To Fat To Fly...

United States
February 16, 2010 3:00pm CST
Are you to fat to sit comfortably in an airplane seat? I read a story about a guy named Kevin Smith a movie director who was kicked off of southwest airplane for being to overweight. in his article he explains how he can fit comfortably in his seat and chooses to buy an extra seat just to be more comfortable, Yet Southwest Airlines didn't give him the option and just removed him from the plane. Thats ridiculous As a overweight person who flies all the time I feel they should of at least tried to find him a seat where he could be by himself or asked him to purchase another seat. It seems to me by now airlines would have upgraded their seats to accommodate everyone being that everyone is of a different size. do you think it was right for the airline to make Fat People get off the plane? Please read the link below some of the peoples comments regarding this matter was out of control!
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8 responses
• Slovak Republic
16 Feb 10
It is not right to take a passenger of the airline just because he or she is fat.The airline should ask them to buy another seat next to to them.The airlines will not make seat that fit all sizes of people because making seats that can fit all types of people will decrease the number of seats as the new seats have to be bigger and will take more space on the airplane.Taking in view the current market situation the airlines cannot afford to make any changes to the seats.Plus if someone who is overweight can make the flight a bit uneasy for the passenger next to them.
• United States
16 Feb 10
Its not right, and airlines need to stop being so greedy, I will say I enjoyed Virgin Airlines, they are fairly new and they have larger seats.
• Slovak Republic
17 Feb 10
Very true the airlines have to stop being so greedy. But because of the economic downturn the airlines have no choice but to be greedy.As the situation improves the airlines will come to there old selfs, when they used to provided passengers with all the luxuries.The issue of over weight people having trouble with the airlines has been there for a long time.But there are some airlines who give better seats and service than others,like the one you mentioned Virgin Airlines.
• South Africa
17 Feb 10
I am fat, no I am obese. In 2007 I took a flight and I fitted in the seat, although I had wished that it had been wider, but I did not overflow and did not take up my neighbors space. I drive a 1300 Toyota and my car seat is wider that the airplane seat, so in my opinion, airplane seats are too narrow. My sister-in-law, not fat and not obese, mentioned that the seats are too narrow and foot space is also a problem. If you drop something you have to turn sideways to pick it up and have you seen how narrow the isles are, if the stewardess is busy with the drinks/food cart, there is no space to pass the cart. No seriously, I think someone should bring this to the attention of airline companies, because it is a know fact that they are making the seat and spaces in between to narrow in their aim to increase profits. The more seats you can get into a plane the more passengers you can charge on a single flight. As for the idiotic comments make by the idiots regarding obese people, I pray you never find your self in a situation were you end up being the "fat" person. I personally feel that one should not have to pay for two seats just because you are fat, the seats should be wide enough to accommodate fat people. But if you are placed in a position where you are in need of more space and it is available, I can not see any reason why you should be put of the plane. I stand with Kevin Smith. As for planes being overloaded, no obese person can be responsible for that, only a calculation error on the side of the plane administrators can lead to a plane being overloaded. So scared guys, if the plane falls, it is not the fat guys fault.
• United States
17 Feb 10
So true even for smaller individuals they complain how the seats are just to small and the space for the legs are to congested. Someone should complain and I am sure people have but these airlines are about making money and they are not going to consider overweight issues because they would have done it a long time ago, this is not the first time and wont be the last , its really sad but I am glad Virgin America is a new airline that is much more comfortable than the others and I choose to fly with them
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
17 Feb 10
this is ridiculous... if we have the money and pay for the ticket, i think the airline has no right at all to remove him from the plane... also, if he want to purchase another ticket to make himself more comfortable, i think he should be allowed to do that... this is really making me feel so mad... take care and have a nice day...
• United States
17 Feb 10
It is ridiculous and I know how it feels first hand and they don't care when issues like this come up they make overweight people feel as though they are an outcast of society and its their fault and should just loose weight, but they don't take into consideration different people have different problems and should be more empathetic
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Feb 10
hi acousticsoul I am also an overweight person but have never been denied a seat the few times I have flown. I think this man was discriminated against. He may have the makings of a lawsuit against Southwest who are overpriced to begin with. They could have found him a seat if they had not been so obnoxious because of his size.. my lord next they will be denying seats to those who are skinny on grounds they are anorexic.
• United States
17 Feb 10
Yes so true Kevin was discriminated against. My friend has been thrown off a plane before and was treated nasty because of her weight and its not right just like one of the posters above mentioned what about the children that are to small to fill a seat should they pay full price, well they should accommodate larger people as well
@kaylachan (60011)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Feb 10
that's a tricky thing. Different airlines have different guidlines for people. I'm overweight, but not by much. I'm more disabled then anything. despite this I can sit in a regular seat with no problem. But, I try to look at things from other prespectives. They may be slightly concered from a medical standpoint. Depending on his size should he get in an accident would he be able to be moved like say a skinner person might or a person lighter in weight. I don't try to understand why airlines are like they are, but its their call and they have some issues they need to work out.
• United States
17 Feb 10
To tell you the truth I don't think they care if they get in an accident and if a person is able to move swift or not because a skinny person can be disabled then what. I understand where your coming from but I believe the airlines are being greedy and taking advantage of people. we live in a world of all shapes and sizes and they should accommodate or make provisions, the bus and train doesn't have weight issues
@kyvin147 (78)
17 Feb 10
NO its not right... it is there obligation to find some ways to make their customers to be comfortable... and if they really cannot accommodate such problem they must approach that person first before his/her flight.... And they must upgrade their facilities i order to help and accommodate other people...
• United States
17 Feb 10
Yes I've known some airlines to upgrade a overweight person to first class or a passenger next to an overweight person so they are more comfortable. Im sure southwest could have done better
• United States
16 Feb 10
I think it was just totally uncalled for to be honest! For one he was not even as big as they made him sound for another I am a large women myself and have never be denied a flight. They said it was because they felt it was a safty issue. Bull Crap! Maybe they should look for real safty issues.I do not feel that it was right and boy would I sue!
• United States
16 Feb 10
I agree very uncalled for, I've seen where my best-friend was escorted off the plane by a security guard. The flight attendant I guess was afraid to tell her she needed to take another flight that was really embarrassing for us. she could have told her herself instead she made a big scene
@sushie93 (1355)
• France
16 Feb 10
They have not the right to take someone off the plane just because he's too fat! It's like a big insult for me, like a physical discrimination! o
• United States
16 Feb 10
I feel the same way but the funny thing is some airlines state within there policies that if a person is to overweight they will need to purchase an extra seat