacant seat is not that spacious. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
I would prefer to be the first so i can choose the best seat. What i don't like is to be the last since more often you'll only have half of your butt that fits in. I really don't like it when i'm the last passenger since there were instances that i have to contend on sitting uncomfortably the whole ride and will have to rely on the handle bars for support. Adding to the fact that there are passengers who are very insensitive and don't even try to move or at least try to squeeze a little to give the last passenger room to squeeze his as*s in the seat.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Yes, I would definitely agree with all you have said. It's really uncomfortable being the last passenger. You really need to contend and balance yourself to be able to maintain your position or else you may end up falling out of your seat. Especially if the driver drives crazily, with sudden breaks and drives too fast. Oh, what an uncomfortable position that be. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
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@faimei (127)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Hi markmoney. If there is another option I would rather choose to be the passenger that comes in the middle. As what you had mention, being the first passenger is quite risky since you do not know who would ride next. Some one or some people might have bad intentions and would put your life on the line under circumstances. The only god thing when your the first passenger is you do not have to walk through the middle and touch other knees while walking. You also get to choose the seat you would want, as you had mentioned. I like sitting on the edge. The only problem is when it comes to paying. And when you're the last one, you have to sit on the vacant spot would most probably be sitting on one of your butt. =) So like you I would really prefer the first one to ride/passenger. Just have to be extra careful and be alert always.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Yes, being a passenger in between the first and the last is the most comfortable one. Being the first one is risky because who knows, maybe a gang of bad elements will be the next passenger and you will easily be a victim. Being the last one will is also risky because you are uncomfortable and what you are focusing is your balance and patience on your seat without knowing that the one beside you is already doing something bad on you. Yes, we have to be careful and alert all the time. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
I'd choose to be the first passenger because I'm a picky person and i want to sit where i'm most comfortable. If the next passengers are going to be all males, i can always step out of the vehicle to avoid awkwardness. well, it depends on the situation if i'm in a hurry or not hehe :)
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Yes, that is how I want my girlfriend to be. She should know and choose the most comfortable and safest seat for her, just like what you are doing. Yes, you should rather go out and ride another one if you feel uncomfortable with your position. Hehe. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
• Philippines
17 Feb 10
I prefer being the first one. It is really hard to seat comfortably when being the last one to sit. There are times you cannot really sit and just end up going out of the jeepney.
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
i would certainly want to be the first passenger, so that i can sit properly and not worrying about discomforts if sitting when the jeepney is full.